Warm greetings again!
We want to begin by first finishing up from part 1.
We will also address the question: does recognizing the Religious System doesn’t work and physically leaving, mean the System is out of one?
Continuing On From Part One
Prophets and Prophecy
In Traditional teaching to Christians, what is focused on in the Prophets are those that most speak of Mashiach.
Those Prophets who have little to say about Mashiach – but much about Israel – are largely ignored. Or, based on Tradition teaching “me” is emphasized. “Here’s what it means to me”, but the Prophet addresses Israel! Thus, unfortunately the Christian may miss Scripture’s overarching emphasis on Israel.
What Is the Actual Main Mission Function Purpose of a Prophet?
A Prophet, unlike a writer of the Psalms or Proverbs etc., does not speak and write under inspiration of the Ruach (Spirit), but rather is a channel through whom the LORD speaks.
Christians are taught that the main purpose of a Prophet is predicting the future. However, this is not the main mission function purpose of a Prophet! The LORD raises up a prophet in Israel when there is the need to get the People’s attention, and to turn the people back to the LORD or to His Torah.
Turn back to the LORD and His Way – this is also why Paul hopes that God will raise up prophets among the Corinthians in 1 Cor. 14.
When the Corinthians get off the Way, Paul hopes a prophet will be raised up – and very directly tell the Corinthians – “we’re off the path of God”!
As a quick but key note – Paul also hopes for prophets because prophets serve the community; tongues are for the individual. Paul the Hebrew, Jew, and Pharisee Acts 23:6 esp. etc, thinks accordingly; it is about “us” not “me”!
In short, as J. Vernon McGee put it well, ” Ezekiel is a major Prophet forgotten in a major way”. McGee goes on to say that is because Ezekiel has little to say about Mashiach and focuses on Israel.
Isaiah is a particular favorite of the System – because there is so much about Mashiach!
Here though are a couple of things that are missed that contribute – unaware – to the insidious numbness towards the Jewish People and Jewish Brothers.
Isaiah in the chapters in the 40s, known as the Servant Songs, shows that Yeshua and Israel are so close that at times it’s hard to tell who is being spoken of! This however typically is not taught; the focus is on the verses that predict the coming of Yeshua.
The fact that Isaiah is addressed to the Jewish People is completely overlooked – in the great rush to find predictions about “JC”. The LORD’S great concern for Israel and its restoration is too often overlooked. Why? The Prophets are largely seen as a “proof text” of “JC”.
Further, Replacement Theology very falsely says the covenants and promises to Israel are fulfilled in the “new/true Israel, the Gentile Institution on Earth. “Physical Israel”, i.e., “the Jews” receive the punishment – but “spiritual Israel” the Assembly, receives the blessings.
In short: Israel winds up being either an academic exercise or a theological abstraction or something ear tickling cf. 2 Tim. 4:3, about The End Times. Focus on the End Times avoids having to do the heavy spiritual lifting of trying to eliminate anti-Semitism and restore the Body cf. Yeshua’s teaching Mt. 5:21-25.
What is subtly instilled? A Greek based “have the right position” about Israel – rather than substantive action accordingly.
In summary we see the following that insidiously can cause spiritual numbness towards the Jewish people and especially the Jewish Brothers:
- Marcionism
- Replacement Theology
- The Preaching of Contempt
- The Assembly Triumphant
- “Me-ism”
- Skewed Bible Teaching
- Exceptionalism
I should have brought up in Part 1 that we do see exceptionalism among Gentile brethren in the RCS, as early as the early 50’s.
Paul uses “kauxe” ” boast” and a long KG word for “puffed up/puffed upness” a number of times with the Corinthians and Romans. Paul uses these words more with them than anyone else
Cf. 1Cor. 4:6-7, chapter 14:31, 33; cf. esp. Rom. 11:18.
Commentators say that though there were Jewish Brothers in both places most followers were Gentile.
In Romans Paul very much has to deal with the issue of Gentile Brothers thinking they are superior to the Jewish Brothers. In short it seems though the Gentiles received the Good News through the Jewish Brothers, the Gentile Brothers during the time the Jewish brothers were booted out of Rome for 6 years, apparently developed an attitude of superiority towards their Jewish Brothers.
As happened post-Biblically – numerical superiority was confused with spiritual superiority.
As a quick note; the Roman authorities saw the Jewish Brothers as Jews not as ” Christians” or “Jewish Christians”.
The on the ground historical cultural situation in Rome seems to be the historical cultural motivation that underlies Ruach Hakodesh inspiration for the emphasis on Jew- Gentile in Romans.
