A Missing “Key” Hebrew Root & Jewish Root About Yeshua His Followers Must Know

Please note: this was originally an email that our Jewish Brother Jacob Stone sent out. Due to what we believe is the great importance of the subject matter, we include it for you here.

For the website, Jacob has also added some additional teaching.

Jacob often uses the following abbreviations:

KG – Short for Koine Greek, the type of often Hebraic/Jewish Greek found in the RCS, Jacob’s abbreviation for the Renewed Covenant Scriptures. This is a much much more accurate term than “New Testament”, as Jacob explains throughout his teaching.


Greetings to all in Yeshua’s name!

We mentioned previously about the need and the great advantage Paul wrote to Timothy about, in doing an inner purification from wrong teaching 2 Tim. 2:21-22.  (Again, cf. the immediately preceding verses for context; always very important for understanding and applying Scripture!)

We hope the following will challenge you in a good way, and encourage and equip you in your process of doing an inner purification of any wrong teaching if you have any (cf. 2Tim. 2:21). My hope Is the following will be particularly helpful for those still struggling in some way with the Religious System.

Either way I hope this will be helpful and beneficial to all!

We also mentioned previously that one of the great Torah teachers very correctly points out: our thinking drives our will which drives our action. We very humbly added that it’s our understanding that drives our thinking that drives our will that drives our action.

In Hebrew “understand” comes from a word that literally means “between” and the same root letters form both words. More deeply it also means separating out our fiction from God’s fact.

The last few decades have seen an increasing number of evangelical scholars and Christian writers pointing out how much the Traditions of Men have interfered with the Word of God. (Cf. Mk. 7:6 and surrounding; cf. the context).

What I would like to do for us is bring out some things regarding a key dynamic of Yeshua and getting the System out of oneself.

At the end I’ll point out what I hope God willing are some concrete ways one who desires to get the System out of themselves or who simply want a much more accurate and authentic Biblically-based understanding in general, can utilize to begin to change their understanding!

First though, what brought this to the fore for me – and now? My very dear brother John, my “Tertios” Rom. 16:22 and I are now learning Torah together when we meet by phone on Wednesday mornings to work on the website. As I mentioned, we typically record these and John’s in the process of uploading them to the Torah window on the website. Please allow me to reiterate again; we’re learning together directly from the incredibly rich Hebrew text of the Torah!

As John and the very dear “Philippians” are learning Torah I am reminded again of what I mentioned previously; the theophanies. These are the pre-incarnate appearances of Yeshua, in this instance in the Torah.

In particularly preparing for God willing part two of Yeshua in the Torah, I was working through the Hebrew of Gen.49:8-12.  This is clearly a Messianic reference by Jacob in the process of speaking of his sons’ futures.  This is acknowledged not only by evangelical scholars but also many of the great Torah commentators to be referring to Israel’s Mashiach!

What was driven home again? That Yeshua is absolutely, completely, totally – and uniquely – part of the whole of the Jewish People.

Yeshua is very identified with Judah and as the Mashiach near the end of Genesis, in the opening of the Good News Mt. 1, Yeshua’s identity and connection with Judah and Yeshua’s deep and very Jewish connectedness is extensively mentioned.  This culminates at the end of the Bible, Revelation, in his specific identity with both the tribe of Judah and with David; even now in the Heavens  Rev. 5:5; cf. 22:16.

In my teaching on these particularly significant verses, I hope I’ve opened up the following “keys” of Yochanon’s (“God is gracious”, John’s original name) often Hebraic KG in Revelation.

(For much much more: please see the first of our 8 teaching windows on the Teaching & Podcasts page, Yeshua and the Good News – The True, Deeper Hebrew & Jewish Roots).

Rev. 5:5 has not one – but two – specific identifications of Yeshua in Heaven, with the Jewish People. In KG in Rev.5:5 , “the” referring to Yeshua as …”the Lion” also (probably) includes “one of a kind” (called “monadic”). What is the great significance? The Text in Rev.5:5 means exactly what it says about Yeshua’s specific identification with the tribe of Judah.

The reference is not only to “the Lion”; but he is also ” …specifically out from within part of the whole of the tribe Judah”.  Many are familiar with, in English, “the Lion of Judah”.  Unfortunately, what seems to be emphasized is only “the Lion” – as though Yeshua is just referred to as the Lion. That the Lion has a specific connectedness with the tribe Judah unfortunately seems to get overlooked.

The reference to our wonderful Mashiach cannot – possibly – be an “allegory” for someone else!

Further and very significantly again – Yeshua is specifically the subject referred to (in KG) with the tribe Judah. Also very significantly – in KG this is “source, from, out from within (“ek“). Nowhere – at least that I’ve ever seen in the Renewed Covenant Scriptures – is Yeshua referred to in KG as “separated off from the outside (of) the tribe Judah” (KG “apo“). Nor, “separated off from the outside” of Israel, i.e., the Jewish People, or especially also – with David!

