God today is restoring the “key” – found from Genesis to Revelation – that has been missing for 1600 years that can open the door for Christian blessing, renewal, and unity – the Jew.
If you think you only need to “believe in Yeshua” and that God does not care what you do or not do regarding the Jew – including your Jewish brethren – or that “nothing matters as long as I have faith”, we urge you to please think again (cf. Mt. 25:31-46).
Please Note: The list of Scriptures below is by no means exhaustive.
We urge you to also use this as a study guide for a very seriously overlooked Biblical topic. This can impact you tremendously in this World and especially in the next!
With the LORD’s help we will do both a written and oral teaching / explanation / commentary on these verses, separately.
These will be from the original languages, and we will include to better help your understanding, the historical & cultural context of these verses. These will be very “key” to you for properly understanding and applying the word accurately and authentically, as it was actually intended.
Gen. 12:2
Ex. 4:22-23, etc.
Dt. 4:4-8
Ish. 2:1-4 (Many other verses throughout Isaiah and other prophets!)
Ish. 42:6
Zech. 8:23
Mt. 10:1-5
Mt. 28:18-20
Mk. 1:16-20
Lk. 5:10-11, 27
Lk. 24:48-51
Acts 1:8
Acts 26:14-18
Important note – the only disciples ever personally called into service by the Messiah are all Jews! Please think about why that is and what it means!
Son – A Jew and part of the Jewish people – The Cross consists of a vertical and a horizontal. If you desire the fullness of the vertical, you must also have the “horizontal”, meaning your brethren (cf. Mt. 5:22-24, etc.).
Despite Tradition, you cannot separate the Son from the Jewish people. Can one honor his divinity and yet ignore his Jewish humanity and the Jewish People that he is part and parcel of?
(Mt. 1:1-17, Mt. 16:14-16, Lk. 1:30-33, John 4:22, Rom. 1:3, Rom. 9:4-5, 2 Tim. 2:8, Heb. 1:2, etc., Rev. 5:5). Yeshua chooses, in keeping with the Father, to bring the Word to the World through the Jew.
The understanding and embracing of this are extremely, extremely important and cannot be overstated; because it has everything to do with properly understanding, relating, and serving Him. There are tremendous consequences for you either way. It is your choice. We all must choose. There are tremendous blessings and merit in the Biblically based choice, not that of the “Traditions of Men” choice (cf. Mk. 7:5-13).
We all have to give an account (2 Cor. 5:10, Rom. 14:10,12 etc.). Can one truly be “in union” with Yeshua (the idea) in the original – yet have little or no regard for his Jewishness, the Jewish People and the Jewish brethren? Is one “blessed” for this?
Abraham Gen. 18:3; 22:11,15-17
Isaac Gen. 22:11,15-17
Jacob (wrestles with the man) Gen. 32:23-33
First reference of God as a Shepherd Gen. 48:15
is by Jacob cf. Ezek. 34:11-16
Immediately followed by Jacob’s reference Gen. 48:16
to the Angel (Yeshua in his divinity) and
kinsman redeemer” who redeemed him cf. Ezek. 34:23-25
Regarding the Patriarchs cf. Mt. 1:2
- Rom. 11:28-29
Moses (Question as to whether it is Ex. 3:2
Yeshua or the LORD here)
Moses & The Jewish People Ex. 14:19
Ex. 23:20-23
Num. 22:22 etc.
Joshua (appearance of the Captain) Josh. 5
Jewish People Judges 2:1-2; 5:23
Ish. 37:36 (cf. chapter for
Gideon Judges 6:1-24
Samson’s Parents Judges 13 (vss. 3, 6, 9, 15-18 v. 18,
Yeshua’s closeness with Israel (cf. The Servants Songs in Ish. 40-49, etc.
and see other verses listed immediately below.)
Note: The Jewish People can only have a ruler who is one of them, a brother. Dt. 17:14-16 v. 15. We explain the very “key” Hebrew in our teaching.
Mt. 1:1-17, 21 Lk. 1:30-33, 19:41
Mt. 5:17-20 Yochanon 4:22 (many other verses!!)
Rev. 5:5 Mt. 9:35-36
Rom. 1:3 Mt. 23:23
Rom. 9:4 Mk. 1:9,16-22
2 Tim. 2:8 Lk. 4:16, Rev. 22:16
Acts 13:2
“Key” Note: – There is not one verse in the Renewed Covenant of Gentiles being called directly into ministry that “bypasses” the Jewish brethren. The Samaritans receive the Spirit through the laying on of hands of the “Sent Ones”(Greek “Apostoloi”, apostles, that is, the Jewish brethren).
Acts 8:14-19, Acts 8:18
Cornelius’ household are the first Gentiles to receive the Spirit while hearing the Word from the Jewish brother Peter. Acts 10:5-8, 44-46 (cf. Acts 19:1-7)
We have an entire teaching devoted to why and what Cornelius does – what 2 very “key” things – that are the reasons Cornelius’ household are the first Gentiles to receive the Ruach Hakodesh.
We have noticed that among those who emphasize the Ruach Hakodesh, no attention seemingly is paid to asking, “why Cornelius”? What was it about him?
In summary for here we see 2 “key” dynamics in the Text.
- Cornelius exercises a “key” godly attribute of the LORD, “royal loving-kindness, mercy translated into action”, in the original Acts 10:2. In our teaching we open up that a form of the KG “eleos” for this, is missed in translation. Why? Western Tradition has little knowledge and sadly even less sensitivity to the Hebrew of the Torah that provides the background for much of the RCS.
In short, it is Cornelius’ action of “loving-kindness mercy” demonstrated not in “theory” but in action; how? Cornelius in Luke’s KG “poion elemousunas polias tw lao” “does loving-kindness mercy, much, specifically referring to the (Jewish) People.
In short Cornelius exercises a “key” godly attribute revealed by the LORD Himself to Moshe, when Moshe asked to see the LORD. Cf. Ex. 34:6-7.
