The Benefit Of Traditional Hebrew Scripture Based Prayer For An Individual Or Individuals Who Are Sick – Introduction

The following is a traditional Hebrew prayer for an individual or individuals who are ill.

As indicated below, insert the name or names of a specific individual or individuals who need the LORD’s Gracious whole loosening-healing.

As we repeatedly repeat in our teaching, Hebrew is wholeness, totality, and connectedness rooted. Thus, Hebrew prayer is not only for a specific illness or injury; say, God forbid, severe back pain, or failing kidneys, etc. Rather it is for “(a) whole loosening-healing of body, soul, mind, and spirit

The body, life-person-personal being (in Hebrew), and “soul” are seen in their wholeness. They are not Greek-based separated and compartmentalized.

In short, wholeness is in fact an emphasis of the RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures; please see our Glossary in the A-Z window under the letter G).

There are almost 110 uses of the Greek olo “whole”, 3 more than sozo “save”. The RCS’ emphasis on whole needs to be seen, understood, and applied in all areas, including healing. This cannot be reiterated enough!

A couple of quick Scriptural references to whole.

  • The LORD repeatedly and consistently revealed, instructed, and taught and had as law, His fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life (in simple English, “commandment”), for part of the deeper Hebrew, are to be done whole/in their wholeness. Or, in their totality. Cf. Num. 15:40 et al. etc.
  • Mashiach Yeshua did not make atonement for the individual on an isolated basis.


In short, in Mk. 10:45 Yeshua draws directly from the Hebrew of the middle of Ish. 53:12 “…and – in connectedness – he sin-inadvertent error, falling short, diminution/lack, pull away from the fire of the LORD – (of) many, (in response) he bore…”.

  • As we open up in our teaching, in Yeshua’s totally Hebraic “extend the hands and ask” Hebrew (cf. Ps. 122:6) form of prayer, we find the following in Yochanon 17:20-23.

In short that those who will come to him through the word of his beloved Taught Ones he personally is sending out, will be, in Yeshua’s Hebrew original “absolute compound oneness absolute one”, as he and the Father are one.

Things that are broken – be they bones or relationships – thus are neither “one”, nor are they whole.

  • In 1 Yochanon (“John’s” original Hebrew name – “God is gracious”) 2:2 we read the following.

That Mashiach made atonement “…olou tou kosmou” literally “(of the) whole absolutely of the world”.

The “of the” repetition reflects Yochanon’s “Hebrew heart” (as we open up in our teaching we hope). What we should particularly notice is his reference not to just a “select group”. Rather, in keeping with the Hebraic approach of the Hebrew Scriptures it is that of the whole world.

  • In short: the “key” is that God’s love, forgiveness, graciousness, and deliverance-victory-saving-salvation is open to the whole If people will but avail themselves of it, through firm steadfast trustworthiness in the words and work of Mashiach!
  • Specifically regarding a whole loosening-healing, we learn the following from Paul.

Paul writes the Thessalonians (a city in Greece – Thessalonika had a Jewish population from at least Paul’s time until the Holocaust, where Thessalonian Jews were all too readily handed over to the Nazis…) the following. In 1 Thess. 5:23 Paul uses two Greek words with an olo “whole” prefix, regarding how he wants God to sanctify the Thessalonians.

Paul in KG (Koine Greek) says in 1 Thess. 5:22 to “Separate off from the outside (KG “apo”) every (i.e., the totality of) form of evil-abstain (from it) – it’s imperative (KG “apexesthe”); Here evil is “povnpov” (“pornerou” cf. “porno” i.e. here, “of evil”.

1 Thess. 5:23 says that the God absolutely of the peace, sanctify you-plural “wholly complete” (KG “oloteleis”) and – in connectedness – “whole (of your heritage) of you-plural, specifically the subject named referring to the spirit and – in connectedness – the life-person-personal being and – in connectedness, the body, without blame in specifically the presence absolutely of the LORD of us (i.e. collectively not individually!) Yeshua Hamashiach, may (all of you) be kept”.


Let us briefly unpack Paul’s KG in 1 Thess. 5:23.

Regarding “peace”, Paul thinks of the Hebrew-based “shalom”. Cf. also 1 Cor. 14:33! In short shalom means wholeness, and not just the absence of negatives but deep, positive peace. Cf. also Yochanon 14:27.

In short, shalom is very much about restoration of relationship!

For our purpose here please note; Paul does no Platonic-based separation and compartmentalization of the spirit, life-person “soul”, and the body.

In short, Paul wants that God would sanctify the Thessalonians to be whole, and that it would be in the connectedness of spirit-life-body.

Thus “Hebrew heart” prayer is always for a whole loosening-healing of those 3 things that together comprise Man.

The “Hebrew heart” prayer is a more universal, Big Picture prayer than just a body part seen in isolation from its whole and totality.

We have pointed out in our other directly related teaching on prayer for healing, that we should very much first pray for all those suffering from the same thing or in the same situation. That is, to pray for anyone we know with the same illness, and lastly, our loved ones or our self.


It is “key” to remember: the less Self the more Mashiach like we become. Mashiach Yeshua is our model of no Self! Cf. Mk. 10:45, etc. and especially Phpn. 2:5-13.

The following prayer is designed for specific individuals in need. When you come to a blank space (indicated by a line in an open space) simply insert the person’s name. Do so one at a time if there is more than one.

