Praise God, there are too many new teachings for you, to list them all here!
If you haven’t seen these already, you will very easily find both series by please going back to the Home page. Then, simply scroll up toward the top of the Home page and you will see them.
You will also find these original teachings – and much much more – in the 3rd of our 8 Windows, “The Deeper Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots of the Bible from A-Z and Following Yeshua“.
Please look under B Blessing, G Giving, God, T Tithing.
For Yeshua – please go to the first Window at the top of the Windows, the Yeshua Window, which is dedicated to his teaching and life. You will find a seminal teaching ‘Who Do You Say (Yeshua) I Am? – Why It’s All About His Real Name – Mt. 16:13-17‘, near the top of that Window.
To open any Window simply click or tap the title or the photo, then click or tap again and the Window will open. In an open Window you can also scroll up or down through it to other windows.
When you get to them simply click or tap the Window title or picture to open it.
To play our audios simply please click or tap the black circle on the left. Click or tap again to pause or stop.
To read our essays simply click or tap the essay title.
May our wonderful LORD guide and bless your learning, in Yeshua’s name!