
Heal in Hebrew literally means “loosen”.  When we are ill or injured, we are, as the rabbis astutely and correctly point out, bound or constrained by illness or injury.  (“Egypt” in Hebrew comes from/is directly related to the word “constraint”).

That God willing we are healed, we are loosened from whatever is binding or constraining us.

Once we are loosened, we are able to fully serve the LORD and others, without being bound or distracted by illness or injury.

As I repeatedly repeat in my teaching, one of the hallmarks of Hebrew is “wholeness”, as well as “connectedness”. One of the many meanings of Shalom by the way is wholeness.

Based on the emphasis in the Torah and Hebrew Bible on wholeness, the rabbis also correctly point out that the body soul and spirit, cannot be, unlike Plato’s Greek thinking, separated and compartmentalized. (Plato by the way, was hugely influential during at least the first few centuries or beyond, among the early Gentile Fathers).  When it comes to healing, there must be what is called in Hebrew a whole loosening healing, of body, soul and spirit.

This idea of wholeness is very much utilized by Paul the Pharisee (cf. Acts 23:6; Luke uses the present tense “eimi” “am”, regarding Paul’s statement of “am” – not “was” – (a) Pharisee.  Cf. Acts 22:1-3, 2 Cor. 11:22, Phpn. 3:5, etc.) with the Thessalonians, as to how Paul hopes they will be found at the “parousia” “coming” of the Lord 1 Thess. 5:23.

May we lead lives of holiness and actively look for and hasten the day of God 2 Pet. 3:11-13, when righteousness will dwell like a neighbor on the Earth and there will be no more need for prayer for healing!

Everything will be restored to its original wholeness.


Thank you again and may God richly bless you and yours

