Yeshua’s Actual Torah & Jewish Based Teaching & Emphasis

*** Where Does Yeshua Actually Teach that the Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots of following Him – for Gentiles – is about ‘the Festivals’, ‘Judaica’, or ‘Learning the Meaning of Hebrew Letters’, ‘ Learning Hebrew’, or ‘Keeping Kosher’ Etc.? Nowhere – Nowhere – If so dear one, where?

*** The Last Writer of Scripture is Yochanon (“God is Gracious”, “John’s” original Hebrew Name). Yochanon Writes under Inspiration of the Ruach Hakodesh (original Hebrew name of the Holy Spirit). Yochanon Uses Words for Love Dozens & Dozens of Times in his Gospel and his Letters. Yochanon’s Gospel Contains over 40 Uses of ‘Love’; Nowhere Does Yochanon Write of Christians Observing Today’s Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots, i.e., “The Festivals, Judaica, etc.” If so, Dear One, Where?

*** 1 Yochanon, the Last Multi-Chapter Letter, Uses ‘Love’ Over 35 Times. Again; How Many References to Christians Observing Today’s “Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots”? Zero – Zero.

*** As Yochanon is the Last Writer of Scripture, What Then Does the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) Want to be Sure that We Understand What We Do? Is it Love – Especially of Each Other – Or “The Festivals and Judaica”?

*** Nowhere – Nowhere – in the Entire Bible are Gentiles (in this Age) – Blessed, Rewarded, or Receive Merit for Pursuing What is Too Often Typically Taught and Emphasized Today as the “Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots” of the Bible and Following Yeshua! Cf. also Mt. 7:21-24

To Whom are Christians Actually Obligated? – Morally/Ethically and Financially?  – Essay

*** Yeshua’s Actual Torah & Jewish Based Teaching & Emphasis Includes:

** Yeshua Expects – Based on the Actual Hebrew Word Translated ‘Faith’ – i.e., Steadfastness/Steadfastness Trustworthiness in Him – to Lead to Action Accordingly

** God is (more deeply in Hebrew) Absolute Compound Oneness Absolute One. Cf . Dt. 6:4 cited by Yeshua Mk. 12:28-34. Cf. Yochanon (‘God is gracious’, ‘John’) 10:30, 7:20-23

** Love – Including Love of Neighbor Lev. 19:18 Mk. 12:28-34. Love is used 345 times in the RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures; please see our Glossary above). There is No Real Love of God Without Love of Neighbor – cf. Lev. 19:18. esp. Mk. 12:28-34; cf. Yochanon 13-16; cf. 1 Cor.13; esp. 1 Yochanon

** The Most Cited Torah Verse in the RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures) Has Nothing to Do with the Festivals or Judaica – It’s Lev.19:18 “… and in connectedness love (meaning in part) desire to draw the other close; to breathe after someone, like, as (a) divine model your neighbor (as) yourself”.  Cited 10 times

** The Kingdom – 111 references in the Gospel. Cf. Mk. 1:15 et al. Cf. Acts 1:3 etc. Cf. Acts 28:31. There is Only Reference in the Entire Gospel – to the Universal Assembly (not ‘Church’; Please see our Glossary above)

** Putting the Focus on Self to Death If One is to Serve Him – Mk. 8:30-35. Cf. Mk. 10:40-45, 14:35-36, Yochanon 12:24-26. Cf. Phpns. 2:2-3; esp. 2:5-11

** Acquiring & Acting with Godly and Yeshua like Character Traits, Conduct, and Integrity – Especially to Others – (please see below!) Mt. 5:17-7:28; Mk.10:40-45, Yochanon 13-16. Cf. chapter 17. Cf. Eph. 4:17-5:2, Phpns. 3:17, cf. Jacob (not ‘James’) 1 Pet. 2; cf. esp. 2 Pet. 1:3-12 etc.

** Forgiveness of Others – Yeshua taught Peter ‘… forgive 7 times 70’ (Hebraic/Jewish way of saying ‘forgive over and over’) Cf. also Mt. 5:21-24. The Highest Form of Forgiveness in Hebrew More Deeply Means ‘I forgive completely and renounce any claim to anything owed me’. From the Verb ‘Progress Through Forgiveness’

** Be Encouraged – Scripture is More Than Abundantly Clear – Christians are Blessed by Being a Blessing to Jews and Christian’s Fellow Jewish Brothers – Gen.12:3, 26:4-5, 27:29 et al; cf. Mt.25:31-46, Yochanon 13:20; Acts 10:1-5 etc., Rom. 16, Phpns. 4:17-19, 2 Tim. 1:15-17

** Christians Have Absolutely No Obligation to Tithe – Period – Least of all to Gentile Enterprises

** Christians Do Have a Moral & Ethical and Material Obligation to their Jewish Brothers – Especially Those Teaching Christians cf Yochanon 13:20; cf. esp. Rom. 15:27; cf. Rom.15:25-28, 1 Cor. 16:1-4, 2 Cor. 8-9; cf. Gal. 2:10

*** Please note, Dear One – Praise God – We have hundreds of original audio & written teachings in our Teaching & Podcasts page. These below are some we felt we should highlight for you.

True Jewish & Hebrew Roots – Drawing Closer To Yeshua By Becoming More Like Him – Essay

Yeshua Illuminates Love – The Great Torah Commandment Christians Actually Need Today – Essay

A Much Better – And Far More Biblical – Fall Focus for Christians – Audio – please click or tap here

Teaching & Facts About Yeshua His Followers Are Not Taught – And How This Impacts Our Understanding – Essay

Very Missing “Key” Hebrew Root & Jewish Root About Yeshua His Followers Must Know – Essay 

The “Key” Commandment Yeshua Teaches Us to Do for Him – You’ll Be Shocked – Essay