Yeshua Illuminates Love – The Great Torah Commandment Christians Actually Need Today

Which Torah Teaching Does Yeshua Illuminate – And Give As a “Fulfilling of Which Leads To Fullness of Life” – The ‘Festivals’ & ‘Judaica’ – or Love?

Before we give you what should be the very obvious answer, please let us point out a few other things about love.  Many followers of Yeshua are familiar with the Greek term for the highest form of love, agape. Yeshua of course never used agape; he would have used Hebrew. Love in Hebrew is all about the other. ” Desire for the best for the other, the desire to draw the other close, a willingness to give in; complete devotion to the other; give; to breathe after someone”.

The rabbis correctly point out that the Hebrew word love has a breathy sound to it. Also, that there are no hard letters in the Hebrew word love such as say the English K or G.  We find it interesting that in both Hebrew and KG (my abbreviation for Koine ‘Common’ Greek) the first letter of both alphabets is the first letter in both the Hebrew and the Greek word for the highest form of love.  What my dear Christian Brethren really should be familiar with is not the noun agape; but rather, the verbal action form agapao. Why? A Greek Concordance shows there are about 2 dozen more uses of agapao the verb, action, than agape, a noun, a thing.  (Our guess is agape is probably better known because Paul uses this form more). The Greek concordance lists 320 uses of forms of agapao, love, including the KG for the very related word for ‘beloved’, plus 25 uses of phileo, defined in Greek lexicons as “consider at a relatively high level of regard”, “have a high regard for love”. Thus altogether, there are almost 350 – almost 350 – references to love in the RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures; as we point out in our teaching, a much more accurate name than “New Testament”, based on Luke’s Greek rendering in Lk. 22:19-20).

Yeshua Illuminates What is First – One and Love and the LORD – Mk. 12:28-34

Hebrew has no separate numerals and so also uses the letters as numbers. At a deeper level we also see uniquely in Hebrew another reason why Yeshua answers as he does when he is asked what is the first commandment, in Mk. 12:28-34? The number value of the Hebrew word one is 13. The number value of the Hebrew word for love is 13. 13 + 13 equal 26; the number value in Hebrew of the Name LORD. We do not believe this is happenstance….  Those two things from the Torah – that the LORD Be (Hebrew has no word ‘is’) absolute compound Oneness absolute One, and love, are absolutely absolutely central! Everything must flow from our understanding and application of this!

Mk. 12:28-34 really could be a separate teaching in and of itself. The context of Mk. 12:28-34 is as follows. Yeshua is asked by a Jewish scribe in Israel what is the first (translated “commandment”) but more deeply in Hebrew, “fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, delegation of authority while the LORD retains control; like being assigned to a (military) post”.

For here, Yeshua in Mk. 12:28-30 answers with three verses that he draws directly from the Torah. We should note; Yeshua does not use his own words, but rather those from the Torah in answering this very important question from the scribe. The first Torah verse Yeshua cites is Dt. 6:4 which in Hebrew speaks of the absolute compound Oneness absolute One of the LORD. The Hebrew word ‘one’ is difficult to render – never mind translate. There is no Greek, Latin, or English equivalent for ‘one’ in Hebrew. This is also the case with a number of other particularly key Hebrew words, one of them of course being the word Torah, as well as the name Yeshua.

Yeshua in Mk. 12:28-30 immediately follows with the verse that in Hebrew is directly connected with the end of Dt. 6:4, Dt. 6:5. Deuteronomy 6:5 is directly connected with the end of verse 4 because in Hebrew it begins “And”.  “And” is replete in Hebrew; this is because ‘and’ is used to connect things. Hebrew in large part is all about connectedness; not, separation & compartmentalization, which is Greek.