Additionally – and again very significantly – Yeshua in Rev. 5:5 is also specifically identified as the subject named and referred to as being ” …the root David”. (English has to add “of David” so it’s not awkward. “Of” is not Yochanon’s KG form here).

A “Key” Great Significance Christians Lost About Yeshua

Augustine, of the late 4th/early 5th century, “allegorized” Rev. 21 and the renewed, new in quality Jerusalem – Heaven – as an “allegory” for the Gentile Institution on Earth.  Augustine – hugely hugely influential – allegorized the KG Text. Why? The  KG Text itself, did not support his anti-Semitic agenda.

As we’ve pointed out in our teaching on Rev.21 – the KG Text repeatedly and consistently specifically refers to Jerusalem or in various – and consistently – forms of “the City”; not “a City”. In short – the Text can only mean what it says!

In Rev. 5:5, the specific references to Yeshua as coming, in the original, “… out from within and part of the whole of the tribe of Judah”, and “… the root David”, can only only mean exactly what Yochanon writes – period!

I doubt Augustine allegorized the references in Revelation about Yeshua as an ” allegory” about someone else!

In Rev. 22:16 – 5 1/2-6 decades after his Ascension – and one of the very last verses of the Word of God – Yeshua identifies himself. He Identifies himself as follows. Specifically, as…” the offspring David”. ” Offspring”, though recorded here of course in KG (“genos“), is a Hebrew way of Yeshua referring to his being a descendant of David! Cf. Mt. 1:1 v.5; cf. esp. Lk. 1:30-34 etc. etc.

Two keys in particular should be noted in Rev. 22:16. This is the only mention of the assemblies since Yeshua’s Torah like warning/admonishing to 7 of them in Rev. 2-3.

The other is: Yeshua instructs the angel to tell these Gentile assemblies he is specifically identified with David.

In Yeshua’s Hebrew heart “the” means more deeply “the positive bearer of existence actuality”. Yeshua identifies himself with David as something that is in actuality!

It should also be noted: there are absolutely no references in Revelation to the Universal Assembly – period. There are none – period – between the admonishings in Rev. 2-3 and 22:16.

There are 15 references about Heaven that describe it in terms of the Temple. Thirteen of these in KG are in various forms, “the Temple”. These can only – in the KG text – mean exactly what they say.

Augustine certainly did not begin anti-Semitism by those Gentile leaders who claimed to be followers of Yeshua. Unfortunately, Augustine very much continued Christian anti-Semitism.

Augustine’s book The City of God, in which he allegorized the Heavenly Jerusalem as the Gentile Institution on Earth, cemented in place Christian theology Replacement Theology.

Replacement Theology is the very very erroneous belief that the Gentile Institution was the “new” or “true” Israel. This, despite the fact that there isn’t a single verse – not one – that states that – period.

In order for post-Biblical Gentile leadership to have Christians feel loyal and obligated to the Gentile Institution – rather than the Christian’s Biblical obligation and spiritual connection with the Jewish People and Jewish Brothers – Yeshua – and everyone around him as well as everything about him – had to be completely recast in totally Gentile terms.

It would ultimately be an existential threat to the Gentile System, if Yeshua is seen by Christians according to the actual Hebrew and Jewish Biblical model of Yeshua. This includes – again – Yeshua as uniquely part of the whole of the Jewish People in both his divinity and his Jewish humanity.

Whenever there’s discussion in the Gentile System or something comes up about Yeshua being a Jew, this is generally minimized – and the subject is very quickly changed to discussing his divinity.

If Christians understand their Savior is actually Yeshua Hamashiach, that he is very very connected with the Jewish People – and also very very connected with their Jewish Brothers – rather than the post-Biblical de-Hebraized de-Judaized westernized “JC” model Christians are unfortunately indoctrinated with, it is again, an existential threat to Gentile leadership….

In the same way, the Gospel and RCS emphasis is actually on the Kingdom. As we’ve repeatedly repeated in our teaching: a Greek concordance shows that in the Gospel there are 111 references to the Kingdom. There is one – one – reference by Yeshua to the Universal Assembly.

Yet it is this one reference to the Universal Assembly – that is repeatedly repeated and instilled and inculcated in Christians; not, the 110+ actual Gospel references to the Kingdom!

Overall in the RCS it is 137 to less than 30. For Paul the references to the Kingdom and the Universal Assembly are almost the same plus or minus. Yet what is emphasized by Gentile leadership to Christians, is what Paul says about the Universal Assembly – not what Paul says about the Kingdom!

In short for here, in the same way Gentile leadership calls the Jewish followers of Yeshua “Christians” or “Jewish Christians”. The former is never – period – used by Jewish followers about themselves. Paul – in fact – never uses the term “Xristianos” “Christians”.

In now praise God 28 years intensive study of the RCS in KG, I have yet to see the term “Ioudaios Xristianos” “Jewish Christians”. This term also is another anachronistic revision from the actual Scriptural model, created by Gentile leadership.

