In-Depth Introduction & Overview to the Torah – Including Yeshua and the Torah – And RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures) Connections

Please note: I (your Jewish Brother Jacob) use the following two shorthand terms:

RCS – Renewed Covenant Scriptures. As I explain elsewhere, a much more accurate name than “New Testament”. I base the term on Luke’s Greek rendering in Lk. 22:19-20 of Yeshua’s Hebraic original.

KG – Koine ‘Common’ Greek. This is the Greek of the RCS. It is replete with Hebrew and Jewish thought and expression. It is different/very different than the Greek of the philosophers and Classics called Attic Greek.

The second most used word in the KG text according to a Greek Concordance is the word ‘kai’, ‘and’. This usage is very different than Attic Greek. Why is this significant? The Hebrew Bible test is absolutely replete with ‘and’. ‘And’ is used to connect things. One of the hallmarks of Hebrew, as you will learn below, is connectedness.

Hebrew begins with the big picture followed by concrete specifics. This is how the Introduction and the Overview are done. Greek incidentally begins with concrete specifics and moves to abstract concepts. The purpose of the Introduction & Overview to the Torah for you is so that you’ll have some key things about the Torah, and God willing, a better understanding as you approach learning from it.

We very much encourage you to look up and study the Scriptures listed! We list them God willing so that they help you better understand what is being referred to, and, to help you better see the connectedness of the Torah with the RCS. As we point out in our teaching, it’s a much more accurate name – based on Luke’s Greek rendering of Yeshua’s Hebraic original in Lk. 22:19-20 – than “New Testament”).

We praise the LORD for His Torah, and may He richly bless your study and learning from it, in Yeshua’s name!


How the Torah became the most misunderstood word incorrectly taught to Christians:

In Part, What The Torah Is Not

Hebrew has a number of words which unfortunately Greek either has no equivalent to or anything with the depth of meaning of the Hebrew.

This is perhaps never more so than when it comes to the word Torah. Torah means:

*  Teaching

*  Direction

*  Revelation

*  Law

*  Instruction

The late chief Rabbi of Great Britain taught that it has the idea and meaning also of ‘guidance’. Whether technically true or not, it’s a great way of understanding what the Torah from the mouth of the LORD is very much about!

One of the great Torah teachers and philologists (word study experts) astutely points out it’s also related to the verb that more deeply means in Hebrew “absorb seed in order to promote growth”. That is also exactly what the Torah is about!

Five Fifths of the Torah

It is no happenstance that there are five Books of the Torah. However; one absolutely should not think of them as typical Western thinking, which is based on the influence of Greek and its separation and compartmentalization. The first four Books are connected in Hebrew because the second third and fourth ones begin with ‘and’.

Further, it should be noted: the Torah is one very long scroll. As we repeatedly repeat when it comes to Hebrew, one of its hallmarks is that there is wholeness, totality, connectedness, and oneness. The Torah is not what was called in ancient times a codex, which was separate leaves of pages in book form.

In Hebrew, the Five Books of the Torah are also known as “five fifths of the Torah”. Five in Hebrew comes from a verb which means prepare; equip to exert power. That is also exactly what the Torah prepares and equips us to do! Not in the sense some followers of Yeshua would typically think of, that of trying to produce signs and wonders (cf. Mt. 7:21-23!), but rather being prepared and equipped to carry out the will of the LORD in what is called in Hebrew ‘this World’.

Yeshua illuminates the fullness and true substance & essence of the Torah; cf. Mt. 5:1-7:28, esp. 7:12, vss. 21-27. Cf. Mk. 12:28-34, Lk. 10:25-28, cf. esp. Yochanon 1:17!

God speaks directly only to the Jewish People. It is through the Jewish People that He expects his Torah and His Word to be taken forward to Man. Cf. Dt. 4-7, Ish. 2:2-3, Zech. 8, cf. Lk. 5:1-11, Acts 26:14-15, Rev. 7 et al. et al.

God is heard speaking no more than two or three times in the RCS. It should be noted that there’s a reference to a voice from Heaven; but it does not say directly God spoke. The Book of Revelation is given to Yochanon (“God is Gracious” “John’s” original Hebrew name) through an Angel. Cf. Rev. 1:1.

The Torah is also the only place – the only place – where we see this completely unprecedented event in human history: the appearance of the LORD to one People in one place at one time at Sinai. No other people in human history have claimed an event like this; nor, has any other People paid such a terrible and devastating price for doing so.

Excursus – Salvation Comes to the Gentiles

Even part of the reason that salvation comes to the Gentiles is for the purpose of the Jewish People coming to their own Mashiach. This is so the Jewish People become an incredible benefit for the World.  Cf. Rom. 11:11-12; Paul’s Greek in v. 11 is explained in technical commentaries thusly; that the purpose of salvation to the Gentiles is to come alongside the Jewish People.

This coming alongside the Jewish People by Gentile followers of the Jewish Messiah is for the result/purpose to produce the same zeal in the Jewish People for the Mashiach that the Gentiles followers have!

Cf. also Rom. 11:12-15. (Note: the rejection in Rom. 11:15 is not the rejection of Jews by Yeshua. Rather it is their rejection of him. It should also very much be remembered: “the first rejectors are also the first acceptors”. Meaning, all the first followers are Yeshua’s fellow Jews (or proselytes to some form of Judaism and joining in with the Jewish People)!