Paul focuses on the “concrete specifics” of Jew and Gentile in chapters 12,14 -15 after first focusing on the universal big picture in chapters 9-11. Paul of course also speaks of Jew and Greek/Gentile in chapters 1-3.
Typically, the System gives an overview of 9-11 as “Paul the theologian”, and chapters 12,14-15, as “Paul the pastor”. This anachronistically makes Paul look like a forerunner of the post Biblical Gentile System.
Unfortunately, what the Western System seems to be unaware of, is that in Hebrew thought you begin with the universal big picture and move to concrete specifics.
Here’s why we teach you dear brothers and sisters only from the original languages.
Also, while we think of it, imagine the positive potential possibilities of learning more deeply about our wonderful LORD and drawing even closer to Him, and His Son’s teaching more deeply understood and applied, from understanding Torah, rather than “the Law a legal code of legal laws”!
The Engrafting and Paul’s Sobering Warning to the Gentile in Rom. 11:17-24
Very significantly Paul’s Roman audience would have caught clearly in KG, his switch from you plural to you singular in Rom. 11:17-24. Paul very Hebraically begins giving the Roman Gentile Brothers the big picture in 9:1-11:16. In 11:17-24 Paul switches to some very key concrete specifics.
The use of a physical metaphor to illuminate great spiritual truth – here, the well-known in Mediterranean culture, olive tree – is Hebraic. Yeshua’s use of physical metaphors in his teachings is totally Hebraic.
One way the Jewish People knew the LORD is real was simply by looking at the physical world around them He created!
Paul’s switch from you plural to you singular in 11:17-24 is as though he says, “I addressed you collectively; now I’m speaking to each one of you individually”.
In short, this section also has a few of the hallmarks of the way a Pharisee and rabbi makes his point.
In Rom 11:18, Paul’s first two words are there for emphasis. Paul has a very particular point to make. He issues a prohibition against doing something in the future or stopping something that’s going on now; “boasting by putting down”.
This is not merely boasting over the Jewish People, it’s boasting by putting down (Paul puts “kata” ” down”! before “kauxe” “boast”).
One other quick note:
Replacement Theology takes Israel in chapters 9 to 11 to be an “allegory” for the Gentile Institution. Unfortunately, what they’re completely unaware of, is the reason Paul switches from Jew to Israel in Rom. 9-11. For a Jew to refer to his people as Israel is the most reverential way to do so!
While attention in the last few decades given to the in grafting in Rom. 11:17-24 is nice, there is something particularly significant that doesn’t seem to be brought out, that Paul wants to be sure the individual Gentile is aware of.
It is not merely a “position” of being grafted in. In vss. 21 – 22 Paul warns – not once but twice – that one will not be spared /will be cut off, if they don’t continue in the kindness of God!
Very significantly – Paul does not say it doesn’t matter how you treat Israel “as long as you just believe you cannot be cut off”.
At the end of Rom. 11:20, for emphasis Paul says “… but in strong contrast (be) terrified”. The KG unfortunately is not translated strongly enough; it is an “absolute” form of where we get the word “phobia” from. Hence I rendered it ” terrified”!
At the end of verse 21 also for emphasis the KG is ” strongly in fact not spared you’ll not be spared”. Paul uses two forms of the word “spare” in an Hebraic type repetition for emphasis.
At the end of v. 22 also put there for emphasis and following what Paul says about the severity and the kindness of God, “… also you (singular) in fact in the future will be cut off”. Paul’s Greek puts an emphasis on the subject i.e., the one who would be cut off. His Greek form indicates that in fact in the future this is something that will be received.
The not being spared/ being cut off is a definite. The form of “if” in the middle of v.22 indicates possibility/ probability that the individual Gentile will continue in the kindness of God towards Israel.
Again please – Paul puts not spared/cutoff at the end of both Rom. 11:21 and v.22 for emphasis.
What Paul writes in Rom11:20-23 should be particularly sobering regarding one’s attitude and action toward the Jewish People – and that includes the Jewish Brothers …. While we are typically taught “as long as you believe you’re going to Heaven”, our wonderful Master Yeshua Hamashiach also teaches us a couple of very sobering things.
As we point out in our teaching – in short part of the deeper meaning of the name Yeshua is, ” as much of the essence of God that man can comprehend has been revealed”. Cf. also Titus 2:11!