Kai, the main KG (Koine Greek) word for ‘and’, is the second most used word in the Greek text of the Renewed Covenant Scriptures (a much more Biblically accurate term – based on Luke’s Greek rendering of Lk. 22:19-20 – than “New Testament”; we explain this in our teaching. I use RCS for short). Kai according to a Greek Concordance is used over 9,000 times!  This is directly reflective of the often Hebrew/Jewish nature of Koine Greek, which is different than what’s called Attic Greek the Greek of the classics & philosophers. (If you’re wondering what the most used word is in the KG Koine Greek text of the RCS, it is forms of ‘the’).

Dt. 6:5 begins “And love (the) LORD your God”…. Based on the Hebrew text the rabbis correctly point out a deep insight. That in Hebrew & Jewish understanding the recognition of the absolute Oneness of God, does not lead to a theological position. Rather, the rabbis correctly say it leads to action – love!  “Love the LORD your God”….  Further the rabbis correctly point out based on the Hebrew, one is to love with the whole, more deeply in Hebrew the totality of, your heart, and – “in connection connectedness” the whole of your, more deeply in Hebrew, ” life, person, personal being, (soul) giving life to the body” and “your might” (literally “much(ness))”.

The form of the word ‘love’ used here in Hebrew in Dt. 6:5 more deeply indicates the state or condition that results from the action. Meaning, the condition or the state we will be in that results from the action of our love “complete devotion to the other” “desire to draw the other, i.e., the LORD close”; “desire for the best for the other”.

The third Torah verse Yeshua cites here is Lev. 19:18 “…and in connection connectedness (to what was just said) love (as explained) to/for/ direction toward your neighbor, as yourself”.

A few key things first please on Leviticus 19:18. Did you know that this verse according to a Greek Text Index of Citations, is the most cited verse of the Torah in the RCS (again, my abbreviation for Renewed Covenant Scriptures)? Lev. 19:18 is cited 10 times in the RCS. We believe the fact that it is cited 10 times is also significant and not happenstance.  Why? Ten in Hebrew is symbolic of the LORD.

One evangelical commentator astutely points out that Paul’s two uses of Lev. 19:18 are in letters both of which deal with the relationship of Jew and Gentile; Romans & Galatians (Rom. 13:9, Gal. 5:14). There are some Christians today who try to ‘justify’ their ‘observance’ of the Torah Festivals on the basis of all of two mentions (technically one) of them by Paul.

Paul uses forms of the words love about 130 times. Speaking of two verses of Scripture, where is the possible justification of Christians focusing on the Torah Festivals, over love of the Jewish Brothers – and each other? Given that Paul speaks of love 130 times if one is going to use two verses to justify their practice of “Hebrew & Jewish Roots”, why not Leviticus 19:18 instead!

Especially especially especially where Paul not only speaks about love but spends 5 years taking up a Collection from Gentile followers of Yeshua to their Jewish Brothers and Jews in Jerusalem, for the purpose of trying to reconcile the Gentile followers of Yeshua, with the Jewish ones – and bring the two together! That reconciliation of Jew & Gentile Yeshua made possible on the Cross, as Paul explains in Ephesians 2:14-17. Did Yeshua undergo a horrifically horrible atonement on the Cross, so that instead of reciprocating love back and forth between Jewish and Gentile brethren, Christians 2,000 years later and several thousand miles away, could go off and do their own thing their own way?

Is that what Yeshua’s death on the Cross was for; so Christians could go off on their own and observe a few “Jewish” things….

For those interested in Hebrew or having, speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15) their ears tickled (2 Tim. 4:3; cf. 2 Tim. 2:21-22!) by learning “the meaning of the Hebrew letters”, here is the first thing about Hebrew, my dear Christian Brethren must know. As we repeatedly repeat in our teaching (Hebrew tends to repeat things for emphasis): Hebrew is wholeness, totality, connectedness, oneness rooted. The overarching Biblical model is not a ‘me’ model; it is a ‘we’ model! As we also repeatedly repeat in our teaching – Greek is separation and compartmentalization rooted.