In short, tragically beyond words, the Christian’s connection with a Jewish Savior, his Jewish People, and the Christian’s connection with – and obligation to (Rom. 15:27) – their Jewish Brothers, was lost….

The Christians’ obligation to the Jewish People and their Jewish Brothers – and the Jewish People and Jewish Brothers being the Christians means of being blessed – was lost.

The overarching Hebrew & Jewish basis of the Bible was replaced with loyalty and obligation to a very decidedly and deliberately Greek/Latin, later English, based Gentile Institution. Also, that now that Institution was the Christians’ “means” of blessings.

What Christians lost – beside the hugely incalculable amount of blessing – was not what in Hebrew is called “external, superficial” Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots – such as the “Festivals” and using Judaica.

Rather, what was lost was teaching on the deeper – and true – Hebrew Roots & and Jewish Roots called in Hebrew “inwardly”, and also what is called “spirituality”. The Christians’ Lord and Savior was very greatly concerned about the Jewish People he came from, and the Jewish Brothers he personally – personally – called to take his message forward!

Yeshua also sees himself – sees himself – as part of the whole of the Jewish People cf. esp. Yochanon 4:22.

That message for Gentiles had absolutely nothing to do with what is taught and focused on today; “Festivals” and using Judaica.

Christiand didn’t lose the “Festivals” or Judaica; those were never ever specifically given to the Gentiles! You can’t “lose” something that was never yours in the first place!

What tragically – beyond words – Christians have lost is this in part. The real, true Hebrew and Jewish Roots that Christians need restored is their connection with and obligation to the Jewish People and the Jewish Brothers and their deep, deep, Yeshua-like heart for the Jewish People and their Jewish Brothers.

Speaking the truth in love: not a heart that says “I/we love the Jewish People” superficially; but rather one that has great great connection, concern, and sees their obligation (cf. Rom. 15:27 et al.) to their Jewish Brothers – because of and for the sake of Yeshua! Rather than a heart focused on “me” or Self or being a member of a Gentile Institution.

This heart is the first thing that must be restored if Christians are going to be able to do an inner purification from false teaching; cf. esp. 2 Tim. 2:21-22. So, thus get back to the deeper – and true – Hebrew & Jewish Roots of Yeshua, of the Torah, and of the Bible.

Things such as: putting the Self to death, cf. Yochanon 12:24-26, Mk. 8:30-34, esp. v.34. Without this, there can be no authentic restoration of Hebrew and Jewish Roots….1

Very very particularly important is acquiring and putting into action – cf. Mt. 7:12 et al., Lk. 10 :37 etc. etc. – godly and Mashiach-like attributes that the LORD exercises towards Man, and that Yeshua walked out for us.

Those things are known in Hebrew as “godly character traits and integrity”, “spiritual level”, “ethics, morals, commitment, discipline; a striving for personal perfection in serving God by serving others” (a word particularly used in Proverbs), “piety”, “love”.  Love in Hebrew has absolutely nothing to do with Self.

There can be no true – or authentic – Hebrew & Jewish Roots that do not seek to “mimetai” “imitate” Yeshua. That imitation has nothing – whatsoever – to do with today’s focus.  The missing Hebrew & Jewish Roots which are first and foremost to be acquired are not “Judaica”. They are not the observance of a few of the Festivals – or even all of them! It is the character, total integrity, and Hebrew and Jewish heart of Yeshua and being in doing as he did that is authentically Hebrew and Jewish.

Love in Hebrew in part means desire for the best for the other, a willingness to give in, to breathe after someone.  This in action – not in concept – is exactly exactly exactly what Yeshua Illuminates for us in its highest level, through his words, teaching, his actions.

Also – beyond what we can comprehend, being separated from the Father on the Cross, for the sake of the whole World! Cf esp 1 Yochanon 2:2, which is very Hebraically expressed by Yochanon.

(As we’ve mentioned Heaven in Hebrew is plural; cf. Paul 2 Cor. 12:2 “…eos tritou ouranou” “until (of the) third Heaven”.  Paul puts this at the end of the verse for emphasis. We should note that the Pharisees – Paul remained one – Acts 23:6 et al. – believed in 7 levels of Heaven).

To return: many of my dear Christian brethren unfortunately seem to be unaware – because of Western Religious Tradition System teaching – this “key”.  That is, just how completely, totally and utterly Yeshua remained – and remains (!) – part of the whole of the Jewish People.

That again, Yeshua – completely uniquely – is deeply connected with the Jewish People both in his preincarnate divine theophanies (preincarnate appearances) and in his totally Jewish humanity while in Israel. Also even now while at the right hand of the Father in the Heavens!

What Is Most Required for True and Authentic “Hebrew Roots/ Jewish Roots”

The last few decades have seen a tremendous increase in teaching and interest in the “Jewish Roots” of “JC”. However unfortunately what seems to be frequently lacking in these well intended –  and very necessary teachings – is the following “key”. There can be no authentically and accurate Hebrew and Jewish Yeshua who is not completely part of the whole of the Jewish People – period.

