More Original Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots Teaching

** Praise God we have hundreds of more, original, Hebrew & Greek Bible based teachings for you.  We encourage you – if you didn’t already – to please check out  teachings above that we particularly highlighted for you. You’ll find them on our Home page accessible in the blurb above, that begins “Real, Deeper Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots”.
Or, you can access hundreds of our original content – including podcasts, blogs, devotionals and more – further down on our Homepage in our 8 unique Windows.
May our wonderful LORD richly bless your learning, in the name of His Son Yeshua!

The Ten Commandments and Israel’s Incredible Experience with God Directly from the Rich Hebrew of Exodus 20

Yochanon (‘God is gracious’, ‘John’s’ Hebrew name) Opens His Gospel Drawing from Genesis 1