Leviticus 19:18 is part of what are probably the Bible’s two greatest chapters on holiness Lev. 19-20. We reiterate again please: Lev. 19:18 “… love your neighbor as yourself” is the most cited Torah verse in the RCS! For those dear ones who think that “our missing Hebrew & Jewish roots” or ” we need to observe the Torah”, please note the following.  If Hebrew & Jewish roots and “Torah observance” for Christians means the “Festivals” and “eating kosher (‘fit’) etc., why isn’t a verse about those things, the most cited verse of the Torah in the RCS?  In fact: why aren’t they even mentioned at all – period – in the RCS for Gentiles?

Further please: is there a single verse in the RCS, in any way shape or form whatsoever that speaks of merit or reward for Gentiles, for those things? If so where?  As we hope we opened up in our two-part essay on the Great Gentiles of the Bible, one of the ‘keys’ is, not that they went off on their own and “observed the Torah”. Rather, that they all either attached themselves to or helped the Jewish People or the Jewish Brothers (followers of Yeshua), in some way!

Lev. 19:18 more deeply in Hebrew is “… and in connection connectedness love, the desire for the best for the other… complete devotion to the other, to breathe after someone, your neighbor like/as a divine model, yourself”.  The rabbis correctly point out: the verse does not say love yourself like your neighbor; but love your neighbor as yourself!

In true love there is no – and there can be no – Self.  Yeshua is our ultimate model of no Self; cf’ Paul’s Hebraic type hymn Phpns. 2:5-11.  The Enemy is the ultimate model of Self.

If one is truly interested in ‘Roots’ and “Torah observant” in following Yeshua because “Yeshua kept the Torah”, where is our wonderful Master’s teaching on today’s so-called Hebrew and Jewish ‘Roots’ and Christian “Torah observant”?  With great encouragement and all the love I can summon towards you dear one, why not practice from the Torah what Yeshua actually teaches & and emphasizes – and horrifically horribly suffered on the Cross to make love and reconciliation between Jew and Gentile and Gentile to Gentile possible!

Love The LORD and Love Your Neighbor Dt. 6:5 & Lev. 19:18 -The Cross in Love

Lest we forget; we need to quickly point out for you that the Hebrew form of love used in Leviticus 19:18 is, exactly the same form it is in Deuteronomy 6:5 love the LORD your God.  It is more deeply in Hebrew, not just something to do in the ‘future’ as Christian commentators who unfortunately don’t know the real depth of Hebrew that’s beyond its grammar, would tend to point out.

More deeply in Hebrew love in Leviticus 19:18 also – as in Dt. 6:5 – is, the state or condition that results from the action of love. In other words, imagine dear one, just imagine (!) what state or condition we would all be in if we followed Yeshua’s teaching on what is the first fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life! Recognizing the Oneness of the LORD, which then leads to love of Him as we opened up more deeply we hope what love means in Hebrew, and, in total connectedness love with all its rich meaning, not as an abstract concept but in action towards our neighbor!

For here, the context of Leviticus 19 is between Israelite and Israelite. In Yeshua’s totally Hebrew, Jewish – and – Pharisee based proverb on the Good Samaritan Lk. 10, Yeshua expands the definition of who our neighbor actually is – it’s anyone who needs our help!

Where is the Cross in this? Yeshua in Mk. 12:28-34 vss. 28-30 speaks of love of man to God. Then he connects with that love of man to neighbor. The Cross of Yeshua did not consist of one piece of wood that was then split in two. Rather in whatever its actual shape was at the time, it began as two pieces of wood that were brought together to form one, whole Cross.

The vertical wooden piece of the Cross symbolically represents God reaching down to Man, and because of Yeshua’s horrifically horrible atonement (cf. Mt. 27:50 in the original; horrific horrifying shriek of agony), Man can reach up to God. The horizontal wooden piece of the Cross symbolically represents what is known in Hebrew as shalom between man and his friend.  As we explain in our teaching; shalom includes the deeper meaning restoration of relationship, concern for the well-being of others; not just a superficial coexistence but a harmony and an organic interaction. It also includes the deeper meaning bring disparate elements together.

