Two Ways You Can Be Blessed

Welcome again! Two ways you can be blessed by blessing us:

*  A portion of your gift is used to help the poor and needy, and others in Israel. Thus, you help bless the people Yeshua is part and parcel of, as we teach about. Cf. Mt. 1, Lk. 1, Rev.  5:5, 22:16 etc. etc.

* Those who bless us materially we hope will also be blessed spiritually in the following ways–

I (Jacob) send out prayer requests as the need arises. Email addresses are added to our list, unless someone specifically asks that we not do so. All addresses are absolutely kept private and not shared with anyone. We respect your privacy!

You’ll have the opportunity to pray for others. Of course, if you or anyone you know needs prayer, please don’t hesitate to go to our Contact Us page!

You’ll also have the opportunity, as God enables me, to be included and receive what I call A Little Learning Together. I try to include these with prayer requests. These are a little something taken from the original languages of the Word which I hope will enlighten and encourage you a bit. Sometimes I send these out without a prayer request.

Thank you. Please be encouraged that Scripture is more than abundantly clear; God blesses those who bless the Jew and the Jewish Brother!

Emphasis on Biblical Teaching by Jews – Gen. 9:25-27, Dt. 6:7, Prov. 6:23, Ish. 2:2-3, Mt. 7:3, 9:35, 26:55, 28:20, Lk. 24:27, v. 44, Yochanon (“God is gracious”, John’s original Hebrew name) 20:16, Acts – every chapter between 2-20 – examples – 2:42, 5:28, v. 42, 6:24, 1:22-23, 14:21-23, 19:8-11, 2:25-31 – Throughout Acts, Jews are teaching Gentiles, 2 Tim. 2:15, 3:16.

God – Father – Son – Holy Spirit – Call Jews to Go & Help Gentiles

Father – Gen. 12:2   

Son – Mt. 10:1-5

Son – A Jew and Part of the Jewish People – Mt. 1:1-17

Holy Spirit Speaking Directly in Calling Jews – Acts 13:2

Jews Influence – Uniquely Far Greater than Their Number – Abraham Gen. 12:1-5, (also Isaac and Jacob), Joseph Gen. 41:38-33, Moses Ex. 11:4, Mordecai Esth. 10:3, Daniel Dnl. 6:3, Zech. 8:23, Mt. 10:1, Acts 1:8, 15:19-36, 26:14 – the Eleven Disciples, Paul, and other Jewish believers. See also v. 7:4-8, 11:3, 12:1-2, 14:1, 21:12, v. 14.  This is also uniquely the case throughout history.

*** Gentiles – Called to Love, Partner with & Support Their Jewish Brethren – And Through Whom Christians are Blessed – Gen. 12:3, 26:3-5, 27:29, Ex. 11:2-3, 12:35-38, Dt. 32:43 & Rom. 15:10, Ruth 1:15-17, Ps 122:6, Lk. 7:2-5, Acts 10:1-4, vv. 30-33, Rom. 1:16, 3:1-2, 9:1-4, Rom. 11:11-15, 15: 25-28. Titus 3:13.

*** Gentiles Benefit Tremendously by Grafting In – Personally & Collectively – Rom. 11:17-24, vv. 25-31, Rom. 15:7-11; Eph. 2:11-15.

*** Paul Calls Gentiles to Support & Bless Their Jewish Brethren – And the Obligation of the Gentiles to Do So – Rom. 15:25-28, 1 Cor. 9, 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 8-9, especially 2 Cor. 9:7!!  Ga; 2:10, Titus 3:13. See also Gen. 12:3, 3 Yochanon (“God is gracious”, John’s original Hebrew name) 5-8.

*** Paul Sends Titus (Titus 1:5) – Titus Does not Send Paul – Gentiles as Paul’s (and other Jews) – Co-workers – Acts 11:12; 15:19-22, 20:1; v. 17-32, Rom. 15:25-32, 1 & 2 Cor. (many verses). Phpn. 2:19, vv. 25-26, 29-30, 4:2-3, vv. 15-19, Col. 1:7, 2 Tim. 4:9-1, Titus 1:5.

God today is restoring the key – found from Genesis to Revelation – that has been missing for 1600 years that can open the door for Christian blessing, revival & unity – the Jew. Why not take this key and open the door to your blessing! (Cf. 1 Yochanon (“God is gracious”, John’s original Hebrew name) 3:18)