Original “Key” Notes & Teaching on Yeshua – And More Part 1

Citations – These are a very partial list: Mt.1:1-17, 9:35-38,14:13 – 21, cf. Mk. 12:28-34, Lk. 1:30-34, 4:1-15, v.16, 5:1-11,19:41, Yochanon (” God is gracious”, “John’s” original Hebrew name) 1:1, 4:22, etc. Cf. Acts 26:14-15, Rom. 1:3, 9:4-5, Rev. 5:5, 22:16 et al.

‘Word” in KG – my abbreviation for Koine “Common” Greek – is ‘Logos’.  A number of scholars think Yochanon (“God is gracious” John’s” original Hebrew name) draws from the Aramaic word ‘Memra’. (Aramaic is the close sister language of Hebrew. It is what the Jewish People spoke in exile in Babylon). Cf. Yochanon 1:1.

Scholars also point out that what is called the Prologue Yochanon 1:1-18 is clearly drawn from the opening Hebrew of Genesis 1 (it is!). Yochanon’s KG (Koine Greek), which constitutes about 22% of the RCS – Renewed Covenant Scriptures – a much more Biblically accurate name than “New Testament” – as we teach on – is very Hebraic. Yochanon’s KG is not – at all – like what is called Attic Greek, the Greek of the classics and philosophers.

Yeshua a Jew in Heaven now – cf. Rev.5:5, 22:16. Revelation is the last book of the Bible and thought by conservative estimates to be written five and a half or six decades after Yeshua’s Ascension.

As we point out in our teaching – the KG text specifically identifies Yeshua with the Jewish people – and especially David. Can you separate Yeshua from David? No. In 2 Tim. 2:8 – and this is particularly significant because it is Paul’s last letter – after 16 or 17 years of ministry – Paul still sees Yeshua connected with David. “...ek spermatos David” “out from within seed (of) David”. Paul’s use of ‘ek‘ is significant; Why? Whenever Yeshua is referred to in the KG text of the RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures), Yeshua is always always seen as ‘ek‘, ‘out from within’ the Jewish People or David. Yeshua is never referred to as ‘apo‘ ‘separated off from the outside of’, the Jewish People or David. Cf. Lk.1:30-34 etc. In Lk. 1:32, the angel tells Yeshua’s mother Miryam (Hebrew ‘bitter’ transliterated ‘Mariam’, not ‘Mary’), the following. That her son Yeshua in fact will be given by the LORD God in Luke’s KG rendering of an Hebraic original, “ton thronon David tou patros autou“. “Very specifically the throne (of) David absolutely the father of him”. Can you separate David from the Jewish People? No period. Therefore, Yeshua cannot and is not separated from being part of the whole of the Jewish People! Rev. 5:5, 22:16.

In the KG text of Yochanon 4:22, Yochanon renders Yeshua’s Aramaic (Hebrew’s close sister language) “…that positively going forward and summing everything up the subject named the salvation out from within of the Jews is”. In short, just before this Yeshua identifies himself as worshipping with his fellow Jews. You should significantly please note: Yeshua doesn’t say, “they worship” – but says, “we worship”. According to the highly regarded “Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics” by Daniel Wallace, he states that the form (partitive genitive) used to indicate the salvation is of the Jews is “part of the whole” – and is Hebraic. Why is this significant for you? Yeshua is the one who brings salvation – yet sees himself as part of the whole of the Jewish People. We believe the same part of the whole form in Greek is used in Revelation 5:5.

Why Is This Extremely Significant for You to Understand and Act On?

Classic Christian theology correctly points out that Yeshua has two natures, one divine one human in one persona (not ‘person’, which causes confusion). This idea of two natures in one persona is actually Hebrew based. Greek, which is separation & compartmentalization based, would have expressed this as two natures in two separate personas. (Plato wrote that the soul has three separate compartments). Here is a fundamental and foundational question for you, dear one: Can one honor Yeshua’s divinity – but minimize or ignore Yeshua’s Jewish humanity? Should one think it doesn’t matter to Yeshua how his Gentile followers do or don’t treat the Jewish People – and especially your Jewish Brothers (Jewish followers of Yeshua) that he sends out today? Please especially see Rom. 11:20-22.

