Why the Bible Teacher You Choose is Extremely Important for You – Because They Will Impact You – Please – For Your Sake – Don’t Miss This!

Warm greetings in the name of God’s Son Yeshua – this audio is done with our great love and concern for you!

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Did you know the Bible actually places more emphasis on teaching – and especially teachers – than followers of Yeshua are generally taught?

That increasingly in the first century, in the original, those who were known in Hebrew as the Taught Ones, the Jewish Brothers (followers of Yeshua) Yeshua personally sent, had to deal with the problem of pseudo (‘false’) teachers and false teaching!

Revelation 2-3 – dear one, please note the warnings here by Yeshua – the only time Yeshua addresses a quantity of material to Gentile followers – regarding in part, the issue and problem of false/incorrect teaching. (Cf. also Rev. 22:16 – and especially what Yeshua says about his connectedness with David)!

Paul – especially – as the primary what would have been known as in Hebrew ‘Sent One’ (a form of ‘Apostle’ in Greek), increasingly had to deal with the problem of false teachers & false teaching! Cf. chronologically Galatians, 1 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Colossians.

Note please – Paul particularly warned his beloved Timothy in Paul’s last Letter 2 Timothy, about problems with false teachers and false teaching that were increasing and negatively impacting Gentile followers of Yeshua. Cf. especially 2 Tim. 2:15 (the Greek is literally “cutting straight the Word”), 2:21-22, 3:12-16, 4:3.

Both 2 Peter and Judah – not ‘Jude’ (Greek ‘Iouda’ transliterating the Hebrew ‘Y’hudah‘ ‘Judah’ ‘Praise’) very much deal with false teachers & false teaching!  Cf. for example 2 Pet. 1:16, 2:1, 3:15-16. For Judah, especially please note v.3.

Finally, it should be noted dear one, that the last two Letters 2 & 3 Yochanon (‘God is gracious’, ‘John’s’ original Hebrew name), written by conservative estimates in 85-95 first century, both deal with false teachers! Cf. especially 3 Yochanon 5-8, vss.9-10.

As it says more deeply in Hebrew in Kohelet ‘Preacher’, known to the World by its Greek name ‘Ecclesiastes’  …’and in connection none (translated ‘nothing’) wholly new under the sun’.

Speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), what was true in the 1st century is all too true now. However dear one, please be encouraged; the LORD today is restoring your Jewish Brothers (followers of Yeshua) to help restore the relationship and to help their dear Christian brethren with ‘cutting straight the Word’.

That is what we have been called for by the LORD and dedicated to do for you – in His great love, through His Son Yeshua!

For more on the great importance of teaching please see the 3rd of our 8 Windows, just further down on our Home page, “The Deeper Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots of the Bible from A to Z – And Following Yeshua – Plus Rich Greek Text Insights“. Please scroll down to T Teaching.

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We’re here to help you study your Bible more deeply – and walk it out in love