It is also “key” that the godly attribute of “loving-kindness – mercy, mercy translated into action”, exercised both “much” (KG “pollas”, as above) and to the Jewish People, may well be why Cornelius and his household were the first Gentiles – after the Jewish brethren and the Samaritans, who were partly Jews – to receive the Spirit.
In short also, two ministries on Christian TV, one of them one of the largest and best known in the U.S., have very incorrectly taught on the opening of Acts 10 and Cornelius.
In both instances it was not taught from the KG text. One said to “give to this Christian network because Cornelius gave to the people”, the other, “Cornelius was a Gentile who had a vision so you can have a vision”.
Both of these took it without or completely out of context. Even a cursory reading of the text in English would show this!
Imagine the difference if an emphasis on the Ruach Hakodesh was about acquiring and putting into action the revelation of the godly attributes that the LORD exercises toward Man, and that Mashiach also emphasized and concretely demonstrated by his actions, and illuminated in his teaching.
Cf. Ex. 34:6-7. Cf. Lk. 10:37. Cf. Mt. 5:17-7:24.
In short for here, it was the “loving-kindness – mercy; mercy translated into action” exercised by the Good Samaritan – that Mashiach concluded his totally Hebrew based parable, with “go and do likewise” Lk. 10:37.
Patriarchs – See Genesis and previous references
God calling to Moses (see Ex. 3:2-6, 10-15, Ex. 24:9-12, Ex. 34:1-8, Lev. 1:1, Num. 12:2-8, etc.)
Joshua Joshua 1:1-5
David 1 Sam. 16:7,12-13
This is just one of many examples of God working through His creation found in numerous Psalms and in particular, the Jew (cf. Rom. 3:1-2, 9:4, 1 Cor. 3:5-10, etc., etc. cf. Dt. 4-7, Ish. 42:6, 43:10, cf. Ish. 2:2-3, etc.).
It is extremely, extremely “key” to be well aware that Western Teaching is not based on the Hebrew that not only is the overwhelming bulk of the Bible, but infuses the Gospel and much of the RCS Letters as well, but based on Greek.
As we repeatedly repeat in our teaching one of the characteristics of Greek thought is “passive”. Thus the emphasis in “waiting” – despite the fact that our KG concordance lists only 3 uses of “wait” – in the entire RCS!
Nowhere – nowhere – does Yeshua teach, emphasize, or illuminate “wait passively; sit back and do nothing while waiting for the LORD to supernaturally do everything”.
If so, how do we account for 669 uses of “be” in the KG text and 568 uses of “do” – 351 in the Gospel?
In short for here, the LORD instructed Abraham in the Hebrew of Gen. 12:2 “be (a) blessing”. We clearly see the LORD working directly through and “with” Moshe, in regard to Pharaoh and the Israelites in Egypt. “Egypt” in Hebrew means “constraint”. The LORD tells Moshe to say to Pharaoh that the Israelites are to be sent out of “Constraint” – physical and spiritual – in order to serve the LORD – not to be able to “wait” on Him. Cf. Ex. 4:21-23, etc. etc.
The Israelites had to fight their way into the Covenanted Land (Israel). The LORD was very much with them (!) – but the LORD nowhere told Moshe to tell the people to “wait, while I remove your enemies”.
Solomon had to build the Temple; he did not “wait” and watch as the LORD supernaturally caused the Temple in Jerusalem to appear, or bring it down from Heaven.
The, in Hebrew, “source place of the Presence that dwells like a neighbor” (“Tabernacle” in English) was built by the Israelites according to the pattern personally shown to Moshe by the LORD Ex. 25:9.
The Israelites are repeatedly instructed in revelation by the LORD “and you shall make…” Ex. 25:10, v. 17, 19,23, 24, 25, 26, 28-31, cf. v. 39, 26:1, 7, 14, 15, 19 et al.
Ex. 31 opens with the LORD’s revelation that certain individuals have been filled with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in order for these men, named Personally by the LORD, to make, fashion, craft, and build the totality of the revelation and instruction of the LORD regarding the “Source – Place of Holiness”. This is the other Hebrew term for the “Tabernacle”.
Nowhere – whatsoever – do we find Moshe, Aaron, his sons, the 70 “graybeards” (the literal meaning of “elder” (cf. Ex. 24:9-12, vss. 12-14, etc.) or the Israelites, seeking or chasing after “individualistic ecstatic experiences” – cf. 1 Cor. 12:12-27 and chapter 14, for Paul’s real emphasis to the Corinthians.
Moshe and Joshua and the Jewish People did not do so, nor did they seek what much later characterizes the pagan religions during the first century, and the pagan mystery cults, popular for a few centuries afterwards. Why? Why didn’t Moshe, and Joshua after him, do so?
The Jewish People despite their faults and at times a lack of steadfastness in the LORD, nonetheless had the unprecedented Presence of the LORD in their midst Ex. 20, 24, 25:8-9, 31:1-11, chapter 40, Lev. 1:1, chapter 9, 16:16, chapter 26, Num. 1:1-5, Dt. 1:1-11 chapters 4-7, etc. etc.
The LORD repeatedly – and consistently – reveals, instructs, teaches – and both encourages and warns, that the Israelites are in no way whatsoever, to have anything – whatsoever – to do with the ways of the pagans.
A critically “key” question is, “Does Mashiach teach otherwise”? Does Mashiach’s inclusion of the Gentiles mean the inclusion or the exclusion of the ways of the Nations?
Does Yeshua hold out the ways of the Gentiles as a model for his fellow Galilean Jews to embrace and imitate?
If so, how do we account for Mashiach’s repeatedly and consistently prohibiting the ways of the Gentiles-pagans?
How do we account for Yeshua in the “Teaching on the Hill” Mt. 5-7, consistently prohibiting the ways of the Gentiles-pagans, in Mt. 5:46-48, 6:7 – which immediately precedes the LORD’s Prayer – and 6:31-33.