What has this to do with my dear Christian brethren and the Torah?

Christians who understand and embrace and live and act with what the true essence and substance of the Torah is about for them – and as illuminated ultimately for all by Yeshua in the Teaching on the Hill Mt. 5:1-7:28, Yochanon 13-16 esp., are infinitely better prepared regarding the Jewish People to “stimulate to red in the face passion” about Yeshua, cf. Rom. 11:11!

We cannot stress enough: Christians who embrace, live, and act with the true essence of Torah and again – as illuminated by Yeshua (!) for them – become more like the Master! Speaking the truth in love; Christians just practicing a few things that for them are what’s called in Hebrew “external, superficial”, only provokes Jews.

Frankly also speaking the truth in love, Christians playing ‘Jewish’ or who think that keeping some of the Festivals, or utilizing Judaica, or eating kosher, makes them more like the Mashiach, unfortunately have either been misled or have misled themselves cf. 2 Cor. 2:17, 11:3-4; cf. 2 Tim. 2:21-22; esp.4:3 etc.

It is not the things of the Torah that can be seen that makes one more like Yeshua. Rather – and as the teaching of the RCS also shows us and confirms – it is acquiring godly and Mashiach-like character traits – that cannot be externally seen – but when exercised towards others, there are tremendously positive changes that can be seen! Cf. also 1 Pet. 2:12, esp. 2 Pet. 1:3-12.

To Return

The rabbis correctly assert that given the Jewish People’s tenacious clinging to the Torah from Sinai onward – even when it seems they abandoned the Torah – that no People would go through what the Jewish People have in order to perpetuate a myth!

The Torah is also where we learn of the LORD uniquely forming a People for Himself. Cf. Ex. 4:22-23. ‘Chosen’ more deeply means specially chosen. We should also note that Israel is seen in its wholeness and totality; “Israel, son of Me”.  As we noted above; wholeness and totality are part of the hallmarks of Hebrew. The LORD forming a People for Himself, is also unprecedented in human history.

The Jewish People are charged with making the LORD known to the World and taking his Torah forward. Cf. esp. Dt. 4-7, Ish. 43:10, Zech. 8 et al. Cf. that Yeshua directly called his fellow Jews to spread his message to the World. Cf. Lk. 5:1-11, Acts 9:3-20, 26:14-15. Cf. Acts 13:1-2; cf. Rev. 12. The Torah is also where covenants are made, most especially with Israel. Israel is in covenant relationship with the LORD. Cf. Ex. 24; esp. vss. 3, 7, 12 etc.

Israel also uniquely as well, receives its name from the LORD; cf. Gen. 35:10. It should be noted: Yeshua in his divinity first tells Jacob that his name will be Israel (“soars above, prince”) cf. Gen. 32:25-32.

The Torah is also where we see the beginning of those of the Nations being brought in with the Jewish People! Cf Ex. 12:38, vss. 48-49. Cf. also Gen. 9:23, v. 26 (Shem, ‘Name’, is the one through whom Abraham descends. Cf. also Gen. 12:1-5 etc.). Cf. Yochanon 17:18-20.  Cf. esp. Rom. 11:17-24, chpt. 15:10; from Dt. 32:43. Cf. Eph. 2:14-17.

The rabbis astutely point out: what commandment is given the greatest number of times by the LORD to the Jewish People? To treat those of the Nations, who join in with and become part of the Jewish People, fairly – and to treat them the same as the native-born Israelite. Cf. Ex. 12:48-49 etc. The commandment to do so is given by the LORD 36 times!

The Deeper Meaning and Importance of Commandment

As we explain in our teaching, commandment in Hebrew more deeply means: “fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, delegation of authority while the LORD retains control, and like being assigned to a (military) post“. One of the great Torah teachers also correctly points out that in Hebrew it is related to the word translated “hosts”, which more deeply and literally means ‘units’. The LORD is the LORD of ‘units’.

The great Torah teacher goes on to explain that just like a military commander organizers and pulls together the units of an army, so too the Supreme Commander the LORD. No army is ever successful If its units are disorganized and each one doing its own thing its own way!

So then, what commandment does Yeshua especially emphasize? Love! We must notice that especially in Yochanon’s Good News, love is very much emphasized – and given as a commandment by Yeshua in Yochanon 13-16 esp.!

Further the emphasis on love is not that Yeshua’s Twelve have great love for one another but need to love God more; but rather just the opposite! They don’t have enough love for one another! It is reciprocating back and forth love between them that is how the world will know not that they were sent by him, but rather more deeply in the original, they had given everything up to follow the life the teaching, the words of the Master!

Love begins in the Torah and is brought to its culmination in the Good News and the RCS. There are many words In Hebrew that are used more in the Hebrew Bible then our found in the Greek of the RCS. However, when it comes to love there are far more uses of love in the RCS.

We cannot emphasize enough please: the most cited verse of the Torah in the RCS has nothing to do with what today’s Hebrew and Jewish Roots movements seemed to focus on; the ‘Festivals’ and ‘Judaica’. The most cited verse of Torah in the RCS is Lev. 19:18 “….love your neighbor as yourself”.  Yeshua himself – on more than one occasion – cites and stresses this verse of Torah!