There can be no authentic and accurate Hebrew and Jewish Yeshua, who is also not very very very deeply concerned for your Jewish Brothers.

There can be no, accurate and authentic “Hebrew Roots” and “Jewish Roots” movements, that lack the understanding of Yeshua’s being part of the whole of the Jewish People, and the connectedness of the Jewish Brothers with him!

This – this is, if not the first “Hebrew Root” or “Jewish Root” that must – must – be taught and instilled and inculcated, then it absolutely is one of the first!

Yeshua Did Not Live On Earth in a Vacuum

Yochanon 1:14 says, “… kai O Logos sarx egeneto“…. more deeply  “and in connection the specific subject named, the divine wisdom, will, protection, teaching flesh became…

This refers to Yeshua.  The verse in KG – which is very Hebraic as is Yochanon’s Prologue to his Gospel Yochanon 1:1-18 – also very Hebraically says this.

In KG, that literally the Word (as translated; probably based on an Aramaic term “Memra” “Word”) “… tented in among us”. Translated “dwelt” Yochanon very Hebraically uses the KG “skene” “tent”, as a verb.  “The Word tented in among us”.

The use of “sarx” “flesh” is Hebraic. That flesh was not “generic”; it was Jewish…. Those whom Yeshua (divinity coming in the flesh) “tented” among were the Jews of the Galil (Galilee) in first-century Israel. Not, Gentiles of the American Bible Belt!

Yeshua is – completely, totally and uniquely – identified with the Jewish People in his divinity as the Angel of the LORD in the Hebrew Bible, and from the beginning of the RCS Mt. 1:1 to the end of Scripture Rev. 22:16 – and several places in between!

Yeshua did not exist on Earth in a vacuum. He was not somehow a “generic everyman” as Christians are basically taught.  Yeshua had a very specific human identity he was very identified with.  This is one of the key things that distinguishes the Truth from some of the ancient pagan mystery cult myths about a son of god savior.

As an increasing number of others point out; those opposed to Yeshua are always clearly identified as “ the Jews”. His first followers were virtually only Jews or proselytes to one of the early first century Judaisms (note the plural) and had cast their lot with the Jewish People.

It’s very important to be aware of this please: Yeshua’s followers are never ever identified as Jews by the System.  Yeshua’s first Jewish followers too are “generic”. Or, they are completely anachronistically called “Christians”. The first Jewish leaders who were followers of Yeshua of course are not Jews either. They became “Christianized” by the System.

This is typified by “baking in” the “conversion of Paul to Christianity”, calling the first Jewish followers “Christians” – a name they in fact never called themselves – and as we pointed out a word Paul never uses – period!  Referring to the “church in Jerusalem”, and of course re-casting Miriam, Jacob, and Judah as “Mary James and Jude”.

Think of a family in which to attack one member of that family would be seen as an attack on all. No one would stand idly by and watch a family member God forbid get physically or verbally attacked.

A key reason Jews have been attacked physically and otherwise over the centuries? The System disconnected Yeshua not only from being Hebrew and Jewish, but also disconnected him – and thus his followers – from any connection and obligation to the Jewish People and the Jewish Brothers.  The System then spent centuries railing against “the Jews”.

Thus my dear Christian brethren think one can simply ignore Yeshua’s Jewish People and his Jewish followers. Why do many Christians think it matters little one way or the other if they ignore those raised up today by Yeshua and sent to the Gentile brethren?

Because Yeshua is not seen as part of the whole of the Jewish People. Yeshua may be thought of as a “Jew”; but fundamentally and foundationally and spiritually Jewish, and part of the whole of the Jewish people still?  That simply cannot be; because that is a threat to the Religious System.

If your loyalty and your support goes to your Jewish Brothers rather than to the Gentile Institution, that is an existential threat to that System.

Christians are taught that “they’re” the only ones who have any connection with Yeshua. Should one think that their Jewish Brothers – especially those Yeshua raises up and sends these days – are somehow “less” connected with Yeshua than Christians are?

That somehow Yeshua only cares, only is close to, his Gentile followers; but not to their Jewish Brothers?

To which Gentiles or Gentile Nation or Nations is the Bible from?  Cf. Paul to the Corinthians 1 Cor. 4:7-8, 14:36.

Many Christians unfortunately think somehow the System has power over them or their salvation.  The only power the System has? The power you give it. It has no more power over you then the Wizard of Oz had the power to send Dorothy back to Kansas!

If you’re familiar with the movie you know that the Good Witch tells Dorothy she had the power to return home to Kansas all along….

If you notice, the System quotes no verses directly telling you “you must support and remain in the System – or else”.  If it does it’s a complete distortion of Scripture!

