Picture Caption for the Torah – The LORD’s Teaching, Revelation, and Word window

The picture is of a man at the Western Wall in Jerusalem holding up a Torah scroll after there has been a reading of Torah during morning prayers. The upraised scroll showing three columns of Hebrew text is done because it is a reminder of the Israelites walking on dry land between the walls of the Reed Sea during Israel’s redemption from Egypt in Exodus 14:21-22.

In Yeshua’s 1st-century Israel farmers could not get to synagogue regularly. Mondays and Thursdays were market days and so farmers came to town on those days, and this was a way for them to hear a reading from the LORD’s Torah.

Yeshua was very very familiar with the reading of the Torah cf. Luke 4:16! The Torah of course is also read every Sabbath and on the days of the Biblical festivals that the LORD instructed Israel in the Torah to, in Hebrew, “safeguard by observing, protect, distance from danger (the deeper meaning of the Hebrew translated “observe”).