Paul does no teaching about Gentiles and the Festivals, with the exception of 1 Cor. 5. That unfortunately is misconstrued; however we will not explain that here. What does need to be explained is that Paul speaks about love about 130 times – 130!

There’s a verse observant Jews say every morning that is in part “… safeguard by observing the ethics morals discipline commitment teaching of your father”. My Dad, may his memory be for a blessing, used to say “when all else fails follows directions”.

Imagine the tremendous positive potential possibilities by focusing on internally acquiring and then externally acting with love – towards others! That is the commandment, the fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, of Yeshua, that we should focus on!

As we explain elsewhere in our teaching, the Early Gentile Fathers – completely contrary to Scripture – pushed aside their Jewish Brothers. Gentile leadership unfortunately confused numerical superiority with spiritual superiority. Gentile leadership thus usurped the lead role given to the Jewish Brothers in taking the truth of Yeshua forward. Regarding the Gentiles, please cf. not only Rom. 11:17-24, but also Rom. 15:27, Eph. 2:12-22, etc. Rom. 11:11 should most especially be noted. In the process Gentile leadership deliberately abandoned Jerusalem for Athens; without any Biblical authority whatsoever – period!

Thus, working first from Greek which is later replaced by Latin – and in the last few centuries English – the limitations of Greek combined with a lack of knowledge or desire to know Hebrew, created a number of unfortunate – and really completely unnecessary – difficulties for followers. These difficulties for the Body of Mashiach were created because, infused with anti-Semitic theological biases, incorrect and misunderstood things, they were taught and established as being the correct ‘understanding’ and ‘position’. This included seeing the Torah as “a now replaced legal code”.

There is no Greek word that can translate the Hebrew word Torah. The Jewish Sages, who did the first Hebrew Bible translation from Hebrew to Koine (‘Common’) Greek, about 200-250 years before Yeshua, were faced with a number of challenges in their translation.

The 70 Jewish Sages were basically left with two choices. ‘Didasko‘, ‘teaching’ or ‘nomos’, ‘customary way of doing things; law’. Perhaps the Jewish Sages thought nomos would convey more of the meaning of Torah than just the word teaching, because there is much in the Torah that was to be, so to speak, customarily done.

In time, and with the rejection of the Jewish Brothers by the Early Gentile Fathers, the Torah became misconstrued simply as ‘law’.  It became seen as “a legal code of legal laws”.

One of the great Torah commentators of the Middle Ages very correctly points out: if the Torah was primarily a Book about laws, then it should have begun with Ex. 12. Why? There are found the first laws, those given by the LORD to mark the observance of the New Moon. The Torah commentator of course correctly points out that the Torah begins with Gen. 1 and Creation; not ‘laws’!

Yeshua And The Torah

In short for here we see very clearly: Yeshua upholds the Torah cf. esp. Mt. 5:1-7:28. In fact the Teaching on the Hill, a much more accurate name than Sermon on the Mount, as we explain in our teaching, is the greatest illumination of the true essence and substance of the Torah ever given!

In Mt. 5-7 in fact three times Yeshua holds out the ways of the Gentiles as an example to his fellow Jews of the Galil (‘Galilee’), of what not to be and do. Mt. 7:21-24 provides an especially sobering teaching of not following the way and practice of the Gentiles!

The LORD repeatedly tells Israel not to get involved or have anything – whatsoever (!) – to do with the ways and practices of the Nations. That the Nations would be a snare for them.  It is interesting that the word snare is in the form of something that is a real, concrete, continuous, process. Cf. esp. Ex. 34.

In fact, to make the point that the ways of the Gentiles are not to be those of Yeshua’s followers, Matityahu (‘Matthew’) in two of the three references to Gentiles in Mt. 5-7:28 in his KG rendering, uses not ‘ethnos’, ‘Gentiles’ but ‘ethnikos’, ‘pagans’.

Since we have covered this more elsewhere, we will only very quickly point out for here: the Covenant Yeshua makes at the Last Passover Seder (“Order”), is rendered in KG by Luke as “renewed/new in quality” Lk. 22:19-20.

Near the end of Luke’s Gospel, the good doctor records that Yeshua taught about himself to his closest beloved fellow Galilean Jews that were his ‘Taught Ones’, “… from the Torah”… Lk. 24:44. As a quick but very key note, you should notice that Luke records Yeshua speaking about the Jewish order of the Hebrew Bible; not the Greek order, which is what Christian translations follow.

Yeshua directly sites the Torah over 165 times; plus, there are numerous allusions to it.

An extremely extremely key thing we learn from the Torah is this; and unfortunately, It is not taught to Christians. Yeshua in his divinity as the Angel of the LORD. Most of the time when we see these the Hebrew indicates it is not an ordinary angel. Further, these appearances are not there just as Western Tradition looks at them; as a proof text of Yeshua’s divinity. These appearances are called by Western scholars theophanies, from two Greek words indicating an appearance of divinity.

What Western Tradition misses – and therefore does not teach to Christians – is the context of these appearances of Yeshua as the Angel of the LORD. These appearances virtually always happen when either the Patriarchs Abraham, Yitzchak (‘Laughter’. ‘Isaac’), and Ya’akov (“Heel catcher/reward of (the) LORD”, ‘Jacob’), or the Israelites need help!