The horizontal work of Yeshua on the Cross enables shalom – it brought the disparate element of Jew & Gentile together; as Paul emphasizes in Eph. 2:14-17.

Yeshua in good Jewish and actually Pharisee fashion cites in Mk. 12:28-30 not his own words but again three verses from the Torah. What Yeshua uniquely does, is combine love of the LORD and love of neighbor. There is the work done by the Father through His Son Yeshua!

There is tremendous emphasis on the vertical work of the Cross – God to Man -as well there should be(!). Where though, is the teaching and – emphasis – on the horizontal dynamic of the work of the Cross – love between man & man, in today’s Hebrew & Jewish ‘Roots’ and “we need Hebrew”, and “the need for Torah observance”….

For Christians interested in “Torah observance” we implore you – please start with what Yeshua puts first – love!  We must very quickly point out: if you look closely, and you may see this even in English, Yeshua does not say regarding these three Torah vss. that there is no greater commandments – plural – than these. Rather, he says no greater commandment – singular – than these.

For those interested in Hebrew: one of the very first things that needs to be learned again please is: that Hebrew is wholeness, totality, connectedness, oneness, rooted.  Greek is separation & compartmentalization rooted.

We also must very quickly reiterate again: what the deeper meaning of commandment in Hebrew is. “Fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, delegation of authority while the LORD retains control; like being assigned to a (military) post”.

Imagine – just imagine – the fullness of life there would be if followers of Yeshua focused on being and doing what Yeshua actually teaches and emphasizes – love for one another!

As we repeatedly repeat in our teaching:  Greek is among other things, passive and position rooted.  Hebrew is active, action rooted; also be & do.  Yeshua does not talk about love as an idea or concept; his concern, is love in action – and especially especially as he emphasizes in his teaching – love in action exercised towards others!

A couple of other things quickly on Mk. 12:28-34. We pointed out above that Yeshua said no greater fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, than ‘these’. Please let us reiterate again that Yeshua said fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, singular, even though he gave more than one, and then said “… these”.  One of the great Jewish Torah teachers astutely points out that ‘these’ in Hebrew refers to a multiplicity of things gathered together in one.

Mk. 12:28-34 for here, continues on with the scribe affirming what Yeshua has said. Further – and very significantly – the scribe says God is One and love the LORD your God and love your neighbor as yourself, are greater than all the ways of drawing near to the LORD.  Those are typically translated sacrifices and offerings and what those are more deeply in Hebrew takes us a bit far afield for here.

The key is: the scribe recognized that affirming and acknowledging the Oneness of the LORD, and that, leading to love of the LORD and love of neighbor, are greater than the ways used to draw near to the LORD.  What is Yeshua’s response back to the scribe?  Does Yeshua tell the scribe the scribe needs to “observe the Festivals” or run around with Judaica? No!  Yeshua tells the scribe the scribe was not far from the Kingdom!

Sometimes Yeshua, being in the flesh an Israeli, is very bold vivid and direct. Other times Yeshua is subtle; this is one of those times.  Clearly, all the scribe need do, is embrace Yeshua! We should also note that though Yeshua is speaking to an individual, he does not speak to him about salvation in the typical Western individualistic sense.  The words ‘save’ and ‘salvation’ are not in this passage. Rather, Yeshua speaks of something he gives great emphasis to which we’ve taught on we hope elsewhere, the Kingdom.

Yeshua in context certainly does not need to remind the scribe of the other things of the Torah because clearly the scribe understands, what the true essence and substance of the Torah is really about!  The LORD Be (Hebrew actually has no word is) One, complete devotion to the LORD, desire for the best for the other, i.e. the LORD and neighbor, and, to breathe after each.

Adam – What He Actually Failed to Do – And Deeper Lessons for Followers of Yeshua When It Comes to Fulfilling of Which Leads to Fulness of Life

Not to say that what Adam did in eating the fruit (in Hebrew it’s not actually called an apple, that’s a different word) was not a sin. However; If you look at Genesis 3 you will see no use of the word sin. So then; what did Adam actually do?