Mt. 25:31-46 Yeshua’s Judgement of the Nations, and Helping the Least of These “… the Brothers of Me the Least”…v. 40

Matityahu’s (‘Matthew’) Koine ‘Common’ Greek rendering reflects Yeshua’s probably Hebrew (if not then Aramaic, Hebrew’s very close sister language) original. There is some thought that Yeshua taught in Hebrew but spoke Aramaic as his everyday language. The ancient Christian historian Eusebius said that Matityahu (‘Matthew’) wrote in Hebrew and everyone understood it as best they could.

As we’ve pointed out elsewhere in our teaching, when KG uses a string of ‘of the of the’ it reflects Hebrew. One technical commentary says Matityahu’s KG form ‘of the’ in Mt. 25:40 is that used to indicate ‘part of the whole’.  Greek grammars point out that this specific form ‘part of the whole’ is very Hebraic. Matityahu’s KG form also may be used to indicate either Yeshua’s brothers in an absolute sense or with the idea of part of the whole. The wider form in general is also used to indicate ‘possession’. Meaning, Yeshua sees in a possessive sense, that the least of these are his brothers.

We looked at 10 commentaries – including technical ones, meaning those working directly from the Greek text. They were evenly split as to whether ‘his brothers’ meant ‘Christians’ or the Jewish People.  Here is a “key” that is forgotten.  Even if Yeshua meant all followers of him rather than the Jewish People, that – absolutely – includes your Jewish Brothers (followers of Yeshua). Given the context of Matityahu originally being written to a Jewish audience in Israel, it makes sense that Yeshua refers to the Jewish People – which would of course to him (!) – include his Jewish followers, as brothers. Cf. Paul in Rom. 9:1-3.

If Yeshua refers to Gentile or just Jewish & Gentile followers, we might have expected this to be in Luke, rather than Matityahu. Yeshua knew – full well – what the Torah and the Prophets say about the Nations – and their treatment of the Jewish People.  Cf. also Josh. 7 and Ps. 83, which speak of the enemies of the Jewish People as the enemies of God! Cf. also the second half of Exodus 17!

Further, the use of ‘brothers’ should particularly be noted. ‘Brothers’ obviously implies a close familial relationship.  Plus, as we repeatedly repeat in our teaching: a Greek concordance shows 370 uses of the various Greek words for ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’. There are only 3 uses of ‘Xristianos‘ ‘ Christians’.  This is another very key example of the Religious System taking something and repeatedly repeating it – Christians – until it sounds like the Biblical emphasis – while ignoring what the Bible actually emphasizes!

Paul uses forms of brothers/sisters between 125 and 150 times.  Dear one, no doubt you have heard Paul referred to as a ‘Christian’ or the ‘ founder of Christianity’ many many times. Paul – in fact – never uses the word ‘Xristianos‘ – period.  Period… That includes how he refers to himself! You can see this very simply even with an English concordance.

Many fine Christian organizations or groups, following what Yeshua says in Mt. 25:31-46, focus on helping the poor or those in prison etc. Yet – very unfortunately – no one seems to consider if brothers and the least of me, refers to the Jewish Brothers of Yeshua – your, Jewish Brothers.

Just imagine the potential positive possibilities for my dear Christian brethren, if they considered – and acted – as if Yeshua refers to or includes your Jewish Brothers! The Philippians certainly did – and note those others mentioned in Phpns. 4:3. See vss.10, 15 – and esp. vss. 17-19, which unfortunately have been taken a million times out of context! This is the only place – the only place – where those Paul writes to in KG receive a real, concrete, present tense, continuous process, of compounding interest in their (collective) spiritual account!

This is because unfortunately apparently the only group who truly cared about Paul and gave him any material help were, the Philippians. Cf. esp. Phpns 4:10, v.15. Cf. also. Rom.16 where Paul speaks well of those Gentile brothers and sisters who helped him!

Yochanon (‘God is gracious’, ‘John’s’ original Hebrew name) 13:20 – Yeshua’s Teaching About Those He Sends

In Yochanon 13:20, we see another key example of Yeshua drawing on Hebrew Bible and ancient Middle East culture.  In the Hebrew Bible and ancient Middle East culture, a messenger represented – exactly – the one who sent him.  To receive the messenger was to receive the one who sent him. This is also another reason why particularly in Yochanon we see an emphasis by Yeshua not that he comes himself; but rather, that he has sent by the Father.

