Welcome! We Invite You to Learn More of God and Finding God

To listen to this – and any of our audios – please simply click or tap the black circle. Click or tap again to pause or stop the audio. 

Jacob Stone’s Bio – Audio

** Warm Greetings in Yeshua’s name! I’m Jacob Stone. I’ve been a Jewish follower of Yeshua for 32 years. I was given a very rare combination of background & experience for a Bible teacher. I had an all-Jewish family, including a great-grandfather who served as a rabbi in NYC. I also have decades of Conservative Jewish learning & experience. This includes being Bar Mitzvah, graduating from a 6-year after school Hebrew school, 10 summers at a Sabbath-observant Jewish summer camp, spending a summer in Israel, and later, several years in a Conservative synagogue. As an adult, 12 years in Orthodox Jewish space – including staying with & learning together with Orthodox Jewish rabbis. My dear wife and I spent six years in a Messianic Jewish assembly – where I was a co-founder and first director of the first after-school Messianic Hebrew school in the U.S. My wife & I altogether have also spent several months in Israel.

** Plus – for almost 30 years – I’ve been intensely studying & teaching – directly – from the often Hebraic/Jewish Greek Renewed Covenant Scriptures (a much more accurate – and Biblical – name than “New Testament – as our teaching explains). You’ll learn a wealth of true Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots not seen in English! Learn Yeshua’s Hebrew Heart. I care what you learn – because it impacts you!

We humbly thank God for our Testimonies Page!

Why the Bible Teacher You Choose is Extremely Important for You – Because They Will Impact You

Why I as a Christian Learn, Support & Work Together with My Jewish Brother Jacob – John

You’ll find more testimonies on our Testimonies page

Praise God, we have 100’s of very original both audio & written Hebrew & Greek Bible based teachings, podcasts – and more – in 8 Windows for you. You will find them directly accessible further down back on our Home page.

** We Encourage You to Listen to our Audio Welcome and for our Hearts’ Desire for You!

** Why It Took 12 1/2 Years to Get This Site Online – But Praise God It’s Here!

Finding More of God and Finding God

Why settle for the minimum when God wants us to have the maximum spiritually and provides and equips us to do so?

  • If you are looking to grow in depth, knowledge, understanding, and applying Yeshua’s teachings to the World and yourself, we are very much here for you!
  • If you are looking for more of God or on a journey of finding God, we are very much here to serve you
  • If you have started to question the Religious System, left it, or been left by it, we are especially here for you!
  • We’re much much more than just “Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots”; to access our fresh Hebrew & Greek Bible based teaching please click or tap here to learn much more!  
  • Our website is to help provide you with as comprehensive as possible, a go-to source of very in-depth teaching and encouragement for your study, learning, and applying of the Word of God, the Bible.  How?
  • With God’s help we deeply open up for you, the incredible truth, depth, and unmatched richness and unparalleled accuracy and authenticity of the Bible’s original languages – Hebrew & often Hebraic/Jewish Greek Bible text.  Why?
  • Our hearts’ desire is to enable all followers of Yeshua to be more like him! Through our in-depth teaching of Scripture, we help you in finding God or finding more of God.

What We Do That is Radically Biblical – And Very Authentically Hebrew & Jewish – Audio  to listen please click or tap here

What We Do that is Radically Biblical and Very Authentically Hebrew & Jewish – Essay

** Very warm greetings in Yeshua’s name! I’m Jacob Stone. I’m from a fully Jewish family & background. I’ve followed Yeshua for 32 years. I care what you learn. That’s why our teaching and site is different. My Jewish & Hebrew experience includes altogether several months in Israel, plus 12 years in Orthodox Jewish space – including staying & learning with very Orthodox Jewish rabbis.

** Be blessed by also learning directly from the often Hebraic/Jewish Greek part of the Bible (I have almost 30 years now of intensive study & teaching experience).

*** Why not be blessed and be a blessing to others (!) by kindly donating to our work. Please click or tap the Donate button above.

* To learn more on why we ask you to kindly support our work, please click or tap the Support tab.  Thank you!


Finding God through the Jewish and Hebrew Roots of the Bible


We are not here to judge you. We are here to love you.

We are here to encourage you, and build you up in the LORD. Our hearts’ desire is that you fill full the potential God intends for all of us! Doing so by loving and serving Him and in connectedness with that, loving and serving others. We are here to help you to learn how to love others even more. We are not here to tell you what you must think. We are, very much here, to help you to better think for yourself. So that you can derive the most benefit, this is why we learn together from the original languages!

Even if you are not particularly looking for the overarching Hebrew basis of the Bible and of Yeshua, we believe there is much here for you that you have not (probably) heard – or been taught – about the Bible and following Yeshua.