What the System doesn’t teach in that regard – because it cannot teach it – is Paul’s warning to the apparently puffed up and arrogant Gentile brothers in Rome towards their Jewish Brothers.  In short for here:  In Rom. 11:20-22 Paul put an emphasis at the end of verse 20 that the Gentile should be terrified. Paul’s Greek is stronger than as given in English. Paul goes on to say that if one does not continue in the kindness of God – and this is in the context of the individual Gentile being grafted in to the olive root of the Jewish People – one in fact could receive a cutting off.

What Paul does not say is: “everything’s under the blood; so, it doesn’t matter how you treat your Jewish Brothers.  As long as you continue to believe, you can’t be cut out because everything’s under the blood”….. Paul says nothing of the sort! In fact he warns that failure to continue in the kindness of God, distinctly can result in being cut off.

Paul also does not say in Rom. 11:20-22, “while it would be nice if you continue in the kindness, if you don’t don’t worry you can’t be cut off as long as you believe”.

I point this out dear ones not to be negative or heavy-handed but because the System does not and cannot teach this.  I do not want anyone to be in the position of having to try to explain to Yeshua the Jewish King of Kings and the Judge (cf. Yochanon 5:19-23 esp.), that while they placed their steadfast trustworthiness in him, they had no concrete concern for their Jewish Brothers –  Yeshua’s fellow Jews!

While one may say, “Gee, I didn’t know I was never taught this”, how would one answer if they were asked, “Did you read the Book of Romans”? “Yes, many times in fact”. “Then why didn’t you see and act on this”….

My desire is that all of us when the time comes are told by our wonderful Mashiach, “Well done good and steadfast servant”.

A Sobering Teaching By Yeshua 

Yeshua in Mt. 25:31 on speaks of a time when he is coming to judge the Nations. Yeshua speaking there of sheep and goats is of course totally Hebrew and Jewish-based.  As well as, being rooted in first century Israel.

Our wonderful Master goes on to speak of those who cared for him when he was hungry, thirsty, naked and needed clothing, or was visited in prison.  The last commentators point out was particularly difficult to do.

They also point out that all of those things of course were very much emphasized by the various Judaisms of Yeshua’s day. In Mt. 25:40 Yeshua replies to those who asked him that to do those things for his brothers was to do it for him.

Yeshua then goes on to condemn those who do not help.  Commentators are divided as to whether Yeshua refers to his brothers as Jews or to his followers.

Dear ones what should be noticed is that either way – either way – this includes your Jewish Brothers!

One of the very major reasons for the problems within and without the System, is that there is a complete lack of understanding of Hebrew’s wholeness, totality, connectedness, and oneness.

Thus unfortunately: far too often times brethren have no sense of being connected with one another and all being members of the Body.

This also results unfortunately in many followers who think they can take it or leave it when it comes to the Jewish Brothers, because after all ” they’re not really connected with Yeshua like we Gentiles are”. This again, is the result of the Systems abandoning Hebrew’s connectedness, for Greeks separation and compartmentalization.

Is there anywhere or any place that Yeshua teaches you he only cares for the individual Gentile follower, but doesn’t care for the Jewish follower? That it doesn’t matter how they’re treated?

A Key Help Regarding The Biblical Model of Wholeness, Totality, Connectedness, and Oneness

For now we will just list the following; I very much encourage you to read these if you are not familiar with them:

Cf. Yochanon 13:34-35

Yochanon 14:2

Yochanon 17:20-23

1 Cor. 12:12-27

Eph. 2:11-22

Eph. 4:12-17

1 Thess. 5:23

We should note the above are all Hebrew Bible, Hebrew, and Jewish-based. How?

Yeshua does not speak of my Father’s houses, but rather one house with many rooms.

Whenever the Jewish People are spoken of, notice it is always House of Israel, House of Jacob, House of Judah. Not, houses plural. Obviously, there were many many thousands of houses; yet they are seen in their wholeness totality connectedness and oneness!  House; not houses.

Paul refers to the Body of Yeshua; not the “Bodies” plural.  Paul speaks of many members one Body!  This too is a Hebrew and Jewish-based Truth because it uses a physical metaphor to illuminate a great spiritual truth.  Rather than, an abstract concept, which would be Greek-based.

Is there anyone in their right mind who would cut off a part of their body? Do you care say for your heart or your eyes, but you don’t care what happens to your feet? If your feet are in pain, it doesn’t bother you? Of course it does because it’s all part of your body!

Imagine the tremendous positive potential possibilities if we looked at the spiritual Body of Yeshua the same way!

Those Trying To Get The System Out of Themselves 

I mentioned last time a dear brother whom I had spent many many hours trying to help work through his difficulties with the System.  This is also the case with another very dear brother.  Additionally, a year or two ago I had some long very nice conversations with a very dear brother who had been a pastor and left the pulpit some years before.

He claimed to have “left the System”; however at the end of our conversations he admitted, “Well it’s very difficult to do”…

In context this was because this dear brother had the same difficulty that many Christians have. That of realizing that the actual Biblical model gives the lead role, to the Jewish Brother.