In this illumination in Mt. 6:31-33 Yeshua compares – contrasts what the Gentiles seek – the immediate needs of “Self” – with “the head movement in time, of first importance”, seek the Kingdom and the righteousness.
Finally, and this is “key”, Matthew caps off “The Teaching on the Hill” of Mt. 5-7, by Yeshua comparing 3 things the pagan religions emphasized – trying to determine or “influence” the future, “casting out demons”, and deeds of “power” – as “proof” of the “presence” of their god or gods.
What does Yeshua introduce in Mt. 7:21-24? In short – a very sobering warning that the things the pagans emphasized are not to be emphasized in Yeshua’s name. Further, in the original, which we open up elsewhere, Yeshua tells those – plural – who are “workers without the Torah” (Matthew’s KG rendering ergazomenoi ten anomian, literally “specifically the subject spoken of workers very specifically without the Torah” KG anomian) – he never “knew them” – by “experience, intimacy, and personal relationship”.
What does the above have to do with the Ruach Hakodesh?
It is Israel; the most reverential way a Jew writes about his people is as Israel that the individual Gentile is engrafted into. Neither Gentile, nor the Jewish brother for sure, are grafted into a new now “Gentile Institution”!
In short, this means that which spiritually nourishes in Paul’s Ruach Hakodesh inspired words of Rom. 11:18 “of the richness of the fatness of the (olive) root”. Paul’s KG here by the way is particularly Hebraic (genitives strung together). Further, Paul’s KG form is “absolute” (again, genitive) and “specific” – not “qualitative”, that is it is not “in general” or “vague”.
A “key” in Rom. 11:17 is Paul’s KG use of “sugkoinonos” that would have been caught by his original Roman Gentile audience. Unfortunately translation does not bring out fully enough what Paul means.
Paul adds a “key” prefix to “koinonos” a form of the well-known KG word “koinonia”. “Koinonia” means “deep fellowship, partnership, sharing in common” – hence Koine “common” Greek.
The prefix of “koinonia” here is used with a number of words and indicates something done sort of “jointly, with others”. In other words, it is not merely a “sharing” of the “richness of the fatness of the olive root” – again KG written Hebraically – but “jointly together”.
Paul in the context of Romans is trying to bring Jew here – Gentile there – together. This, not “doctrinal positions to split and divide over into 1,001 denominations” – is a very major emphasis of Paul!
The “key” question regarding the Ruach Hakodesh is what is the major emphasis in the life, words, and teaching of Yeshua as well as Paul and the other Jewish brothers who write the Word of God under Ruach Hakodesh inspiration?
Is it “tongues” “signs and wonders” and “pursue individual physical healing while the Body of Mashiach is splintered?
In short, how do the 16 uses of “tongues” – with no teaching whatsoever on this by Mashiach – compare with hundreds of uses of “be”, “do”, 320 uses of forms of love, 370 uses of “brothers”, 155 of xaris “grace” – in part, “the exercise of godly attributes towards others” – 143 uses of “holy-holiness” (KG agios), 92 uses of “shalom”, etc.?
Why are there only 3 uses of xarismata iamaton not “gifts of healing” but “gifts of means of healing” – in the entire RCS? (1 Cor. 12:9, 28, 30). These are all in one chapter in one Letter of Paul – yet “love” 125 times, “brothers” 125-150 times and “shalom” – are in all 13 Letters?
Does the emphasis of the Body today follow that of a Biblical or non-Biblical model; no matter how well intended? Would even a cursory reading of 1 and 2 Corinthians yield to us “what a tremendous level of godliness, holiness, and spirituality” for us to imitate?
Should we emphasize what the Corinthians did?
What if we utilized so to speak, the Ruach Hakodesh to emphasize what Yeshua Hamashiach actually emphasizes, as well as that of the Ruach Hakodesh inspired Letters of the Jewish writers of the RCS?
In short as we hope we can open elsewhere in our teaching, Paul rather than encouraging individualistic uses of the Ruach Hakodesh speaks in particularly Hebrew Scripture, Hebrew, and Jewish terms based on thinking and emphasis of those 3 things.
That is, as Moshe asks the LORD in effect in the Hebrew of Ex. 33:13 “make known to me the multiplicity of Your ways that all function together for Your Single Purpose”.
As we have repeatedly repeated, in Yochanon 17:20-23 Yeshua in the original “extends the hands and asks” (Yochanon’s KG rendering eroto v. 20) that the followers be “absolutely compound oneness absolute as I and You”.
What if the Ruach Hakodesh were sought to help fill full the God given potential allocated to each (cf. 1 Cor. 12:11)!
You – the individual Gentile – is grafted into the root of Israel – meaning, the Jewish People. YOU ARE NOT GRAFTED INTO A MAN-MADE INSTITUTION OR JUST HAVE A “PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH YESHUA” IN ISOLATION.
There are 111 references to the Kingdom by Yeshua in the Gospels, – 32 in Matthew alone to “Kingdom of the Heavens” literally, in Matthew’s Koine Greek rendering reflecting Yeshua’s Hebrew-Jewish way of expressing the Kingdom. Yeshua’s ministry begins and ends with his proclaiming the Kingdom – not the “Church/church”! Cf. Mk. 1:15 and Acts 1:3. The very last verse in Acts, the very last thing we hear of Paul before he is martyred, is his two years “proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about/concerning Yeshua Hamashiach, Acts 28:31. Nothing is recorded here about Paul teaching on or about establishing a Gentile Institution – in which the Jew can “be a member of” as long as he “believes” and “knuckles under” to Gentile “doctrines” and leaders. That historically has very incorrectly been the case.