Yeshua in Mt. 7:21- 28 esp. vss. 21-24, says it’s doing the will of God; is the will of God that Yeshua’s Gentile sheep be made and become numb, to the Jewish People and especially the Jewish sheep? Is that the Torah’s teaching Yeshua illuminated in Mt. 5-7?
In Mt. 12:36-37, Yeshua very directly warns about having to give an account for frivolous words when it’s time to judge.
In v.37, Yeshua says by our words we are saved and in the original, out from within the source of our words we are condemned.
In Matthews KG rendering these are both passives. Meaning it’s not anything we do, it’s something we receive. “Condemned” in KG is in sort of an intensive form but it’s called in technical commentaries a Divine passive. This means the condemning is something God does (and God forbid we receive it!).
In Yeshua’s Semitic original “save” would be the same form as KG uses, something received, and condemn probably from a verb that means in part ” self-destruct”.
I was fortunate to be taught from the Torah not just “the Festivals” but the seriousness of vows & oaths from Num. That the Torah and Judaism teaches that we’re accountable for our words and for our actions. I was taught it’s not about “you” – it’s about your People. We have suffered greatly and you have an obligation to “us”.
I also saw it in the RCS; why not – after all it’s such a Jewish Book!
It’s not “OT”/”NT”- it’s connectedness continuation and culmination!
From that, when I saw some of Yeshua’s teaching mentioned above, I was reminded to be very very careful about what I say – and what I “promise” to do.
People in the world say things all the time, don’t do them, break promises, feel superior to others etcetera. Paul taught the Colossians in chapter 3 in short, that they had died an actual death with Yeshua. Paul’s KG “thanatos” is the word virtually always used to describe the actual physical death of Yeshua.
It means not an idea of death – but a real concrete actual physical death! Paul tells the Colossians in KG it’s imperative they put to death the type of character traits that are sourced of the earth cf Col. 3:1-5 v.5. Being in Union with Yeshua at the right hand of the Father is not a ” position” that means chasing after ecstatic experiences – that’s what the pagans did.
In Paul’s context in Col. 3:1-5 it means followers must have and operate at a completely different higher spiritual level then those character traits whose source are of the Earth!
Cf also Eph. 4:17-20; esp. v.20.
Anti-Semitism and being numb to the Jewish Brother, is exactly exactly exactly what your Jewish Brothers get from the World!
Believing in a “savior” – but acting with worldly character traits – was a hallmark of the ancient pagan cults. The pagans too, were “numb” to the Jews.
Imagine the great potential positive possibilities if we sought to imitate our Master!
An Extremely Key Reason Christians Are Numb to the Jew & Jewish Brothers
In a sentence: because Yeshua Hamashiach has been recast as “JC”.
Yeshua’s Jewish identity is very minimized. Or, “He’s no longer connected to that; the Jews rejected him so he rejected them”. Or, the subject is very quickly changed from Yeshua’s Jewish humanity to his divinity.
Or, “JC” is portrayed as some sort of generic everyman, with no specific Jewish identity. That Jewish identity is one of the things that distinguishes Yeshua from pagan cult “saviors”.
This may prevent Christians from seeing how very totally connected with the Jewish People, Yeshua was – and still is! Cf. Mt. 1:1, Mt. 1, Lk. 2, cf. Rom. 1:3, 9:4-5; cf. esp. 2 Tim. 2:8; cf. esp. Rev. 5:5, 22:16 et al.
Here’s A “Key”
Yeshua recast as “JC” isn’t really a Jew. So, Yeshua isn’t really connected with the Jewish Brothers. The Jewish Brothers aren’t connected with “JC” – because “JC” “is no longer a Jew. The Jewish Brothers are “just Jews” – “and we Christians are superior”.
Yeshua teaches from within the Biblical Middle East culture. He teaches the 12 that to reject them is to reject him and the One who sent him.
Unfortunately, our dear Christian brethren, because of how they are taught, often don’t realize – who sends us to them?
So, rejecting the Jewish Brother is seen as just rejecting “us”. The possibility of rejecting the one who sent us – is thus never considered…
“But Jacob, I’m Out of the System”
Dear brothers and sisters
in love I encourage you, though it may not be easy, to examine and see even if one says, “I’m out of the System”; “but, is the System truly out of me”?
The Big Impediment – “Baked-in-ness”.
Over 27+ years of ministry, any number of Christian brethren have said to me “we want to start something based on an authentic Biblical model”.
In a sentence, what’s “baked in” prevents many Christians from allowing the Jewish Brother to take the actual Biblical lead role. There’s great blessing for following it cf. esp. Phpns. 4:3!