As we have pointed out:  Christians are not taught that virtually every major thing in the Bible comes through the Jewish People or the Jewish Brothers – including their Savior Yeshua!

Christians have “baked into them” everything they received through the System.

This leads to making my very dear Christian brethren not only what the Torah calls numb, when it comes to their Jewish Brothers, but also can make it very very difficult to allow their Jewish Brother to be the senior partner.  A Jewish Brother may be “part” of something Christians “out of the System” want to try to develop themselves.  However working together with and following the lead of the Jewish Brother? Often very challenging and very difficult for Christians to do.

If Yeshua is understood as part of the whole of the Jewish People, and who personally called his fellow Jews into service, that would obviously make it easier for Christians.  That however poses an existential threat to the System.

Thus out of necessity for the prominence and survival of the System it simply ignores those verses that speak of Yeshua as being part of the whole of the Jewish People.  Cf. Yochanon 4:22 etc.

As we’ve also mentioned many Christians do not realize they’ve been made numb to their Jewish Brother.  Why doesn’t this bother most Christians?  The System so separates Yeshua from the Jewish People and the Jewish Brothers, that they don’t realize the following.

Should one really think, “It doesn’t matter to Yeshua how I am or am not with my Jewish Brothers; he just wants me to believe in him”?

Does one really think it doesn’t matter to Yeshua and to the Father, that as long as you believe in “JC”, it is not important whether one cares about their Jewish Brothers as well as their Christian brethren?  Cf. esp. Yochanon 17:20-23,  Eph. 2:11- 22 etc.  Cf. esp. also Phpns. 2:2-3.

The last few decades have also seen much on the engrafting in of the Gentiles Rom. 11:17-24. This is often cited as a basis of the Hebrew or Jewish “Roots”. Unfortunately what seems to get missed is this: the Jewish People are the ones through whom your spiritual nourishment comes; not the Religious System!

The whole idea of an olive root I.e. a physical metaphor to illuminate a great spiritual truth, is a totally Hebrew, Jewish, and Pharisee based idea!  The Greeks dealt in concepts; the Jews deal in what’s concrete, I.e., real and material.  Cf 1 Cor.1 :22.

As one highly regarded evangelical scholar put it “for many Christians Israel is just one of a thousand points on a theological spectrum”. However to your Messiah, “Israel” is not a “theological position”! Yeshua wept over Jerusalem Lk. 19:41. The vast majority of the people he healed were not “generic”; they were fellow Jews like himself, many from his home area of the Galil (“Galilee”). Cf. the end of Mt. 9 etc. etc.

Eleven of his twelve personally chosen Taught Ones were fellow Jews of the Galil. (Judas was a Judean).  Paul was a Jew.  As shocking as it might seem Yeshua did not call 12 Gentiles from a Baptist or Pentecostal seminary in the American Bible Belt!

On the Mount of Transfiguration it wasn’t Calvin and Luther that spoke with him. Nor was it the Board of Directors of the Southern Baptists or the Assemblies of God.  It was two of the greatest Jews of all time; Moshe and Eliyahu. The only ones who witnessed the Transfiguration? Three of Yeshua’s fellow Jews who were closest to him!

(For our teaching on the Hebrew and Jewish background and dynamic of the Transfiguration Lk. 9:28-36, please see our teaching on this in the Yeshua window).

The RCS opens with the generations Yeshua physically descended from Mt. 1. Very quickly for here; we should note it begins referring to Yeshua as son of David, son of Abraham. However Abraham came many centuries before David yet David is mentioned first.  What is the significance of David being mentioned first?

That spiritually Yeshua is very very very much connected with David – as Scripture makes abundantly clear! Further, that Matthew 1 is not merely a genealogy of Yeshua.  Rather the very opening of the Good News begins with a tremendous spiritual dynamic of the closeness of Yeshua with David!

Can Yeshua be separated from David?

Can David be separated from the Jewish People?

How then – and if it is so where is the Biblical model – of Yeshua somehow not part of the whole of the Jewish People?

Especially in light of what Revelation says and that Revelation speaks of Yeshua in the Heavens!

Yeshua identifies himself with or refers to David Rev. 3:8, 22:16.  In Rev. 5:5 there are not one but two specific identifications of Yeshua with the Jewish People and with David.

The names of the 12 tribes of Israel and of the 12 Jewish Taught Ones of Yeshua are written on the walls and foundation of the heavenly Jerusalem Rev 21. Those who think Heaven is going to resemble a 21st century Western mega assembly, are going to see something completely different!

Does one really want to come before the King of Kings – a Jew – and have to account why they had no real concern for their Jewish Brothers…. Just imagine the reception you will receive from Yeshua, for having had a loving, kind heart towards the Jewish People and your Jewish Brothers. Just imagine the especially great reception in having done in whatever way you were blessed and equipped to do, to having paid the debt one owes their Jewish Brothers cf Rom.15:27.  One should note: Paul uses both Greek words for obligation, that of a moral, ethical obligation, “ought to”, and the other a financial obligation/debt.

