A Traditional Hebrew Prayer Rendered and Adapted for the Situation in Ukraine


Occasionally I (Jacob) email out prayer requests or needs.  I began including some teaching with them as a sort of natural outgrowth, to God willing feed and encourage!

A while back both my very dear Christian brother John and I each had the same thought; why not have John cull the teaching part of the prayer request email and utilize it as a blog, so anyone could see it?

So, we’ve taken number of the blogs for you accordingly; that way anyone coming to the site would have access to the teaching part of the prayer request email and God willing also get some additional feeding and encouragement! Cf. Yochanon (“God is gracious”, “John’s original Hebrew name as we explain in our teaching) 21:15-17.

What follows is a rendering of a short traditional Hebrew prayer used for those suffering due to war or some other situation that places them in danger, that I recently sent out as an email.

By rendering I mean opening up the original language more/much more deeply than can be done in translation.

You will see the following abbreviations and name used in the email:

KG – short for Koine (“Common”) Greek, the form of Greek used in the RCS.  It is frequently, especially in the Gospels and Yochanon’s writings, Hebraic & Jewish.

RCS – Renewed Covenant Scriptures; a much more accurate name than “New Testament”, as we explain in our teaching.

Ruach Hakodesh – original Hebrew name of the Holy Spirit.

We use these abbreviations and names in our teaching, and we explain why in our Glossary.

The Glossary can be found on the Teaching & Podcast page – there’s a clickable tab at the top of the Home Page that opens that page for you – after clicking the Teaching and Podcast tab, simply scroll down to the teaching window Key Topics A-Z, click the + icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window, and when it opens, please scroll down to G Glossary.

For more on the unique richness and depth of the original Hebrew name of the Holy Spirit, please simply follow the instructions immediately above, and also scroll down to Key Topics A-Z.  Open the window and please scroll to K Keys To Key Words In Scripture.

You will also find teaching essays there on the Hebrew Name LORD, as well as the name of Yeshua.

We would love to include you in our email prayer list!  It’s easy and there’s no cost or obligation to you. I may also as God willing time allows, occasionally email out some teaching and encouragement.  If you or anyone you know has prayer needs, please do not hesitate to email them to us so I (Jacob) can incorporate them into the traditional Hebrew prayers I recite.

Plus, others will be praying as well!

There’s no cost or obligation. Emails are sent BCC, so no one else sees your email address.

You absolutely will not receive emails with “ads” nor will your email address be passed along to anyone without your express permission!

Full names in the prayer request email are not used without express permission in order to respect people’s privacy. I have also emailed the prayer requests using just a first initial or sometimes not even that; just the situation or need. Whatever you are comfortable with!

If you click the Contact Us tab at the top of the Home Page, and scroll down in the Contact Us page, you will see that there is a direct email link and message area.

Our Blogs can be easily found. Just click the Teaching & Podcast tab at the top of the homepage, and when it opens simply scroll down to the Learning and Conversation and Podcasts & Blogs window.

Click the + icon in the upper left-hand corner of the window to open it.

You also have a direct homepage clickable to the Teaching page as well as to each individual teaching window, after the Homepage Samples!

Thank you and may our wonderful God richly bless you and yours in Yeshua’s name!


Warm greetings to all In Yeshua’s marvelous name!

The following is a short traditional Hebrew plea for mercy for those in trouble that I have rendered (hopefully opening up the Hebrew more deeply than the limits of translation), and have adapted to include followers of Yeshua.  It is recited after the Community recites Shine Forth Songs of Praise (as we point out the Hebrew meaning of “Psalms”) specifically utilized for those in trouble, as we have mentioned in previous emails.

As follows:

Our brothers and in connectedness our sisters and the whole of the Body of the Mashiach, and also for the House of Israel, the Root we are engrafted into (cf. Rom. 11:17-2; Eph. 2:11-22) and to whom we are obligated because we learned of You through them (cf. Rom. 15:25-28 v..27 etc. etc.) who are found to be given over in distress and reside in captivity and are enduring, whether at sea or on dry land, may the positive bearer of existence actuality The One Always Established, have mercy, like a soft touch of the womb and in connectedness protect them from harm, and actively cause to send them forth away from the source of distress, ro relief, and from darkness to light, and away from the source of work of another’s will, to redemption from the present danger in Ukraine, now and speedily and in a time that actively draws near.

And let our response be to say, our collective outer expression of our personal inner desire Amen – that we not only affirm what we have asked, but that we take it in to use it to strengthen ourselves in Your service, in Yeshua’s name.

Quick note; traditionally one does not answer Amen to their own prayer.

Amen comes from the Hebrew which means not “faith” but “steadfastness, steadfast trustworthiness”. There is a beautiful word picture associated with steadfastness, “like a hook secure in a wall “.  A hook secure in a wall is not a concept/idea (Greek) but rather, is “concrete” (Hebrew) i.e., real.

Yeshua did not actually ask his fellow Galilean Jews to “believe” in him; that lacks concreteness.  As we repeatedly repeat in our teaching Greek is passive/ position oriented; Hebrew is active/action oriented.

Yeshua did not look for his fellow Jews to take a “position” about him being their promised Mashiach, but rather that they place their steadfast trustworthiness in him like hanging something on a hook secure in a wall.

As we just mentioned Hebrew is action and active oriented. Yeshua was no “philosopher”; he wasn’t looking for an intellectual assent to his words, followed by passivity. Yeshua is of Hebrew heart – not Greek/Western mind! Rather than taking a position “about” him and being passive, he expected his fellow Jews who placed their steadfast trustworthiness in him, to respond by “being and doing” accordingly!

In Yeshua’s Hebrew heart, his concern is what do we “be and do” once we have placed our steadfast trustworthiness in him.

You should please note that the Western Religious Tradition System places far far more emphasis on “belief/faith”.  This is because the Western System is Greek/Latin oriented. Yet, according to a Greek concordance of the RCS KG text, there are several hundred uses – each – of the Greek words for “be/become” (“ginomai“) and “make/do” (“poio“).

Significantly, just over 60% of the uses of each word are found in the Good News. This means there are over 350+ uses of each word in the Good News; over 400 for “be/become/became”.  This is why we stress “be and do” in our teaching; because the Good News emphasizes that!

“Holy” in Hebrew, as we point out in our teaching, comes from a Hebrew verb “prepare for task; dedicate all resources”.  One of the great Torah teachers and word study experts points out in Hebrew that it more deeply denotes “complete firmness unaffected by opposition; total commitment unaffected by struggle”.

The Ruach Hakodesh is not given over to use for individualistic ecstatic experiences, as some unfortunately emphasize.  Rather, it equips us with a complete firmness and the ability to have the total commitment we need, to serve God and others!

May our brethren in the Ukraine feel the power and be empowered by the Ruach Hakodesh to have the complete firmness and total commitment they need to be unaffected by the struggle they are going through, and may God please protect those trying to help.

In Yeshua’s name.

For more on steadfast trustworthiness please visit the website, go to the Teaching page, scroll down to the third teaching window General Topics A-Z, scroll to F and there you’ll find audio teaching entitled Faith or Steadfast Trustworthiness?

Lastly before I forget, steadfast trustworthiness is another key Hebrew word that unfortunately Greek has no equivalent to.

Hebrews 11 is sometimes called ” the great chapter on faith”.  It is very “key” to remember; those mentioned are all found in the Torah and the Hebrew Bible. None of them knew a single letter of Greek! They were not great people of “faith” in the Western sense; rather, they demonstrated tremendous steadfast trustworthiness, and trustworthiness unaffected by struggle, in the God of Israel!