What Did Adam Actually Fail To Do in Gen.2-3? How is This Related to ” Fulfilling of Which Leads To Fullness of Life”? How Does This Relate to Yeshua and Love?

Gen. 2:16 in Hebrew begins with ‘and’. Thus it is connected with the end of v.15. Gen. 2:15 tells us (the) LORD God in fact actively placed Adam in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden). The Hebrew syntax (sentence structure) actually puts the emphasis of the LORD God towards Adam, rather than the usual Hebrew syntax which would tell us Adam was placed in the Garden.

Gen. 2:15 then tells us more deeply in Hebrew that contemporaneous with Adam being placed in the Garden is the following. There’s some emphasis that it was for the purpose to work and, more deeply in Hebrew “protect by observing, safeguard, distance from danger”, the deeper meaning of the Hebrew word translated ‘observe’, when it came to the Garden.

Gen. 2:16 in Hebrew tells us, probably with intensity rather than merely indicating a fact, connected with being placed in the Garden is the following. “And in connection (with what immediately preceded) ” fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, delegation of authority while the LORD retains control; like being assigned to (a) ( military) post (I.e. commanded) (the) LORD God over Adam to/for (the) purpose to say to him”….

The verse goes on to say – and in Hebrew emphasizes – that from, as a source, the totality/whole of the trees of the Garden, Adam could eat. The Hebrew has two forms of the word eat back-to-back. Hebrew very commonly does that, as Hebrew repeat things for emphasis.  Thus, the emphasis is on eating.  Eat in Hebrew more deeply means to destroy the form of something in order to make it usable.  Is this not what we do if we are blessed to have both teeth and food to eat what needs chewing?  Obviously we can’t swallow a piece of fruit whole; we have to destroy its form I.e. chew it so we can eat it and take it in and our body can use it – to serve the LORD. A key difference between man and animal is whether we eat to satisfy our belly or whether we eat for the purpose of strengthening ourselves in order to serve the LORD!

Gen. 2:17 begins for emphasis with “but from the tree of good and evil, Adam was not to eat”….

Thus; Adam was not placed in the Garden for his Self. It was to serve and safeguard and protect and distance from danger the Garden.  Adam was given – as a fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, delegation of authority while the LORD retains control; like being assigned to a military post, that he could eat from the whole of the trees that were in the Garden.

However; very clearly and with emphasis there was a specific tree Adam was not to more deeply, “destroy the form of in order to make it usable”, i.e. ‘eat’.

Adam in Gan Eden was given more than enough that he could have destroyed the form of (i.e.,’eat’) and made it usable for him to serve the LORD! By eating from the Tree he was not supposed to, Adam destroyed the “fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life”. Adam acted outside the authority delegated to him by the LORD God. Adam, abandoned the post he was assigned to…..

Meaning: though Paul later will say that what Adam did was a sin (cf. Rom.5-6), as we pointed out above In Genesis 2 the word sin is not used.  This of course does not mean that Adam didn’t sin; rather what Adam more deeply did was, he failed the command given him.  As immediately above; Adam destroyed “fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life”. He acted outside the authority delegated to him by the LORD God, and, Adam abandoned his post!

How Does This Relate To Yeshua – And His Emphasis on Love?

First let us quickly point out regarding trees.  Adam ate from a tree he was not supposed to.  By doing so he destroyed the form of his relationship with God; that of the Divine – human partnership.  This of course does not mean an equal partnership!  On the idea of the Divine-human partnership cf. 1 Cor. 3:5-9. Adam was given the responsibility of naming the animals. This is not merely a way to refer to one as opposed to another animal.  A name in Hebrew is significant; because it indicates as one of the great Torah teachers points out, what one’s spiritual and intellectual activities are. We would also humbly add, in effect a name names what someone’s mission function purpose is.