There is NOT ONE SINGLE REFERENCE – BY YESHUA (or anyone else) – to a Gentile Man-made Institution as it developed historically! The one reference to the Assembly in a universal sense (Mt. 16:18) by Yeshua should be translated Assembly – not “Church”. (We explain at length this “key” word “Assembly” in the forthcoming teaching on “Keys To Understanding Key Words In Scripture”. We show how the Greek “ekklesia” for the Hebrew “assembly”, in fact has NO etymological (word root) basis to be translated “church” rather than “assembly”. Further, that it is deliberately part of the completely non-Biblical de-Hebraizing, de-Judaizing of the Truth that replaces your relationship, obligation to, and in Greek, “association with”, (cf. the Greek of Eph. 2:11-22) the Jewish brothers – with a Gentile dominated Man made Institution! The real purpose of the Universal Assembly is found in Eph. 3:10! (Cf. also Eph. 3:4-6). Please see our recorded teaching on the KG text of these “key” verses.
The purpose of the Assembly – the real purpose – is found in Eph. 3:9-11. It reveals what was a musterion, a “mystery”, meaning something not previously known. In Ephesians 3:10, it makes “known now to the rulers and to the authorities in the heavenlies, through of the Assembly the rich, beautiful vast array (of the) Wisdom of the God”. In Ephesians 3:11 this is “according to the purpose of the ages (that) was done/made by means (of) the Mashiach Yeshua the Lord of us.”
There is the real purpose of the Assembly – in its universal sense. The Hebrew original under-lying “Assembly” comes from a verb; “to assemble for a single (higher) purpose”.
None of this has ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with a Man-made Gentile Institution which the “Jew” can “be a member of – if he “converts” and “becomes a Christian” – neither of which are actually found in the Renewed Covenant or the entire Bible.
None of this has ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the supposed sophos (wisdom) of Early Gentile Leaders or those of the supposed “Re-forming”; which today’s “System” comes from.
The text has to do with the polupoikilos, Eph. 3:10, “a garden with a vast array and variety of beautiful colors”, of the sophos Wisdom of God that through the Assembly – Gentiles now as Gentiles and Jews as Jews – without exthros enmity/bitterness, made into and functioning as an “organic” Body – reciprocating life, flow, action, movement (cf. Eph. 2:21-22) – not a stultifying “organization” that conforms everyone to its “image” and then has to de-Hebraicize, de-Judaize, take out of context, and misapply and mistranslate the Word in order to sustain itself!
As we see from Eph. 3:9-11, and especially in v. 11, God’s Plan is really about the “Big Picture”; this revelation through the Ruach Hakodesh to Paul completely correlates our Yeshua’s actual emphasis on the “Kingdom of the Heavens”.
God’s Plan is for the World – of which Jew and Gentile each has a particular “mission, function, and purpose”, of which you and I are collectively “part of the whole” – cf. 1 Yochanon 2:2, Yeshua makes propitiation “olou tou kosmou”, literally “whole of the World” a totally Hebrew expression. Cf. Yeshua’s own words in Mk. 10:45 from Isaiah 53:12…“give (his) (literally) breath in the throat, life, soul, person, a ransom for many”; again a Hebrew expression.
God’s Plan is NOT the “salvation of the individual” to the exclusion or minimizing of our “collectiveness” in the Kingdom.
The “salvation of the individual soul” in isolation and focused on the individual without a community, was the appeal and thrust of the pagan cults!
Yeshua’s “extend the hands and ask” form of prayer in Yochanon 17 is not for Western individualism. It is for Hebrew’s “absolute compound oneness, absolute one of his followers – as he and the Father” (Yochanon 17:20-23).
Paul’s Greek in Col. 3:1-5 Hebraically and in Jewish thought, speaks of our “collective personal relationship” with Mashiach and God.
Mashiach did NOT die so that 12 centuries later – there would be a major schism (split) into Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox over a “theological” point, followed roughly three centuries later into a “Protest” in which Christians butchered and persecuted one another – rather than Jews – and splintered into literally a thousand de-nominations. Followed very sadly by chaos, confusion (cf. the “akatastasias”, “chaos, confusion; caused by rebellion”, 1 Cor. 14:33), and 20 million brethren – in the U.S. alone – “out of the System”.
The unassailable historical FACTS that followed throughout the years were caused by Gentile Leadership. That this happened literally by replacing Jerusalem with Athens as the source of truth, and replacing the God given role to and of the Jewish brothers, with themselves, CANNOT BE DENIED – PERIOD. Are 1,001 “denominations” what Mashiach suffers and dies for?
Yeshua did not “shriek in horrific agony” (Mt. 27:46) on the Cross, so that 2,000 years later the Body would be splintered into a 1,000 pieces and the Gentile would still have “exthros” (enmity/bitterness), or, in Hebrew (cf. Gen. 12:3) “run past quickly, take lightly, be of no account; be a material reduction to”, his Jewish brother.
The Galilean Jews and Paul the Jew (Acts 22:1-3, Phpns. 3:5; cf. Acts 16:20 “these men are Jews”) – not Paul “the Christian converted to Christianity”, that Yeshua personally sent – did not teach nor establish this chaos, confusion and splintering. Paul nowhere teaches splintering into “denominations” over “theology”.
Man created this “akatastasias” (chaos, confusion caused by rebellion). As we have written, God works though His creation, especially the Jew. It is God’s Plan – most certainly not Man’s – to restore the Jewish brethren – as Jewish brethren – and send them to their Gentile brethren!
This is not a Man-initiated “Reforming”. It is ENTIRELY a sovereign work of the LORD – there was no Jewish “Luther” who rose up 35 or 50 years ago – it is the Ruach Hakodesh and God’s in Hebrew, “Arrangement” as part of in Hebrew, His Plan/Council.
It is also an act of His being “merciful” and “righteous” (cf. Psalm 145:17, Hebrew) towards the Gentiles in the West.
Rejection of the Jewish brethren is not a rejection of us – it is a rejection of the One Who sends us. Yeshua IS part and parcel of the Jewish People and especially the Jewish brethren, Mt. 1:1, 28:20, Yochanon 4:22 especially; cf. Rom. 1:3, 9:4, 2 Tim. 2:8, Rev. 5:5. Cf. Especially Mt. 25:31-46. For this very “key” fact please see our teaching “Who Sees Yeshua in Heaven?”.