Unfortunately, because of the preaching of contempt, etc. etc., most Christians simply won’t – or can’t – allow the Jewish brother the lead role. Thus tragically, most efforts don’t come to fruition….
How Can I Know If the System Is Actually Out of Me?
It boils down to a few simple questions that we honestly answer:
In what way is my attitude and actions different now, then when I was in the System?
In what way is my attitude and actions towards my Jewish Brothers any different now, than when I was in the System?
If the honest answer is ” no real difference” one is still in it….
What is my visceral gut reaction to hearing the term or the possibility of being involved with a Jewish Brother?
#1 I’m praising God and excited (in a mature way)
#2 Doesn’t matter to me either way, doesn’t “resonate”
#3 A negative reaction
If it isn’t #1, no matter how much one says “but I love Israel and the Jewish People”, one is still constrained by the System.
In love – if our attitude and actions, especially towards our Jewish Brothers, are no different than the System’s, then is one not still in it?
It is not our physical location that matters but rather our spiritual location.
A key to “victory” cf. Rev. 2-3, begins with an awareness of how very “baked in” things may well have been, a willingness to acknowledge it, and the desire to do as Paul instructs 2 Tim. 2:21-22; cf. the verses before.
Confession in Hebrew means “to acknowledge ownership”.
One whose attitude and actions towards the Jewish Brothers is genuinely very positive, is very open to us – and this is “key” – and very teachable – compared to when they were in the System, is one sign – and a good one. Be encouraged! If the above is true at the very least you are on your way!
Some Brethren That Will Help Us
In closing, the two areas that were at the highest spiritual level, based on what we read in the RCS Letters written to them?
The Thessalonians and The Philippians. Why?
What is the very key difference between them – since they both obviously, praise God, did well spiritually?
We should notice that unlike 1&2 Corinthians and Romans, 1 Thessalonians and Philippians are much shorter. The latter two were far far less problematic and at a much higher level spiritually.
The Difference Between the Thessalonians and the Philippians?
Phpns. 4 gives us our answer! We see in vss. 10 and 15 that the Philippians very much had a real real concern for their Jewish Brother Paul. The key difference between the Thessalonians and the Philippians, is seen in Phpns. 4:15.
We see in 1 Thess. that the Thessalonians were walking out well what Paul had taught them. However, in Philippians 4:15 we see that the Philippians were “monon” the “only” ones who sent their Jewish Brother Paul, material help when he was in Thessalonica. The Thessalonians received Paul’s teaching well and walked it out – but apparently had little or no concern for him…
Incidentally about the only use of the word “revival” is in Phpns 4:10. There, Paul says the Philippians revived their concern for him. What did this concern for Paul mean for the Philippians, and the material help they helped him with? We see this in 4:17-19!
In short for here, the Philippians collectively – you is plural v.17 – were receiving compound interest in their spiritual account!
Paul goes on to encourage the Philippians that despite the fact that they didn’t have much materially, God would supply riches for them vss. 18-19!
Today? The context of these verses are missed and taken completely completely out of context by every Gentile enterprise today looking for support.
Is Paul really making a general statement here?
However, it’s not just a matter of poor teaching methodology. It’s the loss of blessing for Christians – because material support that originally was given to Jewish Brother, is diverted away from today’s Jewish Brothers.
The Great Possibility Today for Christians!
In Phpns. 4:3 Paul speaks of those in KG, who are “in association with me” – and whose names are written in a book of life! These were Gentile brothers and sisters who helped him take the Word forward!
Cf. Rom. 16 also; this will encourage you as well!
In short please cf. 2 Tim. 2:21-22 as to what needs to be done – and the tremendous positive possibilities! God willing, I will open this up for us in another email.
Imagine the positive potential possibilities if those verses in Phpns. 4 were applied the way Paul intended!
Imagine the tremendous positive potential possibilities of doing what Paul writes of in 2 Tim. 2:21-22!
Paul draws directly from teaching very well known in Leviticus.
I praise and thank God every day for our very dear brother John and the rest of the Philippians at Centerville! I call them my Philippians with much love – because that is exactly what they have been for their Jewish Brother!
Compounding interest is accruing in their spiritual account!
I also thank God for others over the years and now, who have also been a Philippian to Rachel and I in their own way.
Please be encouraged that you are receiving compound interest in your spiritual account!
God willing they’ll be a third email because I want to very much encourage you by the example and model of the great Gentiles of the Bible and because of a key thing they had in common. Why their names have been seen by countless millions over the last 2,000 years and thought of in very very positive ways!
All very best in His love,