Further this is another extremely extremely key thing we learn from the Torah. That as the experience at Mount Sinai and in the Wilderness afterward with the LORD is unique to Israel – so too is Yeshua’s help and involvement with Israel both in his divinity and later in his Jewish humanity.

For Yeshua and the Torah: in addition to Mt. 5-7:28, please be sure to see the following:

* Luke 2 – We learn of Yeshua’s godly, Torah-observant parents. We also see towards the end of the chapter that Yeshua learns the teaching methods of the P’rushim ‘Separate Ones’, ‘Pharisees’. (We explain this elsewhere in our teaching; please see our audio on Yeshua, Paul, and the Pharisees in our 3rd teaching window The Deeper Hebrew & Jewish Roots of the Bible from A-Z. Please scroll down to P Pharisees).

* Luke 4 – Cf. Three times Yeshua cites from Deuteronomy during his Temptations, seen in the opening section of Luke 4. You should please note: each of the verses cited by Yeshua were absolutely in context!

Cf. Lk. 4:16 – Yeshua goes to his hometown synagogue in Natzeret, ‘Nazareth’ on the Sabbath. Please note: Luke’s Greek ‘eiothos ‘custom’ means “one person’s religious custom”.

* Luke 10:25-28 – A fellow Jew asks Yeshua a very key question about life. Yeshua asked his fellow Jew what the Torah says. The man answered with Dt. 6:5 and Lev. 19:18. Yeshua said he had answered correctly; go and do it. We should notice: Yeshua did not say believe in it, but rather go and do it.

* Mk. 12:28-34 – Yeshua answers another very key question by elevating what the true essence of the Torah is. Yeshua uniquely combines Dt. 6:4-5 and Lev. 19:18 “…the LORD our God is One. Love the LORD your God…love your neighbor as yourself”. When the scribe answers with what the real essence of the Torah is, notice Yeshua’s response!

Let us quickly please point out again: there are over 165 direct citations from the Torah by Yeshua according to a Greek text listing of Hebrew Scriptures cited in the RCS. The above are just some of the particularly key uses of the Torah by Yeshua.

A couple of key things we should notice: Yeshua always always always cites the Torah – and all of the Hebrew Bible – in context. We should take particular note from what’s listed above, of those verses of Torah that Yeshua sites as being the most important!

Is there anything there – whatsoever – about the ‘Festivals’ or ‘Judaica’? Is there anywhere – whatsoever – that Yeshua teaches about the Festivals – period – (basically regarding observance in this World)? Where – exactly – does Yeshua teach that the true Hebrew and Jewish basis of following him by Gentiles, is their observance of the Festivals or utilizing Judaica?

If so: why then according to a Greek text, is the most cited verse of the Torah in the RCS Lev. 19:18; “…love your neighbor as yourself”; rather than one of the verses that teaches about the Festivals? In a sentence: Mt. 5-7:28, the Teaching on the Hill (a more accurate name than the Sermon on the Mount), is Yeshua’s illumination of what would be called in Hebrew the true essence/substance of the Torah.

Paul and the Torah

Any number of books about Paul and the Torah have been written in the last few decades. Many scholars wrestle with what seems to be Paul’s conflicted or contrary view of the Torah.  However, the question about Paul and the Torah is very easily settled. How? Acts 21-28 has roughly 20 verses where Paul repeatedly – and consistently – says he has done nothing against the Torah, nor the customs of the Fathers, or the Jewish People.  Cf. Acts 18:18, esp. 21:20-26; cf. 28:17 etc.

Paul cites the Torah even more than is found in the Gospels; between 190 and 195 times.

Did you know Paul cites the Torah as authoritative in making a ruling about women? Cf. 1 Cor. 14:34. Further, Paul puts “…as the specific subject named the Torah says”, last in the verse for emphasis!

The RCS Holds Up the Torah and Hebrew Scriptures as Authoritative

Please allow us to point out again, we rely on and teach directly from the Hebrew and Greek. The following is not clear from English – but is significantly clear from Greek. In Luke and Acts in particular, whenever there is a reference to the Hebrew Scriptures, the Greek form (called the perfect tense) is consistently that which technical commentaries point out indicates abiding authority. A form of the perfect tense is deliberately used to indicate either something in the past with authority at the time something is being said or written, or something that has abiding authority.

The following should also be particularly noted in Luke. When Luke speaks of Yeshua referring to the Hebrew Bible in some way, Luke renders Yeshua’s Hebraic original in KG, in this way. Luke – consistently – uses a form of the perfect tense to indicate Yeshua sees the Hebrew Scriptures as abiding and authoritative! This is particularly significant; why? The good doctor Luke is not originally writing for a Jewish audience in Israel; but rather to both a Jewish audience outside of Israel and very much for Greeks.

Rather than Luke being “the Gospel to the Gentiles”, meaning things are moving away from all that ‘Jewish stuff’ and somehow towards the ways of the Gentiles, a close look at Luke’s Greek text shows us a different – and more accurate and authentic – picture than is typically taught in English by Western Tradition.