Brethren, could the Jewish brethren today possibly make things worse if you “allow” us to return to the role God gives us…?
Again, a Body divided into Roman Catholicism – Eastern Orthodox, mainline Protestantism, 1,000 Evangelical denominations, and tens of millions around the World out of the Building, and “biting and devouring one another” (Galatians 5:15) – this is not what YESHUA died for!
Lastly, we point out some other facts –
- The Greek ekklesia has absolutely no etymological word root basis to be translated “church” rather than assembly.
- Yeshua refers to the Kingdom 111 There is one reference to the Assembly in its universal sense, (which the System emphasizes while largely ignoring Yeshua’s emphasis on the Kingdom). The Kingdom they cannot control; it is the LORD’s. A “Church” can be morphed into a “church” at the local level – which Man/men can then “control”.
- There are more references in the Renewed Covenant to the Kingdom than the Assembly, in the universal sense; 137 to less than 30.
- The KG text has 778 more uses of “you” plural – than “you” singular. I.e., there is more “we” than “me”. There are 865 uses of forms of we-us in the KG text.
- Compare this to 90-95% of what you hear and are taught; is it about “we” or “me”?!
- There are 370 uses in Greek of “brother”, “brothers”, “sister”, versus 3 uses of “Christianos”, Christian. Where is Scripture’s emphasis? Where is the emphasis you hear?
- There are 320 uses of forms of “agape”, including “beloved”. Compare this with the number of uses of “doctrine” – which is very highly questionable translation of the Greek for “teach”. In any case, agapeo is used vastly more than “doctrine”. Where is Scripture’s emphasis? Where is the emphasis you hear?
- There are 370 uses of forms of “agapeo”, 233 uses of “agios”, “holy”. There are 17 uses of “lalein glossai”; in KG speaking (in a) tongue (NOT “tongues”; basically refers to spoken human dialect understandable to others; cf. Acts 2:4).
- NOTE: There are 28 uses in the Renewed Covenant in Greek of a very “key” Hebrew word that is an Attribute of the LORD, Ex. 34:6-7 – “abounding overflowing acts of royal loving-kindness, mercy; mercy translated into action”. Cf. Psalm 136, cf. Lk. 10:36-37.
- Compare these 28 references to a total of 17 for “speaking (in a) tongue”.
- Compare the number of uses of agape and holy/holiness with “signs and wonders”. Where is Scripture’s emphasis? Where is the emphasis you hear?
- James – There is no Hebrew for “James”. Koine Greek “Iakobos” transliterates the Hebrew “Ya’akov”, English, Jacob – NOT “James”.
- Mary – There is no Hebrew for “Mary”. Koine Greek “Mariam” transliterates the Hebrew “Mir’yam”, English Miriam. (“Bitter”)
- Jude – There is no Hebrew for “Jude”. Koine Greek “Iouda” transliterates the Hebrew “Y’hudah”, English Judah – not “Jude”. (Hebrew “Y’hudah” from, “thanks, praise” Gen. 29:35)
- James – Mary – Jude – Jacob – Miriam – Judah – which names sound like 1st century
Israeli Jews – and which do not?
Compare The Following:
- Jacob 1:1 – “to the 12 tribes in the Dispersion”…
- Jacob 2:2 “for if (someone) comes into (the) sunagogen of you…” “Sunagogen” is where “synagogue” comes from “a place of gathering together”; the Greek prefix “sun”means “gather together in fellowship”, often translated when used as “sun” as “with”.
- Jacob 5:14 – “if anyone (is) sick call the Elders of the assembly. Note – “Elders” is entirely a Torah based Jewish Cf. Ex. 17, 24:9-11, etc.
Now Compare:
- “James” 1:1 – “to the 12 tribes in the Dispersion”…
- “James” 2:2 – “if someone comes into the assembly of you”. Note: – This is the only instance of the Greek “sunagogen” being translated “assembly” rather than “synagogue”. Note that the “synagogue of Satan” Revelation 3:9 is not changed to “assembly”. In context Yeshua in Revelation 3:9 is warning the early “wannabes” of Sardis; Gentiles who are the ancient forerunners of today’s “wannabe Jews”. That is, Christians who “invent” or “discover” “Jewish identities” and/or “play Jewish”.
- “James” 5:14 – “…call the Elders of the church.” Rather than the assembly – as the KG ekklesia actually means and is used for. “To the 12 tribes of the Dispersion” “James” 1:1
- James – assembly – church
- Jacob – synagogue – assembly
You decide which is the truth and who benefits from “James” – rather than Jacob…
You decide if Jacob was in fact “James” a “Christian” or “Jewish Christian” – terms in fact Jacob never uses (look – you won’t find them from him!) writing to other “Christians/Jewish Christians” about their “church” – or Jacob writing to synagogues of Jewish brothers about Torah/Jewish based matters – the style of Jacob’s Letter follows Proverbs – not Augustine, Luther, Calvin or the Daystar “mega-pastor”. Evangelical scholars point – readily – that Jacob’s style clearly reflects Proverbs.
Ask yourself – why change Jacob – Miriam – Judah to James – Mary – Jude if in fact that is who they really are…
We are treating this very extensively elsewhere – it is not mere “theology” – it is out of love for the potential consequences for you – cf. Mt. 7:21-23, 25:31-46; cf. especially Rom. 11:20, v. 22; cf. Rev. 2-3 et al.
You decide based on the number of references, what Yeshua himself emphasizes – versus “the Tradition of Men” (cf. Mk. 7:8).
The fact is that you, the individual Gentile, is a subject of the Kingdom, grafted into the root of Israel i.e., the Jewish People; and are part of “(a) renewed/new in quality man” (Greek kainon anthropan) “in union with Yeshua”, in which he abolished the exthran, “enmity/bitterness” between Jew – Gentile. You have your “association with” the Commonwealth of Israel (cf. Ephesians references above) and “with the holy (ones)”, i.e. the Jewish brethren (Eph. 2:19-20).