Our wonderful Heavenly Father does care for each individual part of the whole of His Creation!

The Book of “Numbers” (from the Greek for “Arithmetic”) in Hebrew is really about the Israelites experience with the LORD in the Wilderness. (Between the time of leaving Egypt and entering the Land of Israel).

Wilderness, as it is known in Hebrew, begins not “just” with a census of Israelite males. Rather the Hebrew of Num. 1:3 tells us in short the following “key”.

Does the LORD need a count of the Israelite males of military age – as though He does not know how many – so thus He needs a “count”?

The LORD in the Hebrew of Num. 1:3 says that He counts each Israelite male because He is Personally concerned for each one. Each one is precious to Him!

Further, in (Num. 1:3), He has invested (each one) with responsibility.

The Hebrew word is from a verb “to invest with responsibility” and has almost a dozen uses!

Peter was not just an “eyewitness” to the great Glory of Mashiach’s Transfiguration (Lk. 9:28-36, 2 Pet. 1:16), Peter was invested with the responsibility of accurately relaying this event!

2 Pet. 1:16 in KG is “…we did not follow clever wisdom myths”, in relating the events of Mashiach.

Peter was invested with the responsibility while obviously much beloved by Yeshua!


Translation And Explanation

The following is my (Jacob) translation of the above. Following that is a rendering, that is, to try to put the Hebrew more directly into English.

Rendering I hope opens up more of the depth and literal Hebrew.

     I suggest you use the translation for prayer if the rendering is too awkward for you. If so, then use the rendering as a way to study the prayer and get a sense of the Hebrew.

The thought of the “Hebrew heart” is not that of English, nor is its expression like English.

Human emotions and a need and desire for healing are universal; but the thought and expression of Hebrew is unique.

Remember, the Hebrew heart sees God in terms of concrete not concept. Hebrew heart prayer begins with praise and acknowledgement of the Majestic Majesty of the LORD, that the whole of life and the totality of everything and everyone is created and sustained by Him.

The LORD works through His Creation, including medical professionals and medicines. However the Hebrew heart has the LORD central and as the One Who, if it is His will – cf. Mk. 14:36 – ultimately heals.

This is the opposite of secular Man, who sees him or herself as the one who “heals”.


Translation of Traditional Hebrew Prayer For Healing

The One Source Who blessed the fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moshe, Aaron, David and Solomon, may He bless and in connectedness give (a) whole loosening-healing of the essence and substance and everything for about  insert name/s   .

May the Holy One, blessed (be) He, may He (if an assembly is praying add “because the whole of the assembly prays for insert name/s ”) be filled full (with) compassion, protect, like a soft touch of the womb for him or her, and (have) direction toward him/her to benefit and restore the whole of him/her, to benefit him/her by (a) loosening-healing and in connectedness (have) direction toward him/her to strengthen and move to (a) goal (of) speedily (granting) (a) whole loosening-healing from the Heavens, for the totality of all the parts of their organs, among the other sick of your Special People Israel, of the Assembly, and of the Nations, of the life-person-personal being, now, with swiftness and in (a) time that draws near.

We pray in the name of Your Son Yeshua Hamashiach.


Before it became ossified as a title or an “office”, this is exactly what the Sent Ones i.e. “Apostles” were sent to do – to move people towards the goal of coming to Mashiach, and to “be and do” with godliness accordingly.

The KG word for “apostle” is a verb and is used to indicate in KG, the idea of send as derived and originating in the Torah.

The KG word pempha is used for send in its ordinary sense, say sending someone to get something.


Traditional Hebrew Based Prayer For Healing – Rendering To Open Up More Deeply The Original Hebrew

The One Source Who blessed the fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moshe, Aaron, David and Solomon may He bless and in connectedness (a) whole loosening-healing (of the) essence and substance and everything about  insert name/s   .

The positive bearer of Existence-Actuality the Holy one, Blessed (be) He, may (He) (If an assembly is praying add “because there is the totality (of) the assembly as a source, is praying for insert names ) be filled full (with) compassion – protect, like a soft touch of the womb for him or her, to, with direction toward, for (the) benefit to restore his or her disparate elements and – in connectedness to, (with) direction toward, for (the) benefit to loosen-heal him or her and in connectedness (with) direction toward, to strengthen him or her and in connectedness may He send, move to a goal him or her speedily (with) a whole loosening-healing from the Heavens for the totality of all the parts of their organs, among the other sick people of Israel, of the Assembly, and of the Nations, loosening-healing of the positive bearer of existence-actuality the spirit, and in connectedness the life-person-personal being, and in connectedness the body, now, with swiftness and in a time that draws near. We pray in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach.



If two or more prayed, respond, “Amen”.

If praying alone, traditionally one does not respond amen to their own prayer.

Why? For more in-depth (we hope!) please click on “Faith or Firm Steadfastness Trustworthiness – How The Biblical Model Strengthens Us”, in the General Topics A-Z window. Please scroll to the letter S for Steadfastness.

Amen is used not only to affirm what was just said with firm steadfast trustworthiness.

More deeply, as we explain in our teaching mentioned above, we take in and take in to utilize, what we just responded to with firm steadfast trustworthiness by saying amen!

We take it in to utilize it, but not for our Self. Rather, to strengthen our firm steadfast trustworthiness in Him, and that we then respond outwardly by serving Him by serving others through what we just affirmed.