Thus; to receive Yeshua is to receive the One, i.e. His Father who sent him. God forbid not to receive Yeshua is not just not receiving him according to Yeshua. It is not to receive the One who sent Yeshua! This is especially so – most especially (!) so – as Yeshua is the Son of God!  In Ychn. (‘Yochanon’. English ‘John’) 13:20, we see – very significantly (!) – that Yochanon says in KG “tina” (“tiena”, not like the name Tina) (that if) ‘someone’ Yeshua sends (is) received, that specifically identified individual, received Yeshua – and received the One Who sent Yeshua! (Yochanon’s use of ‘tina‘ would have a Hebrew equivalent though it would be a bit more specific).

Yochanon uses 2 different forms of ‘receive’ here. We must first quickly point out – Yochanon’s KG puts the following for emphasis at the end of Ychn. 13:20, which could also reflect a Hebrew original.  “...lambanei Ton pemphanta me” “… receives the positive bearer of existence actuality (who) sent me”.  ‘Me’ is last in the sentence for emphasis. We said “the positive bearer of actuality” because this reflects the deeper meaning of the Hebrew ‘the’, which is what Yeshua used.

Yochanon’s KG very specifically identifies and very specifically limits who is referred to in “Ton pemphanta me“, which in English has to be rendered “…the one Who sent me”. This particular KG form which both very specifically identifies and very specifically limits who is referred to, is deliberately used to make it very clear,  though here by an oblique reference, that it is the Father Who sent Yeshua. That ‘me’ is the last word in the Greek verse should be noted and would be similar to a Hebrew original, that the emphasis is on Yeshua.

Yeshua is the only one who is allowed to focus or emphasize ‘me’!  He was sent by the Father and Yeshua demonstrates by his word and life – most especially perhaps on the Cross – that ultimately he has no ‘me’.  Yeshua’s ‘me’ is not – at all (!) – like you or I, dear one, saying ‘me’.

Yochanon uses ‘receive’ 3 times, in 2 different ways in Ychn. 13:20. The first indicates more the action of a real, concrete, present tense, continuous process; here that indicates one’s character trait, i.e. that one is willing to receive. The second indicates “…me receive(s)” as something active in the present. The third use of ‘receive’ is the same as the second use.

The “key”: to receive someone Yeshua sends is to receive him – and receive the One Who sent Yeshua.  While we are not at all saying today that Yeshua does not send out Gentiles today, it should be noted and sobering, that the Bible records no Gentiles were personally called and sent out by Yeshua in his time on earth in Israel.

The return today of Jewish Brothers – obviously called by Yeshua because I guarantee you dear one, no Jewish follower of Yeshua woke up one day and said to himself or his wife the following. “Here’s a great way for me to be popular and make a nice living; I’ll go into Jewish ministry”. (Most most most especially so If he doesn’t assimilate into the Western Tradition Religious System!).

Ychn. 13:20 should be both very sobering but also very encouraging for my dear Christian brethren. First off though lest we forget; this verse is in the context of
Yeshua’s last recorded extended teaching to his beloved Twelve. While Yeshua here, does not say those who don’t receive you don’t receive me and don’t receive the One who sent me, please let us point out the following again. Based on the Hebrew Bible and ancient Middle East culture, it’s one or the other; meaning one either receives the messenger and thus receives the one who set the messenger or, they reject the messenger – and thus reject the one who sent the messenger.

Yeshua here teaches about the specific individual who will receive someone Yeshua sends in a positive encouraging way for the Twelve. This is probably in the context of Yeshua knowing and saying to them his time with them is short.  Elsewhere he told them to shake the dust off their feet of any place that doesn’t receive them. In Ychn. 13:20, we again believe Yeshua encourages the Twelve!

This then dear one should be viewed very positively by you (!) – you now have the opportunity – today – to do as Yeshua teaches regarding receiving someone he sends! We don’t see any reason why this would have to be limited to just the Twelve. If so, we might have expected the text to say ‘you’ plural, and it would have been very easy for Yochanon to make it clear that it was specifically limited to the Twelve. You have the opportunity – today – to receive Yeshua’s Jewish sent ones he sends today – after a 1600-year absence!

We encourage you: see in this that again, this is another way Yeshua is especially connected with your Jewish Brothers – and thus, part of the whole of the Jewish People. So then dear one please please please be encouraged to understand & act accordingly!

What are Some Key Things the Gentile Greats of the Bible Have in Common?

