We’re here to honor the LORD and we would love to hear from you! Please message, email or mail us with comments, questions, etc.
To message us, please scroll down to our direct prayer request & message link below
Or write to: Together Outreach, PO Box 881, Westwood, MA 02090
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Prayer Requests – If you would like me (your Jewish brother Jacob) to include your prayer requests in the traditional prayers in Hebrew, the prayer language of Yeshua, please submit in the form below. Cf. Mt. 27:46, Mk. 6:46, etc. Cf. Acts 2:42, 3:1, 24:18, etc.
We very much encourage you to read the following teaching on Biblically based prayer.
** To learn about Biblical prayer and be encouraged, please see the 5th of our 8 unique Teaching Windows on “Yeshua’s Hebrew Heart, Prayer and Healing”, further down on our Home page
Submit Your Prayer Request
We hope to put a big smile on your face, from the joy of knowing the Personal LORD and His Son, according to the meaning of “know” in Hebrew.
“Experience, intimacy, personal relationship”, that is our hearts’ desire for all!
If we can help you to do so in any way, please feel free to email us. We warmly welcome hearing from you!
We hope our website is a blessing and very helpful to you. If you would like to help us spread the Word of God and be a blessing to others, we have cards with our website and email address on them that you can hand out to others. We’d be very happy to send these to you! Please kindly email us with your mailing address. Also, if our teaching has been a blessing to you, please tell others about this website thru social media or any other means!