The Torah incidentally does not make what’s called an apologetic, a defense, for itself; the Torah needs no defending – it is the direct Word of the LORD! In Hebrew when something is a given such as the existence of God, you don’t stop and make a defense or try to prove an existence; you move on. So shall we!

A Very Unique Event in History Recorded in the Torah that Christians are Not Taught About – And Why

The Mount Sinai event recorded in the Torah in Ex. 19 & 24 is absolutely without parallel in human history. There was and there will be nothing like it until as we say in Hebrew “may it be speedily in our days” cf. also 2 Pet. 3:11-13, that Mashiach returns. Mount Sinai is where the LORD descends down to the top of the mountain covered in a thick cloud, and speaks to one People in one place at one time. We cannot stress enough; this is an event, completely, totally, without precedent in human history!

Further, it should be remembered that the Jewish People are the only people directly formed by the LORD Himself, and, redeemed all together at one time. It should be noted that there were many in Egypt who also left with the Israelites cf. Ex. 12:38, in Hebrew the ‘mingled multitude’, who went out with them. Calvin says, “This was the beginning of the Church”. We won’t point out here that the Greek word underlying ‘Church/church’, should be translated as Assembly/assembly.

Calvin has it exactly backward; to Calvin and the rest of the so-called ‘Re-Formers’, their predecessors and those who came after them, the ‘Church’ is a Gentile dominated Institution.

Absolutely nowhere – nowhere – does Scripture speak of Jews converting to some other religion and being ‘engrafted’ into a Gentile Enterprise. In fact, the LORD consistently throughout the Torah – as well as the Prophets – tells the Israelites to have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the ways of the Nations!

What happens in Ex. 12:38 and following in the chapter is the beginning of the engrafting into the root of Israel Paul writes about in Rom. 11:17-24; cf. Rom.15:10; which Paul draws from the Torah Dt. 32:43. Cf. also Eph. 2:11-22; vss.18-22 are unfortunately overlooked.

Why can’t Christians be taught about the Sinai experience? In short, because it will draw your attention away from the post Biblical Gentile Institution. It will draw your attention away from the fact that your spiritual nourishment is through being grafted into the root of Israel.

Not the post Biblical Gentile Institution. In short teaching you about the Sinai experience, again, draws your attention away from the Gentile Institution and Gentile leadership; and thus, is an existential threat to the post Biblical Gentile System. Unfortunately, in doing so, an opportunity to be absolutely amazed by what the LORD did, and how He reveals himself, is thus lost by Christians.

Further, as was the case during the Redemption of the Israelites from Egypt, what is also very much missed is that of Yeshua as the Angel of the LORD, directly involved in Israel’s Redemption and in leading them forward after Mount Sinai. Cf. Ex. 14:13-14, v.19, 23:20-23, esp. v. 21!

You should please note also: Paul in 1 Cor. 10:4 speaks of the Rock that the Israelites spiritually drank from in the Wilderness – and that The Rock was the Mashiach! Paul’s Greek twice specifically identifies the subject he speaks of as The Rock and the Mashiach.

We pointed out about why Christians are not taught about these two seminal events in Scripture – the Mount Sinai experience and Yeshua as the Angel of the Lord helping the Israelites – so that you would be much more cognizant of them in learning from the Torah.

You should note also the working at the same time to help in Israel’s redemption of Moshe and the Mashiach.  Cf. Ex. 14:13-14, v.19. There is in Hebrew the reference to the Angel of the LORD who appears in the heart of the Burning Bush when Moshe is called by God. Cf. Ex. 3:2; cf. vss.10-15, vss.16-17. This also is unique in Scripture. There isn’t a single Gentile in the entire Bible that I can recall both the LORD and Yeshua calling to.

Further we should note; while in English there is no connection between the names ‘Moses’ and ‘Christ’, uniquely in Hebrew they are very much connected! Cf. Dt. 18:15. Thus – it should be no surprise that at Yeshua’s Transfiguration Lk. 9:28-36, who is one of the two men seen speaking with the Mashiach?  It is Moshe….



As a quick note:  in line with the above, the rabbis correctly point out that the very opening of the Torah does not try to prove the existence of God, nor is it about an individual experience of Moshe with God.

* The Torah is of the LORD: cf. Ex. 24:12, 31:18 et al.

* It is in the Torah’s Hebrew that we first learn of the Personal Name LORD. It is a verb. The Name LORD is a verb; to vastly oversimplify ‘Be’, ‘Exist’, ‘Cause to Exist’.

* It is in the Torah – and in Hebrew – that we learn of the various names of God. Name in Hebrew has tremendous significance!  A Hebrew name tells us something about someone; is not mainly a way to refer to or designate someone or something.  Some of the names of God, one of which is from a word for power, are used with the various Attributes that God ‘Be’ (Hebrew has no word ‘is’) or exercises towards Man.

* In Hebrew there are two distinct words for LORD and Lord. Thus, a distinction can be easily made. In Greek there is only one name for God ‘Theos’, and one word ‘Kurios’ that has to be used for both LORD and Lord. Thus, at times in the RCS it is difficult to tell who exactly is being referred to.

* In Hebrew when something is a given there is no apologetic, no defense of something; you move on.  God is a given. Thus, the Torah wastes no time trying to prove or defend the existence of God.