Self is the polar opposite of love.  All of the deeper meanings of love in Hebrew, have nothing to do with Self.  They are about the other!  If the Self is put first – which is what Eve did in Gen.3, followed by Adam the one who actually directly received  the command, we see what it leads to….

Is there anywhere – whatsoever – whatsoever – where Yeshua either teaches the Twelve – or – gives as a fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life etc., that those of the Nations should observe the Festivals, pursue Judaica, “learn Hebrew” or “the meaning of the Hebrew letters”?  If so – where?

Where does Yeshua even teach – never mind emphasize – his fellow Jews of the Galil (‘Galilee’) about the Festivals etc. – especially for Gentiles? In Yeshua’s most extended recorded teaching Yochanon (” God is gracious”, “John’s” original Hebrew name) 13-16 – is there even a single mention of the Festivals?  If so – where?  We believe it should be noted that Yeshua’s teaching recorded in Yochanon 13-16, is after his Last Passover Seder.

Does Yeshua instruct the Twelve about the Festivals?

Or, does Yeshua teach & emphasize love in action towards others?  Given that there are 24 uses of forms of agapao love in Ychn 13-17 (in Yochanon’s KG rendering) plus 2 uses of philo, a high regard for love. (Hebrew has one word for love; KG has 3, the other being eros physical love) – what – very clearly does Yeshua emphasize? There is – nothing – nothing – about the Festivals, Judaica or “Hebrew” for Gentiles. The context of Yeshua’s teaching in Ychn 13-16, is that it  takes place immediately after the Last Passover Seder. If Festival observance is what his beloved Taught Ones need to focus on – as his followers -and in following him – why is there not a single word about Festival observance and Judaica in Ychn. 13-16?

Why is there no “extend the hands and ask”, the form of Hebrew Bible-based prayer Yeshua uses in Yochanon 17, that his followers observe the Festivals, utilize Judaica, or learn “Hebrew”? Why does Yeshua ask that they be more deeply in Hebrew, absolute compound oneness absolute one, as he and the Father Ychn. 17:20 -23 ?  Yeshua clearly understood that what his beloved Twelve lacked – and, needed to be & do in order to be the most effective witness to the World – was, reciprocating back and forth complete devotion to the other cf. Ychn. 13:34-35, 15:12!

How Does Yeshua Expect the World to Know He Sent the Taught Ones?  When There’s Back & Forth Love Between The Twelve

Yeshua gives love as a fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, delegation of authority while the LORD retains control; like being assigned to a military post, i.e. in simple English ‘commandment’. Love – love – is how the world will know! Cf. esp. Yochanon 13:34-35, 15:12. Yeshua illuminates for them that they need to have reciprocating love back and forth for one another!

Dear one; is the world going to know that followers of Yeshua are taught ones of Yeshua, meaning they having given everything up to follow the life, the words the teaching of the teacher, because speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), even with the very best of intentions, Christians start running around and play ‘Jewish’?

In not the Great Commission but more accurately the Great Re-Sending at the end of Mt. 28 cf. vss. 18-20, Yeshua instructs his beloved taught ones, to teach the Nations whatsoever he “fulfilling of which leads to a fullness of life” etc., taught to the Taught Ones. Where – exactly – does Yeshua give to them, that the Nations, should in effect, “play Jewish”?

Where does Yeshua command the Twelve that his Gentile followers one day should go off and do their own thing their own way – but, have little or no connectedness and love with his fellow Jewish followers?

Where – in the Torah’s Hebrew or the entirety of the Prophets – is there anything – whatsoever – that the mission function purpose of the Jewish People, is to take the Torah forward so that the Nations would ‘observe’ a few things from the Torah, or ape Jewish practices? So that those of the Nations that follow Israel’s Messiah, would go off and do their own thing their own way – and call that “Torah observant”?