It is an “organic building” and grows into, in Greek, “(a) naon” i.e. the Holy of Holies area of the Temple, Eph. 2:21-22. Again – it is “organic” – it is not about any Gentile physical building in Eph. 2 – or anywhere else.
It is fact based on the number of actual references by Yeshua himself – that he emphasizes the Kingdom – and “each other – and not “loyalty” to a Gentile Institution, denomination, or local “Building”.
Nowhere in Scripture – PERIOD – is “allegiance” to a Gentile Institution or its “doctrines” a “requirement” for “salvation”!
Again – it is clear that God intended the Kingdom and an “organic organism” i.e. the Body – NOT a Gentile “organization” that replaces the “organism”.
It is not about “religion” – it is about the LORD Himself – in restoring the Jewish brethren – “saving you” from “religion” – and restoring the relationship He intends for us all, through and “in union with” (idea in the original), Yeshua (cf. Mt. 5:3-11, 7:21-23, Yochanon 13-17; cf. Especially 13:34-35; 15:12-15, 17:23; Gal. 6:2, Eph. 4:32 – 5:2, Col. 3:10, vs. 14-15, 2 Peter 1:3, 1 Yochanon 3:16-18, 3 Yochanon 5-10, Judah (rather than “Jude”) v. 3, Rev. 21-22 et al.
Christian commentators point out that the fastest period of growth in the history of the Body was during the first 100 years. It is NO COINCIDENCE that this was the time the Jewish brethren – as Jewish brethren – and in God’s Plan, led the Way with the Word. Once early Gentile leadership began deliberately distancing themselves from anything – or anyone Jewish and even Hebrew including the Jewish brethren – things were sadly never the same; nor could they be.
Today the LORD provides the ways and means to turn back to the way and model He intends – if we are only willing we can do it!
Mt. 16:19 Rom. 11:17-24, 25-31
Mk. 1:15 etc., etc. Rom. 15:7-11, 25-28
Eph. 2:11-15
Gen. 12:3 Lk. 7:2-5
Gen. 26:3-5 Acts 10:1-4, 30-33
Gen. 27:29 Rom. 1:16
Ex. 11:2-3 Rom. 3:1-2
Ex. 12:35-38 Rom. 9:1-4
Dt. 32:43 Rom. 11:11-15
Psalm 122:6
Ruth 1:15-17 Eph. 2:11-22
“See especially Titus 1:5 and Titus 3:13”
- A very “key” and MAJOR MINISTRY of Paul that you were NEVER TAUGHT – Paul’s five-year effort taking up a Collection from the Gentile followers to bring to Jerusalem – to help the Jewish brethren and Jewish people. We have a major extended teaching on this very “key” aspect of Paul’s ministry in the latter part of our very extensive teaching on “Tithing & Giving”.
Gal. 2:10 2 Cor. 8-9
1 Cor. 16:1-4 Rom. 15:25-28
Acts 24:17-18 – Paul has brought the
Collection to Jerusalem
Please note – these are listed chronologically – rather than as listed in your Bible, where Paul’s Letters are listed in order of length. We have listed them chronologically so that you can see the approximate 5-year time period Paul spent on this!
It is very, very, very “key” regarding Rom. 15:25-28 that you see that Paul in Greek “right now” (Greek nuni) is going to Jerusalem with the Collection – BEFORE going to the “end of the Earth”, which to him was Spain in the West.
Scholars estimate Paul goes 2,000 miles out of his way – in difficult and at times dangerous travel – to try to reconcile the Gentiles with the Jewish brethren – BEFORE – BEFORE – going on an “end of the Earth mission trip” (cf. 2 Cor. 9:10-14). You should note that 2 Cor. 8-9 taken in proper context and application has to do with the Collection from the Corinthian Gentiles to the Jewish brethren in Jerusalem. Christian scholars point out that the Collection in 2 Cor. 8-9 is one of three main reasons behind the Letter. (Compare 2 Cor. 9:7 which is on every “giving envelope” that we have seen, with the above. Compare 2 Cor. 9:7 with the context of 2 Cor. 8-9 as a whole and come to your own conclusion whether this verse belongs on an envelope to a Gentile Building – or, not.
- Paul’s emphasis on the reconciliation of Jew and Gentile – a major part of his ministry; and a very clear priority BEFORE going to “the ends of the Earth”, cf. Rom. 15:25-28.
- There in fact is FAR FAR FAR more emphasis on the obligation (Greek “ophelo”) of the Gentile to and “together with” their Jewish brethren, “in union with Yeshua”, than ANY Gentile building or a “denomination”, which in fact are contrary to Scripture’s actual emphasis on unity. (Cf. Yochanon 17:20-24, 1 Cor. 12:12-13; cf. vss. 25-27, Rom. 12:4-5, Phpns. 2:2, Eph. 2:27; cf. 4:2, cf. Lk. 11:17).
- Compare Paul’s actual emphasis with what the “System” says – and determine which is the actual Biblical model for us to follow.
- 2 Cor. 9:7 – on every “giving” envelope in virtually every building, English-speaking/non-English speaking, black, white, and brown has absolutely nothing – in context and application – to do with being a “a cheerful giver” to a local Gentile building – PERIOD! Read the verses around 2 Cor. 9:7, especially the last few of the chapter and we will clearly see this for ourselves!
- The reason 2 Cor. 9:7 has to be cited – and again – taken out of context and misapplied to the local building – is because in fact there is NO actual Biblical basis for supporting the “building” – which did not begin until the second century – when early emerging Gentile leadership began deliberately breaking away from anything Jewish – including the Jewish brethren.
- As above, Paul spent approximately 5 years and went 2,000 miles out of his way to take the Collection first to Jerusalem. This was not only for the very real material need there (Gal. 2:10, Acts 24:17) but more importantly the spiritual dynamic of reconciling Gentile to Jew, 2 Cor. 9:11-15!
