God’s Son Yeshua – Part of the Whole of the Jewish People

* God’s Son Yeshua, the divine wisdom, will, protection, teaching (the deeper meaning of Word), came to Earth in Jewish flesh – and as part of the whole of the Jewish People. Yeshua – completely uniquely – helps the Jewish People in both his divinity as the angel of the LORD and in his Jewish humanity. Yeshua is still part of the Jewish People – now – in Heaven – cf. Rev. 5:5, 22:16. Understanding and acting on this will impact you (please be sure to see our “key” notes ahead). Yeshua on Earth was not a 19th century American. Yeshua never thought, spoke – or taught – in English.  Yeshua’s languages were Hebrew and its very close sister language Aramaic – both very different than English. Yeshua on Earth was a first-century Israeli from northern Israel. Yeshua’s first-century Israel – and the Middle East – then and now – were/are very very emotional; it’s about the heart, not the ‘intellect’. His parents were pious, godly Jews.  As a Jew, Yeshua underwent the covenant of circumcision on his eighth day – as the Torah instructs (Gen. 17; cf. Lk. 2:21). He was given his Hebrew name – and all its deep meaning & significance – ‘Yeshua’. (Please see our “key” notes ahead). Yeshua regularly attended the synagogue in his hometown of Nazaret (“Nazareth”) (Lk. 4:16).  

** Though his teaching – and character – were infinitely beyond theirs, Yeshua’s teaching style was modeled after the Pharisees – and is also, very Hebrew & Jewish based cf. Lk. 2:46 et al. (Again, please see our notes ahead). Yeshua preached the Good News – and emphasizes (in the original) the Kingdom of the Heavens. He emphasizes love of others. He emphasizes acquiring – and acting with – godly character traits & integrity Mt. 5:1-7:28 etc., etc. He teaches – and lived out – what those more deeply are. Yeshua’s followers are taught Hebrew’s wholeness, totality, connectedness, oneness; be & do. Yeshua – and the Bible – actually teach & emphasize ‘we’, not ‘me’. Not, Greek’s separation & compartmentalization and passive and position. Not the Western focus on Self.

** It was – overwhelmingly – Yeshua’s fellow Jews of the Galil (“Galilee”) – whom he healed and who experienced his miracles. Those that Yeshua healed he restored to their community. He restores us to His Father – and to each other – today. All – all – those he personally called into service were, his fellow Jews. They were the only ones who saw his Transfiguration and attended his last Passover Seder. Yeshua’s three Resurrection appearances were seen only by his fellow Jews. Those Jews he personally called & sent to the World are the only ones who saw his Ascension from the Mount of Olives – opposite Yerushalyim (“Jerusalem”) – the city he wept for (Lk. 19:41).

** Yeshua’s Bible is the Hebrew Bible – cf. Lk. 24:27, esp. v.44; cf. Mt. 5:17-20 etc. That’s why we teach & emphasize for you, please learn from a competent teacher of the Bible’s rich original languages! Why?  It’s how you’ll learn the deeper – and real – truly Biblically authentic Hebrew Roots & Jewish Roots – and more – of the Bible and following Yeshua! For Biblical citations please see our notes, just below.

The key – and true – Hebrew Root & Jewish Root from the Torah that Yeshua emphasizes, expands, illuminates – and lived?  Love. Love not only of God, but also love of neighbor. Do you know Yeshua gives love as the Torah’s, in part more deeply in Hebrew, ‘fulfilling of which leads to fullness of life’ (‘commandment’)?  Do you know that the most cited Torah verse in the RCS (Renewed Covenant Scriptures; much more Biblically accurate than ‘New Testament’; please see our Glossary below) – and taught by Yeshua – is Lev. 19:18. “…love – complete devotion to the other…to breath after someone… your neighbor like, as a model, yourself”.

Dear one – just imagine the joy it brings the Father and the honoring of Yeshua, when Yeshua’s Gentile followers Torah observance is, to love, to ‘…desire to draw the other close; to breath after’, their Jewish Brothers (followers of Yeshua) – and each other!

To access these essays below, please click or tap the titles

Original “Key” Notes & Teaching on Yeshua – And More  Part 1 – Essay

Original “Key” Notes & Teaching on Yeshua – And More – Going Deeper  Part 2 – Essay