An Excursus on the Teaching on the Hill Mt. 5:1-7:28

Matityahu puts together what would be better called the Teaching on the Hill rather than the Sermon on the Mount, Mt. 5-7:28. Yeshua sums up the Torah how, in that teaching?  Mt. 7:12 is famously known as the Golden Rule. Yeshua draws this from an earlier Jewish work (Tobit) and reverses it, stating it positively. Yeshua says, “do onto others”…this (is) the Torah and in connection connectedness the Prophets”.

Yeshua for here, in the teaching on the Hill and please particularly note this – illuminates the deeper true essence of the Torah in Mt. 5:1-7:28. It’s what follows after Yeshua in the context of speaking to his fellow Jews, Yeshua reiterates about the abiding validity of the Torah Mt. 5:17-20. We explained we hope in our essay on Mt. 5:17, that Yeshua fills full the Torah. (Please see our teaching in the section above on experiencing The Treasure of the Bible in Hebrew and Greek). When Yeshua says that he did not come to destroy the Torah or the Prophets, in first century Israel that meant the following.  To God forbid, misinterpret the Torah was seen as destroying it!

Yeshua makes it very clear to his fellow Jews – and while all the Gospels are for all people for all time, they do have a context and original audience – Matityahu (‘Matthew’) is not Luke. Meaning originally Matityahu writes for a Jewish audience in Israel; Luke to Greek speaking Jews and Gentiles outside of Israel.  As a quick but key note:  we actually find that the most Jewish Yeshua is portrayed in Luke. Luke’s Gospel in KG (“Koine Greek”) is definitely more/much more (?) Hebraic & Jewish than Western Tradition typically teaches!

In context; Yeshua in Mt. 5:1-7:28 reinforces for his fellow Jews the ongoing validity of the Torah; but, illuminates its true essence and substance.  If anything, more is expected being a follower of Yeshua when it comes to the Torah – not less!  This has nothing whatsoever to do with today’s Hebrew and Jewish Roots focus; but rather with acquiring and acting with godly and Yeshua like character traits, ethical and moral conduct, and integrity.

For example: the Torah while it requires that one return a lost donkey to an enemy, does not require love – a desire for the best for the other etc., for an enemy.  Yeshua more deeply says to love your (your is plural in the original) enemy; that would be with all of the deeper meaning of love!  We can have no Self when it comes to our enemies for those who spitefully use us! Cf. Mt. 5:43-48.

Yeshua Illuminates Love Your Neighbor As Yourself Lev. 19:18

In Mt. 5:43 Yeshua cites what is actually the most cited verse of the Torah in the RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures; please see our Glossary for much more) Lev. 19:18. “love your neighbor as yourself”. Let us please open it again the deeper Hebrew of this. However, let us please first open up the wider context of Leviticus 19:18; first pointing out the following.

The late Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, Jonathan Sacks, points out the following about what Israel really needed to learn first. Rabbi Sacks astutely and correctly points out what follows what’s called in Hebrew Ten (of the) Words, which the world knows as the Ten Commandments. It is teaching, instruction, and law as to how the Israelites are to have a godly civil society, that is given by the LORD before – before – the Festivals. The Festivals are not given by the LORD to Israel – and they are given just to Israel – one can see that in simple English – until Lev. 23.

Lev. 19:18 “love your neighbor”, we should point out, is also given by the LORD to Israel – before He gives them the Appointed Seasons, i.e. the Festivals. Clearly then what does the LORD want to make sure Israel understands that they need to be and do – before – He gives Israel the Appointed Seasons to come before Him?

It is how the Jewish People are, to treat and behave, towards one another!

Dear one, just imagine the tremendous potential positive possibilities of our Gentile brethren doing the fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life, exercising the actual authority given to them – to love each other and their Jewish Brothers back and forth – and, that those of the Nations rather than abandoning the post assigned to them by the LORD, returned to it when it comes to love!

If you love the LORD, if you love Yeshua – and what his death makes possible – then should you, pursue the ‘Festivals’, ‘Judaica’ and ‘Hebrew’, or pursue love back and forth with your Jewish Brothers, and each other?