In-Depth Bible Teaching for the Follower of Yeshua



Bible Teaching from the Bible's Jewish and Hebrew Roots

Cf.   Dt. 8:3  –  Lk. 4:4

** I warmly invite you to learn & grow from the Bible’s incredible Hebrew & Often Hebraic/Jewish text, together with me, Jacob Stone, a solidly Jewish 32-year follower of God’s Son Yeshua  please click or tap here now to learn more

*** God Loves You – We Love You – For Prayer Needs or Requests, please click or tap here

** Learn Deeper connections between the Hebrew Bible and the Renewed Covenant Scriptures, thru the Rich Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots that Connect Them

*** Chizik – Our Weekly Strengthening & Encouragement for You – From the Word – Introduction – please click or tap here

* This Week’s Chizik 

‘Stay In Your Lane’ – Walking Together in Union with Yeshua – Colossians 2:6

*** Real, Deeper Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots Focus on Following Yeshua

** Preparation – Learning the Real Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots – Paul’s Exhortation to Do an Inner Purification of False Teaching So We Can Serve the Master  2 Tim. 2:21-22

The Great Importance for Followers of Yeshua Purging False Teaching from Themselves – 2 Tim. 2:15, 21-22  

** please click or tap here to access more – on following Yeshua as He intends

** More Original, Deeper Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots Teaching

The Ten Commandments and Israel’s Incredible Experience with God Directly from the Rich Hebrew of Exodus 20

The Resurrection of Yeshua – Paul’s Pharisee, Hebrew, and Jewish Basis for the Resurrection – 1 Cor. 15:1-20

Please click or tap here to access

** More Key Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots – A Great Biblical Fall Focus for Yeshua’s Followers we encourage you to click or tap here to learn more

** October Podcasts & Blog for You – Focusing on Israel’s Situation Today – to access our original podcasts & blog for October, please click or tap here now

** Why We Need and Ask for Your Kind Support – The Bible Teaches You’ll Be Richly Blessed for Blessing Your Jewish Brother – please click or tap here now


Learn from Hebrew and Jewish Bible Teacher Jacob Stone

*** Yeshua said to Peter, “If you love me, feed my sheep” Yochanon (“God is gracious”, John’s original Hebrew name) 21:15-17.  Feeding you (we hope!) true Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots of Yeshua and the Bible


In Depth Bible Teachings Based on Hebrew Roots of the Bible

** Hundreds of fresh audio & written teachings – and more – in 8 unique windows below. Please simply click or tap the window

** Then simply click or tap again to open the teaching window

** You can easily access other windows by scrolling up/down

*** We’re here to help you study your Bible more deeply – and walk it out

Yeshua's Teachings & Hebrew Roots
** Yeshua and the Good News – The True, Deeper Hebrew Roots & True Jewish Roots – Plus Rich Koine Greek Text Insights

The LORD'S Teaching Taught Directly from the Uniquely Rich Hebrew Text
** Torah – The LORD’S Teaching and Revelation – Taught Directly from HebrewWith Yeshua’s Torah Teaching – And Innovative Weekly Torah Portion Teaching

Deeper Hebrew & Jewish Roots of the Bible
** The Deeper Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots of the Bible From A-Z And Following YeshuaPlus Rich Greek Text Insights

** includes original, in-depth teaching on Blessing, Giving & Tithing

Rich Hebrew Psalms
** The Rich Hebrew Psalms – Insights from the Deeper Hebrew that Touches & Heals Our Hearts

Hebrew & Jewish Basis of Prayer and Healing
** Yeshua’s Hebrew & Jewish Heart, And the Hebrew & Jewish Basis of Prayer and Healing

Deeper Hebrew & Jewish Themed Learning
** Deeper Hebrew & Jewish Themed Podcasts, Learning & Conversation, and Blogs – About God, The Bible, and Life

Western Religious System - Or the Bible's Largely Hebrew & Jewish Basis
** The Western Religious System – Or the Bible’s Largely Hebrew & Jewish Basis?

Daily Strengthening & Encouragement from Scripture
** A Word from the Word – Deeper Daily Devotional & Encouragement for You

** God willing, new teaching – and more – regularly added

Learn from the Hebrew and Jewish Roots of the Bible

** Featured Real Hebrew Roots & Real Jewish Roots Teaching – And More – For October

What The Real Purpose of the Assembly Is – Ephesians 3:9-10 Part 1 & 2

to listen to Part 2, please click or tap here

** New Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots – And More – Uploads for You

** For our all Hebrew text-based weekly Torah reading teaching & encouragement, please scroll up to the Torah picture above the food picture (Please note – the food picture above before the first Teaching Window shows some of the delicious pesticide-free Middle Eastern food of Israel. We hope to serve and honor our LORD and His Son Yeshua, by feeding you.) Cf. Yochanon (‘God is gracious’, ‘John’s’ original Hebrew name) 21:15-17

Why Tragically the Hebrew Roots Movement Isn’t Hebrew or Biblical – But How It Could Be – Parts 1 & 2

To learn how to access these teachings, please click or tap here.

** Why It Took Us 12 1/2 Years to Get Our Site Online for You – Why We Need & Ask for Your Kind Support – You’ll Be Blessed by Doing So – please click or tap here now

A portion of your gracious donation to us is donated to various charities in Israel – the People of Yeshua cf. Mt. 1 etc.; especially Rev. 5:5, 22:16. Also to charities in the U.S.!

Are you looking for deeper Bible study?

Are you looking for the true Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots our wonderful Yeshua actually illuminates for us?

We are here for you!

Questions? Are you searching for more of God? Prayer needs? We care about you! Please click contact us.

May our Wonderful God guide your learning and richly bless you and yours!

On our site may you find food for thought and drink for a thirsty soul

Bible Teachings from Jewish and Hebrew Roots of the Bible