Rom 15:25-28 is another part of Romans that the System cannot teach Christians, because it is an existential threat to the System.

Some years ago I said the following to a Christian who disrespected me (you’d be shocked how many times I have been). “If Yeshua really had been “JC” and was a Greek who personally only ever called other Greeks directly into service and will return to Athens, I’d be very careful about my attitude and my actions towards and very leery of ignoring my Greek Brothers”…

In short for here:  the late fourth early fifth century Augustine completely disregarded the Greek text of Rev. 21. He said it was an “allegory” for the Institutional Gentile Assembly on Earth.  That did not begin Replacement Theology and make Christians numb to the Jew and Jewish Brothers, but it cemented it in place in what eventually became the Western System….

Help With Changing One’s Understanding of Yeshua to a More Biblically Accurate and Authentic Understanding

I hope to be able to write up some specifics in dealing with the System in succinct form.  This would be a compliment to any additional audios beside the Study Guide audio on the Homepage. The list in a more succinct form would be something one could regularly refer to as needed, to help themself

One of the very first things that one needs to realize is, as one very dear brother put it several years ago, is just “how baked in the system is”.

Lest I forget let me quickly add please; we are in no way advocating that Christians must leave the Building.  That in and of itself makes little difference anyway; why?  As I believe I mentioned it’s not our physical location that matters – it’s our spiritual location!

If one does physically leave the Building make every effort to maintain the bond of unity cf Eph.4:3. That does not require that one go every week but it does require that one while walking from the Building, do everything they can not to walk from their brethren!

I’ve met many Christian brethren who say, “I am out of the system”; but speaking the truth in love unfortunately they act no differently than when they were in it. This includes their attitude and actions towards the Jewish Brothers while saying “I’m out out of the System”. I also know those who physically attend a Building weekly, but are spiritually out of it.

So then the first thing that needs to be done; be honest with oneself and realize just how very very “baked in” the System is.  Also, that in most cases the System is the only frame of reference one has.  Any Jewish Brother with a solid Jewish background is fortunate in that God has given them a non-System-based understanding of Scripture.  Thus, a knowledgeable Jewish Brother has another frame of reference that his Christian brother typically doesn’t.

This is exactly exactly exactly what your Jewish Brothers called by Yeshua and sent to the Christian brethren are trying to help you with!

A more accurate and authentic frame of reference; the Hebrew Bible and the Hebrew and Jewish basis of following God and His Son Yeshua.  Frankly what we really want from our very dear Christian brethren are simply “ears to hear”.

Two of the very Key Things to Change One’s Understanding – And Understanding Yeshua More Deeply

#1 Self.  As our wonderful Master teaches us the Self has to be put to death!  Please let me make it not a100% but a 1000% clear; in no way am I talking about God forbid suicide.

Regarding then the necessity of putting the Self to death cf. Yochanon 12:24-26 and Mk. 8:30-34.

Regarding Yeshua being our model of having absolutely no self cf Paul’s Hebraic style hymn Phpns. 2:5-11

In short: as we repeatedly repeat though there’s no way to quantify it it’s clear that the System focuses in on three people “me myself and I”. Yet as we’ve also repeatedly repeated according to a Greek concordance of the RCS:

About 63% of the uses of you are you plural – not singular

There are 775+ more uses of you plural than singular

There are 865 uses of what’s translated we us our

Nine of ten references to God as Savior are Savior of “we/ us”; not “me”.

So change your understanding and change your thinking to:

Work hard to put the Self to death. Stop thinking of Self first.  Be Mashiach like; think of the Father – but also the other!

Do as much as you can to remove Self. Understand, think, will, and act towards others as Yeshua did.

The best thing to keep in mind when it comes to others?

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Mt. 7:12 (note: “you” is plural not singular. Many today speak to a large crowd with an individualistic approach. Yeshua never does so; as a Jew of Hebrew heart and first century Israel he addresses crowds collectively; not individualistically. The latter is Western based).

Think of things in terms of the universal Big Picture and “we”; rather than “me”!  Understand that what I do or do not do affects the whole Body for bad or for good.

Be encouraged to understand and think like our wonderful Mashiach Yeshua – always always always think of the Father and the other – not your Self.

See yourself as a part of the whole Body cf. Yochanon 17:20-23 1 Cor.12:12-27.

No one in their right mind cuts off parts of their own body! A key reason the Body is so splintered?  When the early Gentile Fathers abandoned Jerusalem for Athens, one of the very key things that went by the wayside was the Hebrew based teaching of wholeness, totality, connectedness, and oneness.  These again, were replaced with Greek’s separation and compartmentalization.

This led to separating Yeshua from the Jewish people and Jewish Brothers and thus separating you from them!