In addition to having steadfast trustworthiness in the LORD, they also all – all – helped the Jewish People or Jewish Brothers (Jewish followers of Yeshua) in some way! They were all blessed or rewarded in some way for doing so.

The Great Significance of the Name Yeshua

The name Yeshua is not – at all (!!) – merely a ‘culturally’ Jewish name. While my dear Christian brethren are free to refer to Yeshua however they like, the fact is his name ‘be’ (Hebrew has no ‘is’) Yeshua. As we open up, we hope, the name Yeshua in Hebrew – and only in Hebrew – it tells us the following: “substance”, “there is”, “grant vigorous existence”, “grant essence of existence”; “as much of the essence of God that men can comprehend has been revealed”. Cf. Mk. 12:28-34, Titus 2:11.

Why in our teaching do we place so much emphasis on the name Yeshua? Most followers think it is merely a ‘culturally Jewish’ way to say ‘JC’. This is because very unfortunately my dear Christian brethren are taught from a Greek not a Hebrew basis – even though the overarching ethos (ironically a Greek word) of the Bible is Hebrew & Jewish!

‘Name’ in Hebrew is something extremely important! It is not merely a way to refer to or to designate something. Rather, as one of the great Jewish Torah teachers correctly points out, ‘name’ in Hebrew indicates one’s spiritual and intellectual activity. We would also humbly add that it speaks of one’s mission function purpose. Further, in Hebrew the root letters of ‘name’ are the exact same ones for the word ‘there’. Thus, in someone or something’s name we are told what is ‘there’, what their spiritual and intellectual activity is and what their mission/function/purpose is.

This – this – is why the name Yeshua is so extremely important; because it is only in Hebrew – only in Hebrew – that tells us who he ‘be’. (Hebrew has no word ‘is’). The name Yeshua tells us what is ‘there’, what his spiritual and intellectual activity is and, his mission/function/purpose! Only Hebrew tells us this deeply who and what Yeshua ‘be’.  That is why we use and emphasize it; it’s not about culturally Jewish or semantics. As we point out in our teaching, Hebrew repeats things for emphasis; so again, dear one, that’s why the name Yeshua is so important!

Another other thing please lest we forget:  in Mt. 5:17-20, Yeshua says that not even the smallest letter or smallest part of a Hebrew letter would be removed. Yeshua is not merely referring to the smallest letter of Hebrew. Here’s what more deeply the smallest letter in Hebrew indicates. That letter – uniquely (!) – is the first letter in the Hebrew Name LORD, Yeshua, Israel, Yerushalyim, Jew.  It takes about a year for a scribe in Israel to handwrite a Torah scroll.  If the scribe gets to the very last writing of the Name LORD in the Torah, and God forbid were to forget or incorrectly write that first letter of the Personal Name LORD, the whole scroll is called in Hebrew invalid. (The scroll also would not be considered kosher ‘fit’ if any of the letters of the Name were attempted to be corrected or rewritten).

Thus; if God forbid that smallest letter in the Torah were removed, there would be no Personal Name LORD, no word for save, salvation, deliverance, victory, as well as the other things about the name Yeshua we mentioned above! They would also be no name Israel, Jerusalem, or Jew. That smallest letter is also the first letter in the name Isaac, Jacob, and Judah. As well as the first letter in the Hebrew word ‘praise’, from which Judah’s name is derived!

You do not see the things we wrote of above, and we mean this very sensitively, in the English version of the Latin ‘J’ name. Again please, they are only seen in Hebrew – and in fact as we point out in our teaching very sensitively, my dear Christian brethren are free to refer to Yeshua by whatever name they like. However, he can only be, Yeshua….

Also left we forget please: I. Howard Marshall in his highly regarded commentary on the Greek text of Luke astutely and correctly points out the following on Lk. 1:30-34. That the name  the angel tells Miryam ‘Bitter’ ‘Miriam’ transliterated in Greek ‘Mariam’ – not ‘Mary’ – is given to the angel by God.Thus; would God give the angel a name to give to the mother of Yeshua, a very pious, godly, Torah observant (cf. Lk. 2 etc.) 15-16 year old Jewess in the first century Galil (‘ Galilee’) northern Israel, a Greek Latin or English form of a Latin name? Most especially so given the following: that Lk. 1:30-34 very specifically tells us the son will have the throne (of) David his father.  It’s a whole other discussion but you should please be very very aware of the very close connection between Yeshua and David!