* The Torah is not about Moshe’s individualistic experiences with God.  The Torah is not an ancient version of Thoreau on Walden Pond.

* The Torah is where the LORD talks directly to Man. Cf Gen. 2:16 to Adam, to Noach; cf. the LORD talking with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moshe etc.

* Note: in the RCS there are no more than three or four times when the LORD speaks. It should be also noted that the Text actually says a voice is heard from Heaven. Revelation is given to Yochanon by an angel cf. Rev. 1:1.

* A quick note: The fact that The Book of Revelation is called that is Hebraic. Obviously in the Book there are multiple revelations; yet the Book is not called Revelations plural. Seeing a multiplicity of things as one or in terms of their wholeness, is the classic type of Hebrew thinking and expression the Torah is absolutely replete with!

* The LORD is known through his revelation in basically three ways:

–  His Creation

–  His Word

–  His actions

* The LORD is thus known in multiple ways to multiple people. Rather than in one way to one individual.

* The LORD reveals himself through the Attributes He exercises towards Man. Cf. esp. Ex. 34:6-7! The Torah teaches – and Yeshua illuminates – that we act to acquire and exercise these same attributes!

* The LORD does not reveal His nature though; nor does He give a definition of Himself.

We first see God acting with graciousness and forgiveness.  God gives second chances. Cf to Adam, to Kayin, (‘Acquire’, ‘Cain’), cf. to Man with Noach; cf. Avimelech Gen. 20:3-6, Pharoah etc.  Cf. the multiple chances to the Israelites!

The LORD begins rectifying and restoring Man’s relationship with Him, beginning with Avraham.  Cf. Gen. 12-50.

Pairs  As we point out and emphasize, Hebrew is very very connectedness rooted. Hebrew has a way of linking two things together more closely than English does. Hebrew will often/ typically use a form indicating two things are a ‘pair” This is used for example regarding ears, eyes, etc.

Though the following here are not given technically in Hebrew as ‘pairs’, we want to make you aware where we see ‘pairs’ at a deeper level. A very fine 21st-century Orthodox Jewish rabbi astutely and correctly points out the following.

That there are in two sets of 3 days when it comes to the days of Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (In that instance, followed by a seventh day, the Sabbath). (Note: Heaven in Hebrew is in the plural. Matityahu’s ‘Matthew’s’ KG rendering 32 uses ‘Heavens’ plural. This totally reflects an Hebraic original in the words he records)!

There are not just 7 individual days that are spoken of when it comes to Creation, but again but we see are 2 sets of three days. If you notice closely, you’ll see that the days of Creation alternate between the Heavens and the Earth.

In Hebrew the animals going on to Noach’s Ark “two by two” are referred to as ‘pairs’ in Gen. 7:9. In Hebrew, Gen. 7:9 begins for emphasis with “Pairs pairs”….  Very significantly: Ex. 25:19 in Hebrew tells us that there were to be a pair of ‘K’ruvim’, ‘Cherubs’ (winged creatures) at the ends of the Ark Cover in the Source Place (English “Tabernacle”) (King James Version incorrectly translates Ark Cover as ‘mercy seat’). The K’ruvim are not -at all – two separate, individual K’ruvim, they are not even two; they are a pair.

Excursus – The Great Importance of Pairs and Connectedness for followers of Yeshua

Further the Hebrew – literally – also calls them “brothers”!. We should also note: the K’ruvim are not individually made and then attached to each end of the Ark Cover. The Ark Cover was to be hammered out of one piece of gold. ‘Piece’ in Hebrew is ‘square’; the word is used in Israel today for a town square or traffic rotary.

Everything having to do with the Ark Cover, in Hebrew, was hammered out of one square of “absolutely pure and spiritually balanced” gold. The pair of brothers, the K’ruvim, were hammered out at the ends of the one square of gold of the Ark Cover.

In Hebrew each K’ruv faced towards literally his brother. It was above and in between them, that the LORD said He would make Himself known to Moshe! The Torah in the instructions in Ex. 25 etc., for, in Hebrew, what is more deeply the “Source Place of the Presence that dwells like a neighbor” (‘Tabernacle’), shows us the model of Heaven, that is supposed to be replicated on the Earth!

Cf. the Lord’s Prayer Mt. 6:8-10 v.10 which in the original is literally “…in Heaven and – in connectedness – on Earth”. We should also note: in 1 Cor. 12:12-27 Paul speaks of many members – but one Body – not ‘bodies’ of Mashiach. Cf. also Eph. 4:10-16. Note v.13 is “…andra telion“…  …”(a) man complete, (having reach the) goal”. Paul does not write “men complete”, as though each follower of Mashiach were their own, individual person.

Paul learned of wholeness, completeness, and oneness, from the Torah and Hebrew.

A quick note: There are two different Hebrew words for Noach’s Ark and the Ark with the Tablets in the Source Place of the Presence that dwells like a neighbor (English ‘Tabernacle’). Both contained things that needed to be preserved and protected and kept alive. In the first Ark, living beings human and animal. In the latter, the Ark of the Word of the LORD that needed to be kept spiritually alive by the Israelites, living for the LORD by serving Him and their brethren – and others.