Begin to understand and then think, will, and act, in terms of wholeness, totality, connectedness, and oneness.  Rather than understanding thinking and acting as though separation and compartmentalization were the norm. Make absolutely every effort to maintain unity in the Body! Do not walk away from anyone unless it absolutely cannot be helped or one is a 100% sure there’s a spiritual warfare dynamic that necessitates doing so.

Why is this so Extremely Important to Understand

That completely, totally, and utterly and uniquely Yeshua is part and parcel of, connected with, and part of the whole of the Jewish People. Cf. the theophanies in the Torah and the Hebrew Bible.  In the RCS please be very aware:  the RCS begins showing how totally connected Yeshua is and descended physically from the Jewish People Mt. 1.

Cf. also esp. Lk. 1-2 and Lk. 4:16

The RCS ends (in the last few vss. Cf. Rev. 22:16) with Yeshua specifically identifying himself with David.

Regarding the closeness and connection of Yeshua and David please cf:

Mt. 1:1, v.5 esp. Lk. 1:30-34, Rom. 1:3, 9:4, 2 Tim. 2:8, Rev.5:5, 22:16 (this is only a partial list!)

Please note also: Yeshua is also very closely connected with Judah!

Why is this so especially key?  Why does it matter?  How does this understanding help you?  How does it affect you?

Classic Christian theology correctly states: Yeshua has 2 natures; one divine one human, in one persona (in the original; unfortunately typically translated person, which causes confusion).  Not one nature in 2 separate personas. I.e. not one divine nature in one persona and a human nature in a separate persona. Rather, Yeshua has 2 natures in one persona.

Now we see why this is so very critically key:

Yeshua’s Jewish humanity cannot be separated from his divinity!  Thus an extremely key fundamental and foundational question:  can one honor His divinity, but ignore, minimize, or God forbid – even denigrate his Jewish humanity?  Cf. esp. Yochanon 5:23!

Yochanon 5:23 says one must honor Yeshua in order to honor the Father.  Can one thus honor Yeshua’s divine nature; but ignore, minimize, or God forbid even denigrate Yeshua’s Jewish humanity, and that would be seen as honoring Yeshua?

The Father – to whom we honor, worship, pray to, in Yeshua’s name, and desire to be so close with, chose to send His Son to Earth in Jewish flesh cf. Yochanon 1:14.  Would it not be more honoring to Him to honor the Jewish humanity of His Son?

Would one really think that God would be less inclined to hear your prayers or bless you and yours by acknowledging and honoring the People through whom your Father in Heaven sent His Son?

What might the tremendous positive potential possibilities be for the Body of Mashiach, to acknowledge and affirm and honor the Jewish Humanity of the Son of God, and his – and your (!) – connectedness with the Jewish Brothers the Son sends!

Would you not draw closer to the Mashiach and to His Father; and our Father?

Would God bless you less, the same, or more?

To sum up:

#1 Put the Self to death

Everything will flow from this. No inner purification can be done until this is done first. You will never fully be out of the System until you can do so

Understand and think in terms of the universal big picture

Understand and think in terms of we us our rather than me

Become even more Mashiach like in terms of understanding and thinking totally about the Father and your brethren – especially your Jewish Brethren – rather than your Self

#2 Understand and think in terms of your Mashiach as not just a Jew but Jewish and absolutely part of the whole of the Jewish People

If there was a viscerally a negative reaction to this, this is because the System has subtly and not so subtly baked in a negative attitude towards anything “Jewish”.

Begin immediately to remove this from yourself cf. 2 Tim.2:21

If you really cannot do this after making an effort, then ask the LORD to do so. Tell him you want to fully honor Him by more fully honoring His Son Yeshua.  That you recognize the Jewish identity of Yeshua, that you recognize He chose to send Yeshua to and through the Jewish People to you, and His great love for your Jewish Brothers.

That as you ever desire to draw closer to your Father and to His Son Yeshua, you understand His desire that you draw ever closer to your Jewish Brothers also.

You understand that this is for the weightiness of His Glory and the means through love, that witnesses the Truth to the World.  Cf. Yochanon 13:34-35.

#3 Start understanding and thinking in terms of Brothers/Sisters. Just very quickly for here, Xristianos “Christians” in fact is only used three times in the RCS. Forms of brothers and sisters are used 370 times.

Paul – in fact – never uses Xristianos – period.  He does use Brothers/Sisters 125-150 times!

So then, start thinking of your fellow followers in terms of being a real brother or sister!

Just imagine the tremendous tremendous potential positive possibilities by doing so – for the Body and for yourself as a member of the whole of the Body of Yeshua!

As this has been long enough, God willing I will write up a succinct list of step-by-step ways of removing the System from oneself, and ways that we can become more like Yeshua!

Perhaps at some point there’d be something more extensive.

The point of a succinct list for you would be to provide something you could easily regularly refer to as needed.

In His love,



Ps. 133  Phpns. 2:2-3  4:3, 4:10, 4:15, vss 17-19

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