Finally, as we point out in our teaching on Deuteronomy 17:14-16, v.15 (please see a little further down on the Home page “Experience for Yourself the Treasure of the Bible in Hebrew and Greek”), the following. For here, the LORD Himself in Hebrew makes it clear that a king of Israel cannot be a man sourced ‘of’ foreignness. It’s not that he merely cannot be from foreigners; he cannot be, a man even at the highest spiritual level ‘of’, i.e. ‘sourced’ of foreignness.

Thus once again: the great importance and actually very very Biblically rooted name Yeshua.

Godly Character Traits and Integrity

Cf. the “Teaching on the Hill”, a more accurate name than the “Sermon on the Mount”, Mt. 5:1-7:28. Yeshua teaches more deeply in the underlying Hebraic original, not to lack as your collective Father does not lack, in operating towards us with the Attributes He exercises towards Man. Cf Mt. 5:46-48 v.48. Cf. esp. Ex.34:6-7.

Yeshua lives out love, truth – which in Hebrew includes the meaning reliable, forgiveness, abounding overflowing royal loving kindness acts of mercy; mercy translated into action. Cf Ex. 34:6-7, Cf. Lk. 10:37. Compassion cf. Mt. 9:35-38, humility, cf. esp. Phpns. 2:5-11 – an Hebraic type hymn by Paul.

Yeshua also calls for in Mk. 8:30-35 and Yochanon 12:24-26, something later on taught in Orthodox Judaism. Literally in Hebrew “waste or nothing of substance”, translated putting the Self to death.

Let us please be not a hundred percent but a thousand percent clear; God forbid we are not talking about suicide! Rather, we are talking about a focus on “me myself and I”I i.e. the Self.

Yeshua is clearly our ultimate model of no Self.

As a quick but probably shocking fact: the KG text, as we repeatedly repeat in our teaching, actually has far more uses of ‘you’ plural than ‘you’ singular!

About 63% of the occurrences of ‘you’ are plural.

There are 778 more uses of you plural than ‘you’ singular.

There are 865 uses in Greek of what’s translated ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’.

Nine of the 10 uses in Greek of God as Savior are Savior of ‘we’ or ‘us’.

Yeshua’s first century Israeli culture – then and now and the Middle East as a whole for that matter – is a ‘we’ culture; not a “me” culture. The latter is from the influence of Greek thinking; but extremely significantly it doesn’t exist in the Bible – period – as the overarching model.

Yeshua speaks and teaches in the collective if you will, not the individualistic!

Yeshua’s Jewish and Pharisee Based Teaching Style

Cf. Lk. 2:42. Yeshua’s use of quoting the Hebrew Bible, other Jewish works, asking questions frequently rather than just making declarative statements, asking leading questions cf. Lk. 6:39 etc. Emotion rather than Aristotle’s reason and logic. The use of physical metaphors such as lamps, oil, “I am the door” “in my Father’s house there are many rooms” etc. etc., rather than abstract concepts or philosophy.

Paul teaches in the same style – little wonder If we actually look at Scripture, rather than reading post Biblical interpolations back onto him! Cf esp Acts 22:1-3, esp 23:6 etc

Lest we forget – the P’rushim (“Separate Ones”, “Pharisees”) at the famous Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 are actually seen as part of the normative of what is developing among the Jewish Brothers (followers of Yeshua. They never – in fact – call themselves “Xristianos” “Christians”.  Paul – In fact – never uses the term – period.

* With God’s help we hope we have opened much much much more on the above in our hundreds of audio and written teaching in our Teaching & Podcast page.

* We warmly invite you to now please return to our Home page.

May our wonderful LORD guide you in your study, give you strength, and richly bless you and yours, in Yeshua’s name!

You’ll also learn much much more about our teaching – and us – just ahead on our Home page.

You will also learn how, as the Bible actually teaches, you can be a blessing – and be blessed – for helping your Jewish brother (follower) of Yeshua.

God today is doing something miraculous, not seen in the last 1600 years.  That is, restoring and returning your Jewish Brethren to you! Our wonderful God gives you an opportunity – today to be part of something Christians tragically beyond words, were not able to be a part of for 1600 years….

We pray, you’ll take advantage of what He now gives you!

Why Blessing Us Blesses You – The Actual Biblical Model– Audio