That lesson first given to the Israelites, needs to be kept alive in the life of the followers of Yeshua!. Imagine the tremendous positive potential possibilities!

To Return

* The Torah begins with the universal, the Big Picture and moves to concrete specifics.  Cf. Gen.1 & Yochanon 1:1-18 and its very Hebraic style.

* Concrete rather than concept. The Torah is concerned with the world, the people, and the things in it in a very real way. It is not concerned about concepts or abstractions; those are Greek/Western based. Cf. Gen. 15:1, Ex. 6:6, chpts. 10-11 et al. et al.

* Details. The LORD is very concerned about everything – absolutely everything! Cf. also Lk. 12:7. No detail is unnecessary. No detail is unimportant. The LORD gives the Israelites detailed and specific teaching and instruction. Why? That is how He wanted it. Further, the Israelites never ever wondered, if they followed exactly the LORD instructed them to be and do, if it was acceptable.

Why those lists of censuses? Because the LORD Personally cared for each and every Israelite! That very Personal concern cf. Ex. 6:2-8 etc. etc. for the Jewish People also means He had great concern for those of the Nations! Cf. Yonah (‘Jonah’, ‘Dove’).

As the rabbis astutely point out, what “fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life”, part of the deeper meaning of the Hebrew word commandment, does the LORD give the most? Proper treatment, care and justice for those outside of the Jewish People, who came in and joined them. This is found 36 times!

In short for here, the number 36 in Hebrew is the number value of the Hebrew word ‘life’, 18, doubled. Thus, for those who seek Him, His Son, and join together with the Jewish People, there is life in this world and life in the World to come! Cf. Yochanon 5:19-25 etc., cf. Rom. 11:17-24, Eph. 2:11-12.

* The LORD uniquely forms a People for Himself. Cf. Ex. 4:22-23. We also see the LORD’S great concern for those of the Nations – and bringing them in with the Jewish People. Cf. Ex. 11:3, 12:38 etc.  Cf. Rom. 11:17-24, 15:10; cf. vss. 24-27. Cf. Gen. 9:23-27.

* The LORD is seen as Shepherd cf. Gen. 48:15-16. Cf. Yochanon 10.

* The LORD absolutely does not tolerate “other gods”. Cf. Ex. 20:3-5 ( Hebrew), Cf. Ex. 34:10-17 et al. (cf. Ex. 34:1-7 and you’ll see why what follows in vss.10-17!  Cf. Yeshua’s concern about people following after false Messiahs.  Also, the concern of Paul that the Corinthians had been deceived about Yeshua and what Paul taught, by more appealing outsiders. Cf. 2 Cor. 11:3-4.

* Though God – very clearly – has a concern for those of the nations that join in with the Jewish People, the following cannot be stressed enough:  God’s People are to have nothing – whatsoever – to do with or draw from the ways of the Nations – period!

* Neither can a king of Israel! Cf. Dt. 17:14-16 esp. v.15.

* The model of Heaven in Earth. Cf. Ex. 25. Cf. Mt. 6:8-10.

* The Torah is not concerned with ‘philosophy’ or theoretical abstractions about God and the Universe.

* The Torah is not systematic. Genesis 1 is not merely an account of Creation. The account of Creation is not sequential. If it were the Torah, it would begin Gen. 1:1 with a different word in Hebrew. Yeshua does not teach systematically either. Cf. Mt. 5:1-7:28 esp. For that matter, neither does Paul; if so the order of the chapters in Romans would have to be completely different!

* The Torah is not necessarily chronological. It is more concerned with what needs to be revealed and taught.

* Again, though the Torah is not sequential or systematic things on Earth in the Torah go from in Hebrew “a howling wild waste wilderness” to order. Cf. Gen. 1:2 and vss. 3-5.

* Diversity for unity. All things work together as parts of the whole of God’s Plan/Council.  Cf. Gen. 1:3-5. Cf. that when what is known more deeply in Hebrew as the Source Place of the Presence of dwells like a neighbor (what Christians call the ‘Tabernacle’), it is called in Hebrew “absolute compound oneness absolute one”.

This is even though the Source Place (‘Tabernacle’) consisted of many components and parts. Each had their own function together as part of the Source Place,  that when finished, was called one. Meaning more deeply in Hebrew, that it was absolute compound oneness absolute one. Though there were many components to the Source Place, it was seen as ‘one’ Cf. 1 Cor. 12:4-11.

* Emotions – not the ‘intellect’ – are our key to understanding both the LORD and the people and events of the Torah. The Middle East has always been an extremely emotional place; that is just as true today as it was back in the time of the Torah! The emphasis is on the heart; not the head.

NOTE: In the RCS there are far more uses of ‘kardia’, ‘heart’, than ‘nous’, ‘mind’; 156 to 29. In the Gospel it is 56 to 1. For all of Western Tradition’s emphasis on the mind/intellect, Yeshua never uses the word ‘mind’ – period! In fact, there is only one use of ‘nous’, ‘mind’, in the entire Gospel. Lk. 24:45.

Paul believe it or not uses heart to mind about two and a half more times; 56 to 21.  Even in Romans, it is 10 to 7 heart to mind.

* Action, active, flow, movement. Rather than fixed and static, passive and position oriented, which are hallmarks of Greek thought.