***Paul calls Gentiles to support and bless their Jewish brethren and the obligation of the Gentiles to do so, and the spiritual benefit Gentiles receive (2 Corinthians 9:14-15).
Rom. 15:25-28
1 Cor. 9
1 Cor. 16:1-4
2 Cor. 8-9; especially 2 Cor. 9:7!!
Gal. 2:10
Titus 3:13 (See also Gen. 12:3)
3 Yochanon 5-8
There are no verses whatsoever that speak of Christians being “blessed” by “giving” to the local Gentile building/ministry/denomination. At the end of our forthcoming teaching on “Tithing And Giving” we list all of the KG uses of “obligation” and “blessing”. Look for oneself and see if what Scripture does/does not say matches up with what you hear and are taught.
Elsewhere we show how verses that are popular for “supporting” Gentile enterprises such as 2 Cor. 9:7, Mal. 3:10, Lk. 6:38, Phpns. 4:19, etc. are simply taken out of context and misapplied – because there are no verses in the Renewed Covenant to support the Gentile building while IGNORING the obligation to the Jewish brethren and the Jewish People. We will include teaching on two other “key” topics – how the Gentile is under no obligation whatsoever to “tithe” – even to the Jewish brethren – and how the local assembly in fact does not “Replace” the Temple in Jerusalem, as the “place” to “now bring your tithes and offerings”.
You should note that in Greek “the renewed/new in quality Jerusalem”, describing Heaven in Rev. 21-22, in no way is based on the Western Gentile mega-assembly – or any other Gentile based model.
Are you giving under leadership’s prompting, haranguing, and “carrot and stick” approach to give materially to a building that one day will be gone and will not be there, in Hebrew, for “length of days”? Are you giving under leadership’s prompting, haranguing, and “carrot and stick” approach to a ministry that may well go up after being tested in “puros”, “fire”, like wood, hay, straw, (cf. 1 Cor. 3:10-15)?
Paul makes a “key” fundamental and foundational point to the Corinthians, in the context not only of 1 Cor. 3 but first and later, 2 Cor. as a whole.
The Corinthians after Paul spends “(a) year and six months teaching the Word of the God” Acts 18:11 to them, “bail out” on Paul. They literally went after those more in keeping with the Greek-pagan Corinthian ethos they were supposed to have left, as followers of Yeshua.
That is, the Corinthians all too readily accepted speakers and charismatic personalities more along the lines of those literally prized by Greek culture, than the Truth from Paul, who did not “fit” that mold. Cf. 2 Cor. 10:10, vss. 12-13, 11:3-8, vss. 22-23, etc. Cf. also 2 Cor. 2:17 and 4:2.
The Corinthians all too readily financially literally gave to those who Paul lastly warned his beloved Timothy about – “ear ticklers” 2 Tim. 4:3. The context of 2 Tim. 4:3 is in the KG “eautois” “of themselves”. That is, people of themselves sought speakers and “teachers” who told them what the people wanted to hear rather than what they needed to hear. Paul no doubt writes this not based on “in theory if it happens”, he clearly experiences this with the Corinthians and sees it elsewhere in his travels.
What does this have to do with giving to a Building or Gentile enterprise that one day, will be gone? Is Heaven, based on Rev. 4-5 and especially Rev. 21-22, chapter 21 in particular, “in Heaven and on Earth”, the original of Mt. 6:10 of the Lord’s Prayer, described as a Western mega-building?
In other words is where one is being exhorted, “encouraged” or pressured to give, the actual Biblical model – or as Paul points out to the Corinthians, is it going to go up as “wood, hay and straw” 1 Cor 3:11-5 vss. 12-13?
In short Paul tries to get the Corinthians, in context, to focus on what ministry lasts – and what will not, when tested by “puros” “fire” 1 Cor. 3:13.
“Key” in 1 Cor. 3:13-15 is Paul making the point of whether a work that the Corinthians embrace – chase after, cf. 1 Cor 3:1-5, is one that will last – or not.
In short, if Heaven is not described in terms of a post-Biblical Western building, then what about all that one “gives” to the Building and enterprises – even with the very very best of intention?
In short, as we ask the “key” question in our teaching on “Tithing And Giving” “is one investing in a “vanishing return”? That is, is the Building going to be gone one day? Then what? What then, even with the very best of intentions, is one investing in the things of Heaven and the Biblical model, cf. again Mt. 6:10, or, the “Traditions of Men”?
The encouraging, very encouraging thing is that one today can learn from the mistakes of Self and the culture and thinking the Corinthians tragically never apparently were able to remove and rise above.
Today the LORD in His Graciousness is, in an historically unprecedented way, giving those of the Nations, a golden opportunity to hear His Word – as He intends!
Our “mission – function – purpose” is not to “tell you” “what you must think – or else”. It is, with the LORD’s help, by “educating, encouraging, equipping, and enlightening you with the tools to help you see and hear the Text afresh – and to think for yourself. As we have repeatedly repeated in our teaching, we (that is the teacher) are accountable for what he/she puts forth Jacob 3:1. We have this verse ever before us.
Each individual, as much as Scripture emphasizes “we”, will one day give an account for their own actions or lack thereof Mt. 7:21-24, etc. 2 Cor. 5:10, cf. Rev. 22:12.
Are you a Ruth, a Cornelius, a Titus, a Lydia or an Onesimus (Greek – “useful”)?
***Paul “sends Titus” (Titus 1:5) – Titus does not “send Paul” – Gentiles as Paul’s and other Jews in Greek “sungergou” – “gathered together in fellowship workers of” meaning, “in association with”, Paul and the Jewish brothers.
Cf. Acts 10 – Cornelius Phpns. 2:19, 25-26, 29-30
Acts 11:12 Col. 1:7
Acts 15:19-22 2 Tim. 1:16-18
Acts 20:1, 17-32 2 Tim. 4:9-12
Rom. 15:25-32 Titus 1:5
1 & 2 Cor. (many verses) Philemon verses 10-13, v. 16
Note also the rewards they receive.
