Our Brother Jacob’s Background & Experience

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Jacob Stone’s Bio

** Warm Greetings in Yeshua’s name! I’m Jacob Stone. I’ve been a Jewish follower of Yeshua for 32 years. I was given a very rare combination of background & experience for a Bible teacher. As an adult, 12 years in Orthodox Jewish space – including staying with & learning together with Orthodox Jewish rabbis. I had an all-Jewish family, including a great-grandfather who served as a rabbi in NYC. I also have decades of Conservative Jewish learning & experience. This includes being Bar Mitzvah, graduating from a 6-year after school Hebrew school, 10 summers at a Sabbath-observant Jewish summer camp, spending a summer in Israel, and later, several years in a Conservative synagogue.  My dear wife and I spent six years in a Messianic Jewish assembly – where I was a co-founder and first director of the first after-school Messianic Hebrew school in the U.S. My wife & I altogether have also spent several months in Israel.

** Plus – for almost 30 years – I’ve been intensely studying & teaching – directly – from the often Hebraic/Jewish Greek Renewed Covenant Scriptures (a much more accurate – and Biblical – name than “New Testament – as our teaching explains). You’ll learn a wealth of true Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots not seen in English! I care what you learn – because it impacts you!

How Jacob’s Hebrew, Jewish & Rabbinic Style and Hebrew & Greek Based Teaching Helps You