* As we mentioned above, the Name LORD is a verb. Part of the great significance of this is that it tells us the LORD is active! He also expects those who worship and seek to serve Him to be active; and act with godly and Mashiach-like character and integrity to others.  Cf. Ex. 19:4-6, 24:3 & 7; esp. Lev. 19:2; cf. 3-4, vss. 9-19; cf. Phpns. 3:17, Col. 3:1-5, 2 Tim. 2:21-22; 1 Pet. 2:1,5, vss.9-12.

* The LORD makes – in Hebrew most of the time the word ‘cut’ is used – covenants and keeps covenants. Cf. Gen 15, 17, cf. esp. Ex. 6:2-8 etc. etc.

* The idea of walking with God is first found in the Torah; as early with Chanoch (‘Dedication’, ‘Enoch’) Gen. 5:22-24, Noach (‘Noah’, ‘Rest’) Gen. 6, and Avraham Gen. 12:1. The “Christian walk” is an entirely Torah, Hebrew & Jewish idea!

You should note: the Athenians/Greeks, to whom post-Biblical Western Gentile leadership turned, and the ‘Re-Formers’ also drew from, had absolutely no concept of a personal relationship with God!  Cf. Acts 17:16-32; esp. v.16, vss. 22-23, v. 23.  Cf. Acts 17:32, v.34.

If you have a personal walk God – and we most certainly hope you do(!) – it is rooted in the Torah!

As a quick but ‘key’ note: the greats of the Torah walked with God; but not in an individualistic or isolated way. The greats of the Torah were concerned for others; cf. esp. Abraham Gen. 18:18-19! (Except for Chanoch (‘Enoch’); in very short for here; Chanoch was probably taken early by God because though he acted upon himself to walk closely with God, Chanoch failed to be concerned for others! The Torah’s Hebrew says “…and he was none” Gen.5:4. Cf. Noach Gen.6:9).

* The Torah is replete – absolutely replete – with many of the things we find that God does first and are well known – and also not so well known – by Christians.

* God who gives second chances, who forgives, grace and graciousness, salvation, prayer, blessing, God works through His Creation, redemption, Covenant, wholeness, totality, connectedness, oneness, to know and do the will of God, Prophets and prophecy, the Oneness of God – and so very very much more!

* And – where we first learn of Yeshua Hamashiach!

We cannot stress enough; what unfortunately is typically missed in looking for Yeshua in the Torah and the Hebrew Scriptures, is this “key”:

* That Yeshua is part and parcel of, and uniquely seen with the Jewish People, first in his divinity as the Angel of the Lord who helps the Israelites, but also later in that divinity coming to earth as a first-century Jew of Israel!  Cf. Mt. 1, Lk. 1:30-34, Lk. 2, 19:41; cf. Yochanon (” God is gracious”. ‘John’s’ original Hebrew name) 1:14, v. 17, v. 45. 4:22; cf. Rom.1:3, 9:4-5, 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 5:5 & 22:16.

* It is very very ‘key’ that Christians understand and focus on learning what the Torah is actually about for them. As we point out elsewhere; while all of Scripture has lessons for all people for all time, not everything was intended by the LORD to be done and carried out by everyone.

As we pointed out previously; while there are lessons for all on why Abraham and his physical male descendants are to undergo the covenant of circumcision, this obviously does not apply to women! In the same way, it does not apply to Gentile men either. The Torah – for Christians – and all non-Jews, is not the same as it is for Jews & Jewish followers of Yeshua, when it comes to application.  Is there any teaching – never mind application (!) – by Yeshua, about the Festivals and Judaica; especially by Gentiles?  Absolutely not!

Our wonderful Mashiach Yeshua illuminates what would be called in Hebrew the true substance/ essence of the Torah, in The Teaching on The Hill (as we point out, a more accurate name than “Sermon on the Mount” Mt. 5-7:28). Yeshua also illuminates it more fully in his last recorded detailed teaching Yochanon 13-16 cf. chpt. 12 also. (In context this is immediately after the Last Passover Seder). Do we find in those chapters Yeshua teaching that Gentiles should observe the Passover – or any other Festival for that matter – or, utilize Judaica?

The last we read of Yeshua is in Acts 1. What does Yeshua teach there to his beloved Taught Ones, those he personally called? Is it about teaching the Gentile followers who will come to him through them, cf. Yochanon 17:20-23, to observe the Festivals? No! On the Mount of Olives Yeshua teaches his Taught Ones a totally Hebrew Bible, Jewish – and Pharisee emphasis – the Kingdom!

Finally, things can be summed up in this way:  does the most cited Torah verse in the RCS have anything to do with the Festivals or utilizing Judaica?  No! The most cited Torah verse in the RCS – used ten times – is ” love your neighbor as yourself” Lev. 19:18. This verse – it should be noted – is part of the two great chapters on holiness, Lev. 19-20, in the Bible.

In Mt. 7:12 Yeshua is recorded as saying that …do onto others”… – which he draws from a Jewish source – are the Torah and the Prophets. So then empowered by the Ruach Hakodesh, let us strive to honor the LORD by doing His will (cf. Mt. 7:21-23) as revealed to us in His Torah, and fully illuminated for us by Yeshua!