Ruth Ruth 1:15-19; 4:17 Mt. 1:5
Cornelius Acts 10:1-5,33,44-48
Titus Titus 1:4 2 Cor. 8:16,23
Lydia Acts 1:14-15
Onesimus 2 Tim. 1:16-18 Philemon 10-11,16
Partnering together!
Gen. 9:25-27 Lk. 24:27, 44
Dt. 6:7 John 20:16
Prov. 6:23 2 Tim. 2:15, 3:16
Ish. 2:2-3
Mt. 7:3
Mt. 9:35
Mt. 26:55
This is found in every chapter from chapters 2-20. Notice how extensive this is! This is the actual Biblical model. Today the LORD is providing the opportunity to once again follow His model!
Acts 2:42 Acts 14:21-23
Acts 5:28, 42 Acts 19:8-11
Acts 6:4 Acts 20:25-31
Acts 10:22-23
- In Acts 14:21-23 the Jewish brothers appoint Elders – based on a Torah and Jewish based model cf. Ex. 17. Nowhere in Scripture do we read of Gentile leaders/brothers appointing Elders among/for the Jewish brothers.
- In Acts 15 – and this is very “key” – the Jewish leaders decide the necessary minimal requirements for Gentiles to fellowship with them. This meeting is known as the “Jerusalem Council”. Again, nowhere in Scripture do we find Gentile leadership making any such determinations for Jewish brothers – period.
- That would not happen until 2-3 centuries after the close of Scripture. That is when Gentile Councils began passing resolutions in earnest, deliberately excluding anything Jewish, and even excluding deliberately the Jewish brothers, as they did at the Council of Nicea 325 AD, which passed the “Trinity”.
- The Jewish leaders at the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 acknowledge and praised God’s inclusion of the They looked at including the Gentile brother while excluding the Gentiles’ ungodly pagan ways that were contrary to the Jewish brothers, the Jewish brothers being Torah observant and faithful to the Teaching of the LORD. Cf. Exodus 34, Deuteronomy 4-7 et al., et al. Cf. Mt. 5:47, 6:7, v. 32 Note that 2 out of the 3 references to Gentiles in Matthew’s Koine Greek are “ethnikoi”, pagans. Cf. Mt. 5:17-22; 7:21-23; 23:3 and v. 23; Acts 21-28, for the Jewish brothers’ observance of the Torah as Yeshua himself taught them, and as they continued Acts 21-28; including Paul!
- Post Biblical Gentile leadership demanded the Jewish brethren renounce any and all Jewish practices and customs, deliberately distanced themselves from the Jewish brethren for living the very Word of God, and threatened “excommunication” – which they had absolutely no Biblical mandate whatsoever to do. The Jewish brethren followed Yeshua’s own upholding of the Torah for them in Mt. 5:17-20 etc. and Yeshua’s own life cf. Lk 4:16
- Post Biblical Gentile leadership also very deliberately rejected Jerusalem as the source of truth, for Athens. Tertullian, a Gentile Father and no particular friend of the Jewish People said, nonetheless, “what has Athens to do with Jerusalem?”
- You should also be aware that virtually every – every – major Gentile Father wrote “Adversus Judaeos”, Latin for “Against the Jews”, anti-Semitic anti-Judaism writings. Christians generally are not taught that this – not the Gospel and RCS – is what fueled historic anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism – and still in fused and is inculcated in Western Tradition today. Sometimes this is very direct, other times very subtly so. Many are not even aware that it unfortunately in fact is
Abraham – Gen. 12:1-5 (also Isaac and Jacob)
Joseph – Gen. 41:38-44
Moses – Ex. 11:4
Mordecai – Esth. 10:3
Daniel – Dnl. 6:3
Zech. 8:23
Mt. 10:1
Acts 1:8
Acts 15:19-36
Acts 26:14 – the Eleven Disciples, Paul, and the other Jewish followers.
- Yeshua Hamashiach is still part and parcel of the Jewish People! Revelation 5:5 describes a scene in Heaven in which Yeshua is referred to as “the Lion out from within and part of the whole of the tribe of Judah” (Yochanon’s Greek; cf. Yochanon 4:22; cf. Mt. 1:1, Rom. 13, 9:4; cf. 2 Tim. 2:8).
- Yeshua told the “Taught Ones” the Galilean Jews he personally sent out, that he “and behold I with (i.e. in fellowship) you – plural – am the totality (to) end the days”…Mt. 28:20.
- Yeshua will never – ever – ever – ever – abandon his fellow Jewish brethren. The question dear brother/sister, is what about you?
- You can “ignore” what you have just read, and “hope” it will “go away” – which it won’t.
- Or, you can act on it. Scripture is clear – we all have to give an account one day for our actions or lack thereof. Cf. Mt. 7:21, 2 Cor. 5:10, Rom. 11:22, 14:10 and v. 12; cf. Rev. 20, 22:12. Cf. Ps. 18:21 (H) v. 25 (H).
- Yeshua did not only pay the price for our salvation Yeshua paid for and desires that we truly be “one in love” (Cf. Mt. 5:21-22, Yochanon 13:34 chapter 17; cf. Eph. 2:12-21).
- We hope you will honor the “horizontal” work of the Cross, as well as the “vertical”.
After a 1600-year absence – 1600 years (!) – and when my dear Christian brethren are looking for more, for blessing, for revival, the LORD is returning your Jewish Brothers to the Body – and, to you. Why not take advantage of what our wonderful LORD is doing these days?
There is now the very unprecedented opportunity after 1600 years, to return back to the actual Biblical model, closer to an actual 1st century Biblical model – and honor more fully Yeshua’s work on the Cross, and for what Paul knocked himself out.
For Christians to unite with their Jewish Brothers, learn together with us, and be blessed for blessing us – as we hope the above teaching opened up for you!