The goal is to help you learn not just of Yeshua, but to learn deeply from Yeshua in order to be and do as he teaches and lived out for us! This is why we learn together from the original languages.  What better source for you?  This will help you draw closer to him and to the Father. With God’s help we seek to provide you with not Hebrew and “Jewish Roots” but rather real Hebrew and Jewish light, so you can apply the Word of God to your life – and to the World!  

For more information for you about finding God and finding more of God or detail about the why of the website, please also see our written essay Why This Website Is Different – A Deeper Explanation.

Please also be sure to see our written Some Key Themes Of Our Website!

Learn the Jewish & Hebrew Roots of the Bible to Find More of God

Welcome! May the LORD the Creator and Sustainer of the Heavens and the Earth richly bless you!

Though our primary mission-function-purpose is teaching and discipling, we are also very much here to minister to those in need, through prayer. If you have prayer needs or requests, please see the CONTACT US tab. We also very much seek to teach and minister to you through in-depth teaching on the Hebrew Scripture basis of Biblically-based prayer. This can greatly aid your prayer life!

Learn More About Finding More of God and Finding God & Your Getting the Most Out of Our Website

** To open the essays (blue titles) please click or tap the title

Welcome! – Essay

Welcome! – Part 2 – Essay

** To listen to the audio below please click or tap the circle. To pause or stop, please click or tap the circle again.

Our Brother Jacob’s Letter to Us

Serving Him by Serving You – Essay

Radically Biblical – And Very Authentically Hebrew & Jewish – Essay

Why is This Website Different – A Deeper Explanation – Essay

Some Key Themes of Our Website – Essay

We hope our website is a blessing and very helpful to you in developing your understanding and applying of the Bible. If you would like to help us spread the Word of God and be a blessing to others, please click or tap on the CONTACT US tab.

*** Access Hundreds of Our Original Content Hebrew & Greek Bible Based Audio & Written TeachingsAnd Moreplease click or tap here

*** For testimonies of how the LORD has used us to positively impact others, please click on Testimonies!

A list of original language texts used in our teaching and a select bibliography will be coming soon.

In-Depth Biblical Teachings & the Word of God

Special Thank You for Help in Spreading the Word of God

This website is to honor the LORD and to serve Him by serving others through His Word as illuminated for us by His Son Yeshua Hamashiach. Through our teachings, we help to spread the Word of God and a better understanding of the Word of God and how it helps you and the World – in finding God and finding more of God.

I (your brother Jacob) would also like to thank God for sending my dear Gentile brother John, my Tertios (Romans 16:22), and the rest of his fellow “Philippians” (Philippians 4:10, 16).

A special thank you also to Jason for his tech help and input.

Finally, to my very dear wife Rachel, a woman of valor as in Proverbs 31 who has had to sacrifice more than she should have during her husband’s 28+ years of ministry and especially as regarding the website. May she be repaid a hundred-fold (Mark 10:28-30).

The site is also dedicated to the memory of the Six Million and the millions of other Jews murdered and persecuted in Europe over the last almost 2,000 years.

The photo of the Western Wall on the Home page was chosen because it symbolizes that everything about God was sent out to the World from here and will eventually (hopefully soon! cf. 2 Pet. 3:12) return here. Cf. Isaiah 2:2-3, Zechariah 8,14, Psalm 20:3, 122:6 et al. Cf. Acts 1:8, etc.

Yeshua taught literally within the shadow of the Western Wall area! Cf. Yochanon (“John”) 10:22 etc. Scholars point out that on all 3 of Paul’s missions trips he always circled back to Jerusalem!

Paul and the other Jewish Taught Ones – those personally sent by Yeshua – worshipped here as well. Cf. Acts 3:1, 21:20-28, 24:17-18 etc.

Revelation 21, about Heaven, consistently speaks in very specific terms about Jerusalem! Cf. Rev. 22.

The Torah scroll pictured on the Teaching & Podcasts page, contains the Five Books of Moses, the first five Biblical books.

The Torah is one long scroll with sections of specially prepared parchments attached together.

At a deeper level, this shows us the wholeness and oneness of the Torah as the Word of the LORD.

Yeshua saw the Torah only in this form – and saw it only as, Torah. Cf. Lk. 4:16-17. There are *167 citations of the Torah in the Gospel.

Paul cites the Torah over *190 times in his thirteen Letters.

*counted from a Translator’s Edition Greek Text Index of Quotations

The scroll is handwritten and takes about a year for a scribe to produce. It must be absolutely 100% error-free to be considered kosher (fit) for use. The reader holds what is called in Hebrew literally (a) “hand” which is used for following along while reading.

A Torah scroll has no chapter and verse divisions or punctuation. Sections are separated by what is known in Hebrew as open and closed paragraphs.